Simple and fast JavaScript reactive programming library.
- Small. 2 KB minified and gzipped. No dependencies
- Fast. No unnecessary calculations and excellent performance
- Simple. Small API and autotracking of dependencies
- Well typed. Written in TypeScript
import { signal, effect, batch } from '@spred/core';
const formatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-GB');
const name = signal('Paul');
const instrument = signal('bass');
const birthday = signal('1942-06-18');
const formattedBirthday = signal((get) =>
formatter.format(new Date(get(birthday)))
effect((get) =>
`Hello. My name is ${get(name)}, I play ${get(instrument)} ` +
`and I was born on ${get(formattedBirthday)}.`
// > Hello. My name is Paul, I play bass and I was born on 18/06/1942.
batch(() => {
// > Hello. My name is Ringo, I play drums and I was born on 07/07/1940.
npm install @spred/core --save
Signal is the basic reactive primitive of the library. A signal stores a value and notifies its subscribers when it changes. To create a writable signal you should call the signal function with an initial value that is not a function.
import { signal, on } from '@spred/core';
const counter = signal(0);
You can get the current value of a signal by the value field.
// > 0
To set a new value of a writable signal, you should call the set method with the new value.
// > 1
A call of the signal function with a function argument creates a computed signal. That signal tracks the dependencies accessed by the passed getter and recalculates its own value when the dependencies change. The return value of the passed computation function must depend only on other signals accessed by the getter.
const doubleCounter = signal((get) => get(counter) * 2);
// > 2
Signal value updates can be subscribed to using the subscribe method. The second argument of the method specifies whether the function should be called immediately after subscribing, and defaults to true. The method returns the unsubscribe function.
const unsub = doubleCounter.subscribe((value) =>
console.log('Double value is ' + value)
// > Double value is 2
// > Double value is 4
// Nothing
// > 6
You can also subscribe to a signal value updates without immediately executing the subscriber using on function, which is a shorthand for someSignal.subscribe(someFn, false)
on(doubleCounter, (value) => console.log('Double value is ' + value));
// Nothing
// > Double value is 8
Computed signals initialize their values lazily. That means that the calculation function triggers only when the signal has at least one subscriber or dependent signal with a subscriber.
Writable signal updates are immediate and synchronous.
import { signal, batch, on, action } from '@spred/core';
const a = signal(0);
const b = signal(0);
const sum = signal((get) => get(a) + get(b));
sum.subscribe((s) => console.log('a + b = ' + s));
// > a + b = 0
// > a + b = 1
// > a + b = 2
You can commit several updates as a single transaction using the batch function.
batch(() => {
// > a + b = 4
You can also wrap your function in action to batch the updates made during its execution.
const act = action(() => {
// > a + b = 6
All updates made inside subscribers and computations are batched too.
const trigger = signal(0);
on(trigger, () => {
// > a + b = 8
By default all signals trigger their dependents and subscribers only if its value changes.
import { signal } from '@spred/core';
const counter = signal(0);
const doubleCounter = signal((get) => get(counter) * 2);
const unsub = doubleCounter.subscribe((value) =>
console.log('Double value is ' + value)
// > Double value is 0
// Nothing
// > Double value is 2
Signals use to compare values, but you can set custom equality function in signal options.
const obj = signal(
{ value: 1 },
equal(a, b) {
return a.value === (b && b.value);
obj.subscribe((obj) => console.log('Object value is ' + obj.value));
// > Object value is 1
obj.set({ value: 1 });
// Nothing
obj.set({ value: 2 });
// > Object value is 2
Undefined values are ignored and can be used for filtering.
const oddCounter = signal((get) => {
if (get(counter) % 2) return get(counter);
oddCounter.subscribe((value) => console.log('Odd value is ' + value));
// > Odd value is 1
// Nothing
// > Odd value is 3
effect calls the passed function immediately and every time its dependencies change.
import { signal, effect, batch } from '@spred/core';
const a = signal('Hello');
const b = signal('World');
const dispose = effect((get) => {
console.log(`${get(a)} ${get(b)}!`);
// > Hello World!
batch(() => {
// > Foo Bar!
// Nothing
Under the hood, the effect is simply a computed signal that becomes active at the moment of creation.
Every signal has lifecycle hooks whose handlers can be set in the signal options.
- the signal is created;onActivate
- the signal becomes active (has at least one subscriber or dependent signal with a subscriber);onDectivate
- the signal becomes inactive (doesn't have any subscriber or dependent signal with a subscriber);onUpdate
- the signal updates its value;onCleanup
- the signal value is going to be computed or the signal becomes inactive;onException
- an unhandled exception occurs during the signal computation.
Spred signals implement Svelte store contract so you don't need any additional package to use them in Svelte apps.
Use the spred-react package.
Big thanks for inspiration to