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Tags: arnemauer/ESPEasy



Release v2.0.0-dev7

Changes in v2.0.0-dev7 (since v2.0.0-dev6):

Edwin Eefting (6):
      timers can be disabled by setting them to 0 now. cleaned up event output logging. added timer out-of-bounds checks
      added i2scanner via serial. removed spaces from Adafruit Motor Shield library so it works with arduino IDE
      fixed Arduino IDE compilebug and added help to enable plugin sets in Arduino IDE
      automaticly updated release notes for v2.0.0-dev7
      fix in release-script (forgot to commit it last time)
      automaticly updated release notes for v2.0.0-dev7

krikk (2):
      code cleanup for HTTP advanced controller
      show date in webinterface,  and changed password fields to type=password (letscontrolit#161)


Release v2.0.0-dev6

Changes in v2.0.0-dev6 (since v2.0.0-dev5):

Edwin Eefting (16):
      created script to assist in creating releases
      bug fix: plugin_id should not start with a 0. (compiler interprets this as octal!)
      Revert "bug fix: plugin_id should not start with a 0. (compiler interprets this as octal!)"
      bug fix: plugin_id should not start with a 0. (compiler interprets this as octal!)
      added NDIR CO2 Sensor MH-Z19 plugin to TESTING plugin set
      remove artificial sensor startup delays. (now all sensors are send immediatly after booting and wifi-connecting)
      do hardwareinit() earlier so that outputs are set immeadiatly instead of waiting for connect. fixes letscontrolit#114
      enable status light as soon as wifi is connected
      use sizeof instead of magic numbers
      Implemented speaker and tone functions from
      enabled Arduino OTA for dev-firmware only, to ease developing. minor output-tweaks
      cold boot startup delay
      major change: changed the timing of the first sensor read after initial boot. cleaned up and improved deep sleeping code.
      added plugin to testing. remove useless value variable
      automaticly updated release notes for v2.0.0-dev6
      automaticly updated release notes for v2.0.0-dev6

Gerald (2):
      HTTP Advanced, enhanced, so that only one http request is sent for one sensor (letscontrolit#156)
      added missing sensor type, to fix problem with i2c soilmoisture sensor... (letscontrolit#157)

Jochen Krapf (1):
      cancel deep sleep loop by pulling the pin GPIO16(D0) to GND (letscontrolit#158)

dzikus (1):
      Added BMP280_CONFIG_SETTING to reduce the temperature of sensor and use oversampling filter (letscontrolit#155)


Release v2.0.0-dev5

Changes in v2.0.0-dev5 (since v2.0.0-dev4):

DatuX (5):

Edwin Eefting (8):
      deploy in platformio format
      simplified string handling and fixed buffer overflow
      created release notes from R148 to v2.0.0-dev4
      updated release notes for test1
      BUILD_GIT is now defined via environement variables
      use TRAVIS_TAG when building releases
      automaticly updated release notes for v2.0.0-dev5
      automaticly updated release notes for v2.0.0-dev5

Gerald (3):
      Update _P047_i2c-soil-moisture-sensor.ino
      one newline to much
      add missing features from "Generic HTTP" Plugin to "Generic HTTP Advanced" Plugin (letscontrolit#151)

Gustavo Spadari (3):
      Adding IR received code extra info
      Rename tmpString to cmdCode for clarity
      IR RAW Code implementation

JustMe-NL (4):
      Fix double define
      Fix Windspeed values
      Fix broken Domoticz MQTT helper
      Update WebServer.ino

Nonflammable (1):
      Extend functionality of P038

krikk (7):
      new Plugin for SoilMoisturesensor from Tindie (     minor fixes in http advanced to allow sensor type triple and http response 2xx not 200 only
      version check to detect if sensor is present, optimized address handling
      added measurement mode selection
      minor fix, shared variable name with bme280, not good :)
      variable name collision with adafruit motorshield v2 library, no functional change
      new plugin for adafruit motorshield v2, still needs a library and only support DC Motors up till now... still room for improvement
      added function to enable/disable sleep mode and version check

psy0rztest (1):
      Removed !echo, because its not supported in Windows.