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An Awesome list for the Adafruit QT Py and Seeed Studio XIAO


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Awesome QT Py
Awesome QT Py

A curated list of awesome Adafruit QT Py and Seeed Studio XIAO guides, hardware, software and resources.

Adafruit QT Py and Seeed Studios XIAO are microcontroller centered electronics in a small form factor. With USB connectivity on such a small package, QT Py and XIAO provide robust capabilities in a very small space.


Typical Specifications

  • Dimensions: 21.8mm x 17.8mm x 5.8mm / 0.9" x 0.7" x 0.2"
  • Board pins: 14 (7x2) on a 0.1 inch spacing
  • USB: USB-C Connector
  • Approximate weight (depends on particular board): 2.2g / 0.1oz

Introduction and Social Media


Processor Boards

Adafruit QT Py Processor Boards

Name Processor CircuitPython Arduino Wireless Features
QT Py RP2040 RP2040 Yes Yes No Stemma QT I2C Port
QT Py ESP32 Pico ESP32 Pico V3 02 MicroPython Yes WiFi+BLE+BT 8MB Flash, 2MB PSRAM, Stemma QT Port
QT Py ESP32-C3 WiFi ESP32-C3 MicroPython Yes WiFi Stemma QT I2C Port
QT Py ESP32-S2 ESP32-S2 Yes Yes WiFi 4MB Flash, 2MB PSRAM, Stemma QT I2C, chip antenna
QT Py ESP32-S2 ESP32-S2 Yes Yes WiFi 4MB Flash, 2MB PSRAM, Stemma QT I2C, uFL antenna connector
QT Py S3 ESP32-S3 Yes Yes WiFi+BLE 2MB PSRAM, Stemma QT Port
QT Py ESP32-S3 ESP32-S3 Yes Yes WiFi+BLE 8MB Flash, NO PSRAM, Stemma QT
QT Py - SAMD21 ATSAMD21E18 Yes Yes No Stemma QT I2C Port
CH552 QT Py CH552 No Yes No Announced

Seeed Studio XIAO Processor Boards

Name Processor CircuitPython Arduino Wireless Features
XIAO ESP32C3 ESP32-C3 Yes Yes WiFi u.FL Antenna
XIAO ESP32C6 ESP32-C6 No Yes WiFi6+BLE+802.15.4 Zigbee/Thread Support
XIAO nRF52840 nRF52840 Yes Yes WiFi+BLE Chip Antenna
XIAO nRF52840 Sense nRF52840 Yes Yes WiFi+BLE Microphone and 6-DOF IMU
XIAO RP2040 RP2040 Yes Yes No NeoPixel LED
XIAO ESP32S3 ESP32-S3 No Yes WiFi+BLE Chip + u.FL Antenna
XIAO ESP32S3 Sense ESP32-S3 No Yes WiFi+BLE Camera, Microphone, u.FL Antenna

Add-on Boards

Adafruit calls their QT Py size add-on boards "BFF"

Company Name Features
Adafruit EYESPI BFF for QT Py or Xiao 18 Pin EYESPI FPC Connector for connecting displays
Adafruit microSD Card BFF Add-On for QT Py and Xiao Provides a microSD card slot
Adafruit Audio BFF Add-on for QT Py and Xiao MAX98357 3 watt audio amplifier, microSD slot, connector for speaker
Adafruit NeoKey BFF for Mechanical Key Add-On Add a Cherry MX compatible switch
Adafruit BNO055 + BMP280 BFF Add-On for QT Py 9 degree-of-freedom (9DoF) motion plus pressure/altitude sensing
Adafruit DC Power BFF Add-On for QT Py Power a QT Py or XIAO up to 20 volts DC
Adafruit CAN Bus BFF Add-On for QT Py MCP26525 CAN controller+transceiver and connector
Adafruit NeoPixel Driver BFF Add-On for QT Py and Xiao Level shift signal to 5V for NeoPixel LED driving
Adafruit I2S Amplifier BFF Add-On for QT Py and Xiao MAX98357 audio amplifier and picoblade speaker connector
Adafruit 5x5 NeoPixel Grid BFF Add-On for QT Py and Xiao 25 (5x5) small RGB LEDs
Seeed Studio Expansion Board Base for XIAO Grove OLED - IIC, Uart, Analog/Digital
Seeed Studio CAN Bus Breakout Board for XIAO and QT Py MCP2515 controller, SN65HVD230 transceiver chip, terminal blocks
Seeed Studio Grove Base for XIAO 4/8 Grove ports + embedded battery management chip
Seeed Studio Round Display for XIAO - 1.28-inch round touch screen 240×240 resolution, 65k colors, RTC, charge IC, TF card slot
Seeed Studio 6x10 RGB MATRIX for XIAO 60 LEDs onboard, 1m*1m WS2812B LED
Seeed Studio 24GHz mmWave Sensor for XIAO Human Static Presence
Seeed Studio ePaper Breakout Board 24-pin FPC connection, addt'l 8-pin 2.54 header
Seeed Studio GNSS add on Module for XIAO L76K GNSS Module, global tracking GPS, BeiDou, GLONASS, and QZSS
Evil Genius Labs One Inch Fibonacci64 64 RGB LEDs in a Fibonacci distribution
Evil Genius Labs One Inch Fibonacci32 32 RGB LEDs in a Fibonacci distribution
Evil Genius Labs Mega CycloHex Hexagonally-nested rings with 228 RGB LEDs, 6 touch pads via an Adafruit QT Py SAMD21
Evil Genius Labs CycloHex Hexagonally-nested rings with 228 RGB LEDs, 6 touch pads via an Adafruit QT Py SAMD21
Evil Genius Labs Fibonacci64 Flower 64 RGB LEDs in a Fibonacci distribution
Evil Genius Labs Fibonacci64 50mm Goggle Lens 50mm circular disc with 64 RGB LEDs in a Fibonacci distribution
Evil Genius Labs Fibonacci182 Card 182 RGB LEDs in a Fibonacci distribution
Evil Genius Labs Fibonacci64 Micro HDR 64 RGB LEDs in a Fibonacci distribution
Evil Genius Labs Fibonacci64 Micro 64 RGB LEDs in a Fibonacci distribution
Evil Genius Labs Fibonacci64 Nano 64 RGB LEDs in a Fibonacci distribution
Cyborg5 / OSH Park IRHat2 IoT Infrared Remote using Raspberry Pi Zero W and Adafruit QT Py Hat described here
SparkFun WVR Audio Development Board - USB Host Version A sample player powered by an ESP32. XIAO is USB Host


Company Name Features
Printables Case for Adafruit QT PY RP2040 and Seeed XIAO RP2040 3D printable case







Contributions and suggestions are always welcome! Please make GitHub pull requests to modify Awesome QY Py.

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To the extent possible under law, the authors have waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this work.


An Awesome list for the Adafruit QT Py and Seeed Studio XIAO







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