Editing/Delete : was able to add the functionality of editing text an…
Editing/Delete : was able to add the functionality of editing text an…
Supabase : complete section of database and ui updates in real time
Supabase : complete section of database and ui updates in real time
Supabase : able to have data be shown
Supabase : able to have data be shown
Supabase : was able have user insert to table
Supabase : was able have user insert to table
Supabase : still trying to insert data to database
Supabase : still trying to insert data to database
Authentication : added login and log out functionality / finished
Authentication : added login and log out functionality / finished
Authentication : completed github authenticatin
Authentication : completed github authenticatin
Supabase : was able to have environemntal variables to work
Supabase : was able to have environemntal variables to work