I am a passionate software developer from Recife (🇧🇷). Really love to craft/design, implement, test, and deploy software. I have extensive knowledge of Python, which I've been working on since 2010, but I'm also familiar with Javascript, Typescript, and SQL. I have experience in web development, computational intelligence algorithms, data scraping, cloud computing, testing, and various other skill sets. Let me know if I can help you in any aspects of the development chain: whether it involves implementing data pipelines or MLOps, building API services from scratch, implementing spiders, or handling optimization, monitoring, and refactoring of existing projects.
- 2023-2024 Fullstack Developer @savantlabs
- 2020-2022 Fullstack Developer @pluralsight
- 2015-2020 CTO @intelivix
- 2013-2014 Web Developer Claria Seguros
Currently looking for my next steps. Wanna hire me? Reach me so we can talk about it.
- 2023-xxxx Ph.D in Computer Science (W.I.P)
- 2022-2023 MBA in Deep Learning
- 2010-2012 MSc. in Computer Science
- 2007-2010 B.Tech. in System Analysis
- 2012 "A fuzzy weighted clustering method for symbolic interval data" - Arthur F. M. Alvim; Renata C. M. R de Souza
- Python Brasil 2014
- Scipy Latin America 2021 (On-line)