- Brasil, São Paulo
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/arrudadev
This is an example of a implementation of hexagonal architecture using TypeScript.
This project is a simple example to how to use LocalStack to simulate AWS Services.
TypeScript UpdatedOct 18, 2024 -
This project is a simple example to how to use AWS Rekognition and Translate services, using AWS Lambda.
ignite-rn-im-here Public
A introduction app about React Native from the Rocketset's Ignite course.
TypeScript UpdatedSep 10, 2024 -
alura-python-getting-started Public
Code from the getting started Python course from Alura
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 7, 2023 -
tech-talk-stenciljs Public
Code Example that was showed in the Tech Talk about web components and StencilJs in the Reclame Aqui
TypeScript UpdatedMar 3, 2023 -
Project developed in the alura`s course of introduction data science with python.
ignite-reactjs-design-system Public
App from ignite react js course, to build a design system.
stencil-poc Public
POC of usage of the StencilJs for build web components
pi-smart-storage Public
Web project from the Integrated project of the college.
expo-barcode-scanner-poc Public
barcode scanner with react native and expo (poc)
smst-web Public
poc to develop the website of the integrated project with tailwindcss and prismajs
aluracord Public
Project built during the React Immersion Aluracord edition of Alura!
nlwheat-ui-clone Public
UI Clone from the website of the Next Level Week Heat.
ignite-reactjs-worldtrip Public
Code of the Challenge 6 of the Ignite course on the ReactJs trail of the Rocketseat platform.
getninjas-frontend-challenge Public
GetNinjas frontend technical test project.
react-data-fetching Public
A simple example of how to fetching data with React Query.
react-unit-testing Public
A simple example of how to build tests in a React app using Jest and Testing library.
react-storybook-example Public
A example of usage of the Storybook in a ReactJs app
jamstack-next-graphcms Public
A simple JAMStack app using NextJs, Graphql and GraphCMS.