update(schema): made one for sessions settigns
update(schema): made one for sessions settigns
update(timer): fixed import of audioRef
update(timer): fixed import of audioRef
update(useTimerStore): made it to original default time
update(useTimerStore): made it to original default time
fix(sounds): fixed warning errors for react-player as its trying to p…
fix(sounds): fixed warning errors for react-player as its trying to p…
fix(timer/timerWorker): code clean up and made worker an arrow function
fix(timer/timerWorker): code clean up and made worker an arrow function
fix(global-css): added original color scheme
fix(global-css): added original color scheme
fix(task-item): error with spring animation, fixed
fix(task-item): error with spring animation, fixed
chore(timer): animation updated smoother
chore(timer): animation updated smoother
chore(timer): audio working again
chore(timer): audio working again
refactor(worker-timer): only using decrement
refactor(worker-timer): only using decrement
fix(Timer): made alarm sound turn off when user presses next button
fix(Timer): made alarm sound turn off when user presses next button
fix(timerWorker.ts) : aded cleaner and more structure approach
fix(timerWorker.ts) : aded cleaner and more structure approach
fix(sessions-ui): fixed progress bar to show pink at start of session
fix(sessions-ui): fixed progress bar to show pink at start of session
fix(timer): when timeleft is update ui is updated
fix(timer): when timeleft is update ui is updated
fix(timer): able to use web workers to fix countdown
fix(timer): able to use web workers to fix countdown
Force push
fix(timer): able to use web workers to fix countdown
fix(timer): able to use web workers to fix countdown
update(alarm-soudns): sounds should be able to play now
update(alarm-soudns): sounds should be able to play now
update(alarm-soudns): sounds should be able to play now
update(alarm-soudns): sounds should be able to play now
added(alarm-sounds): forgot to add alarm sounds to public folder
added(alarm-sounds): forgot to add alarm sounds to public folder
fix(dahsboard): made dashboard start when opening
fix(dahsboard): made dashboard start when opening
debugging(vercel): made package.json files all same react version
debugging(vercel): made package.json files all same react version
debugging(vercel): deleted bun.lock
debugging(vercel): deleted bun.lock
debugging(vercel: bun lock cleaned up
debugging(vercel: bun lock cleaned up
debugging(vercel: making react and react-dom match
debugging(vercel: making react and react-dom match
fix(typescript errors): updated typescript errors
fix(typescript errors): updated typescript errors