At the heart of this library is ChaN's FatFs - Generic FAT Filesystem Module. It also contains a Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) SD Card block driver for the Raspberry Pi Pico derived from SDBlockDevice from Mbed OS 5, and a 4-bit wide Secure Digital Input Output (SDIO) driver derived from ZuluSCSI-firmware. It is wrapped up in a complete runnable project, with a little command line interface, some self tests, and an example data logging application.
- Migrate to Raspberry Pi Pico SDK 2.0.0
- Simplify SPI wait for DMA transfer completion, including elimination of DMA interrupt handler For required migration actions, see Appendix A: Migration actions.
- CRC performance improvements for SPI
- Clean up
- Refactor SPI sd_write_blocks
- Drop support for SD Standard Capacity Memory Card (up to and including 2 GB). SDSC Card uses byte unit address and SDHC and SDXC Cards (CCS=1) use block unit address (512 Bytes unit).
- Fix bug in SPI sd_write_blocks that caused single block writes to be sent with CMD25 WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCK instead of CMD24 WRITE_BLOCK.
- Added src/include/file_stream.h and src/src/file_stream.c which use the C library's fopencookie—open a stream with custom callbacks API to put a buffered Standard Input/Output (stdio) wrapper around the FreeRTOS-Plus-FAT Standard API.
- Added examples/stdio_buffering/ which shows how to use the C library's Standard Input/Output (stdio) buffering to achieve significant (up to 2X) speedups in many applications.
- See Appendix D: Performance Tuning Tips.
Fix initialization problem when multiple SD cards share an SPI bus. The fix puts all cards into SPI mode at driver initialization time (rather than deferring until media initialization time).
Faster way to read trailing CRC bytes
Substantial performance improvement for writing large contiguous blocks of data. This is accomplished by avoiding sending "stop transmission" for as long as possible. The improved throughput is especially noticeable on SDIO-attached cards, since the 4 bit wide SD interface is less of a bottleneck than the 1 bit wide SPI.
Added ability to statically assign DMA channels for SPI. (See SPI Controller Configuration.)
Fix miscalculation in get_num_sectors
- In the hardware configuration specification,
member ofsd_card_t
has been removed. Rationale: FatFs provides ways to customize the volume ID strings (or "drive prefixes") used to designate logical drives (see FF_STR_VOLUME_ID).pcName
was redundant and confusing. - A new example has been added in
. This example illustrates the use of Unix style drive prefixes. (See Path Names on the FatFs API). It also demonstrates customization of the FatFs configuration file,ffconf.h
. - Added a new section to this README: Customizing the FatFs - Generic FAT Filesystem Module.
For required migration actions, see Appendix A: Migration actions.
Note: v1.2.4 and v1.1.2 remain available on the v1.2.4 branch and the v1.1.2 branch, repectively.
- Supports multiple SD cards, all in a common file system
- Supports desktop compatible SD card formats
- Supports 4-bit wide SDIO by PIO, or SPI using built in SPI controllers, or both
- Supports multiple SPIs
- Supports multiple SD Cards per SPI
- Supports multiple SDIO buses
- Supports Real Time Clock for maintaining file and directory time stamps
- Supports Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) for data integrity
- Compatible with Pico W
- Plus all the neat features provided by FatFs
- This library currently does not support multiple partitions on an SD card. Neither does Windows.
- SPI attached cards:
- One or two Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) controllers may be used.
- For each SPI controller used, one GPIO is needed for each of RX, TX, and SCK. Note: each SPI controller can only use a limited set of GPIOs for these functions.
- For each SD card attached to an SPI controller, a GPIO is needed for slave (or "chip") select (SS or "CS"), and, optionally, another for Card Detect (CD or "DET").
- SDIO attached cards:
- A PIO block
- Two DMA channels claimed with
- A configurable DMA IRQ is hooked with
(configurable) and enabled. - Six GPIOs for signal pins, and, optionally, another for CD (Card Detect). Four pins must be at fixed offsets from D0 (which itself can be anywhere):
- CLK_gpio = D0_gpio - 2.
- D1_gpio = D0_gpio + 1;
- D2_gpio = D0_gpio + 2;
- D3_gpio = D0_gpio + 3;
For the complete
examples/command_line application,
configured for one SPI attached card and one SDIO-attached card, release build,
as reported by link flag -Wl,--print-memory-usage
Memory region Used Size Region Size %age Used
FLASH: 167056 B 2 MB 7.97%
RAM: 17524 B 256 KB 6.68%
A MinSizeRel
build for a single SPI-attached card:
Memory region Used Size Region Size %age Used
FLASH: 124568 B 2 MB 5.94%
RAM: 12084 B 256 KB 4.61%
A MinSizeRel
build configured for three SPI-attached and one SDIO-attached SD cards:
Memory region Used Size Region Size %age Used
FLASH: 133704 B 2 MB 6.38%
RAM: 21172 B 256 KB 8.08%
Writing and reading a file of 200 MiB of psuedorandom data on the same
Silicon Power 3D NAND U1 32GB microSD card inserted into a
Pico Stackable, Plug & Play SD Card Expansion Module
at the default Pico system clock frequency (clk_sys
) of 125 MHz, Release
build, using the command
big_file_test bf 200
once on SPI and one on SDIO.
- Writing
- Elapsed seconds 19.1
- Transfer rate 10.5 MiB/s (11.0 MB/s), or 10703 KiB/s (10960 kB/s) (87683 kb/s)
- Reading
- Elapsed seconds 16.3
- Transfer rate 12.3 MiB/s (12.9 MB/s), or 12550 KiB/s (12851 kB/s) (102807 kb/s)
- Writing
- Writing
- Elapsed seconds 72.9
- Transfer rate 2.74 MiB/s (2.88 MB/s), or 2808 KiB/s (2875 kB/s) (23002 kb/s)
- Reading
- Elapsed seconds 75.9
- Transfer rate 2.63 MiB/s (2.76 MB/s), or 2697 KiB/s (2762 kB/s) (22096 kb/s)
- Writing
Results from a port of SdFat's bench:
... write speed and latency speed,max,min,avg KB/Sec,usec,usec,usec 11372.8,7731,5540,5719 9532.5,19400,5515,6835 ... read speed and latency speed,max,min,avg KB/Sec,usec,usec,usec 13173.1,5221,4940,4978 13173.1,5220,4940,4972 ...
- SPI:
... write speed and latency speed,max,min,avg KB/Sec,usec,usec,usec 2887.0,23936,22497,22663 2904.6,23923,22496,22546 ... read speed and latency speed,max,min,avg KB/Sec,usec,usec,usec 2778.4,24017,23569,23592 2778.4,24018,23569,23587 ...
The main reason to use SDIO is for the much greater speed that the 4-bit wide interface gets you. However, you pay for that in pins. SPI can get by with four GPIOs for the first card and one more for each additional card. SDIO needs at least six GPIOs, and the 4 bits of the data bus have to be on consecutive GPIOs. It is possible to put more than one card on an SDIO bus (each card has an address in the protocol), but at the higher speeds (higher than this implementation can do) the tight timing requirements don't allow it. I haven't tried it. Running multiple SD cards on multiple SDIO buses works, but it does require a lot of pins and PIO resources.
You can mix and match the attachment types. One strategy: use SDIO for cache and SPI for backing store. A similar strategy that I have used: SDIO for fast, interactive use, and SPI to offload data.
This library is not specifically designed for use with FreeRTOS. For use with FreeRTOS, I suggest you consider FreeRTOS-FAT-CLI-for-RPi-Pico instead. That implementation is designed from the ground up for FreeRTOS.
While FatFs has some support for “re-entrancy” or thread safety (where "thread" == "task", in FreeRTOS terminology), it is limited to operations such as:
- f_read
- f_write
- f_sync
- f_close
- f_lseek
- f_closedir
- f_readdir
- f_truncate
There does not appear to be sufficient FAT and directory locking in FatFs to make operations like f_mkdir
, f_chdir
and f_getcwd
thread safe. If your application has a static directory tree, it should be OK in a multi-tasking application with FatFs. Otherwise, you probably need to add some additional locking.
Then, there are the facilities used for mutual exclusion and various ways of waiting (delay, wait for interrupt, etc.). This library uses the Pico SDK facilities (which are oriented towards multi-processing on the two cores), but FreeRTOS-FAT-CLI-for-RPi-Pico uses the FreeRTOS facilities, which put the waiting task into a Blocked state, allowing other, Ready tasks to run.
FreeRTOS-FAT-CLI-for-RPi-Pico is designed to maximize parallelism. So, if you have two cores and multiple SD card buses (SPI or SDIO), multiple FreeRTOS tasks can keep them all busy simultaneously.
There are a variety of RP2040 boards on the market that provide an integrated µSD socket. As far as I know, most are useable with this library.
- Maker Pi Pico works on SPI1. Looks fine for 4-bit wide SDIO.
- I don't think the Pimoroni Pico VGA Demo Base can work with a built in RP2040 SPI controller. It looks like RP20040 SPI0 SCK needs to be on GPIO 2, 6, or 18 (pin 4, 9, or 24, respectively), but Pimoroni wired it to GPIO 5 (pin 7). SDIO? For sure it could work with one bit SDIO, but I don't know about 4-bit. It looks like it can work, depending on what other functions you need on the board.
- The SparkFun RP2040 Thing Plus works well on SPI1. For SDIO, the data lines are consecutive, but in the reverse order! I think that it could be made to work, but you might have to do some bit twiddling. A downside to this board is that it's difficult to access the signal lines if you want to look at them with, say, a logic analyzer or an oscilloscope.
- Challenger RP2040 SD/RTC looks usable for SPI only.
- RP2040-GEEK This looks capable of 4 bit wide SDIO.
- Here is one list of RP2040 boards: earlephilhower/arduino-pico: Raspberry Pi Pico Arduino core, for all RP2040 boards Only a fraction of them have an SD card socket.
Raspberry Pi Pico or some other kind of RP2040 board
Something like the Adafruit Micro SD SPI or SDIO Card Breakout Board1 or SparkFun microSD Transflash Breakout
Warning: Avoid Aduino breakout boards like these: Micro SD Storage Board Micro SD Card Modules. They are designed for 5 V Arduino signals. Many use simple resistor dividers to drop the signal voltage, and will not work properly with the 3.3 V Raspberry Pi Pico. However, see The 5V Arduino SD modules might work with a simple trick.
Breadboard and wires
Raspberry Pi Pico C/C++ SDK
(Optional) A couple of ~10 kΩ - 50 kΩ resistors for pull-ups
(Optional) 100 nF, 1 µF, and 10 µF capacitors for decoupling
(Optional) 22 µH inductor for decoupling
Please see here for an example wiring table for an SPI attached card and an SDIO attached card on the same Pico. SPI and SDIO at 31.5 MHz are pretty demanding electrically. You need good, solid wiring, especially for grounds. A printed circuit board with a ground plane would be nice!
- The wiring is so simple that I didn't bother with a schematic. I just referred to the table above, wiring point-to-point from the Pin column on the Pico to the MicroSD 0 column on the Transflash.
- Card Detect is optional. Some SD card sockets have no provision for it. Even if it is provided by the hardware, if you have no requirement for it you can skip it and save a Pico I/O pin.
- You can choose to use none, either or both of the Pico's SPIs.
- You can choose to use zero or more PIO SDIO interfaces. [However, currently, the library has only been tested with zero or one.] I don't know that there's much call for it.
- It's possible to put more than one card on an SDIO bus, but there is currently no support in this library for it.
- For SDIO, data lines D0 - D3 must be on consecutive GPIOs, with D0 being the lowest numbered GPIO. Furthermore, the CMD signal must be on GPIO D0 GPIO number - 2, modulo 32. (This can be changed in the PIO code.)
- Wires should be kept short and direct. SPI operates at HF radio frequencies.
- The SPI MISO (DO on SD card, SPIx RX on Pico) is open collector or tristateable push-pull, depending on the type of card.
MMCs use an open collector bus, so it is imperative to pull this up if you want compatibility with MMCs.
However, modern SD cards use strong push-pull tristateable outputs and shouldn't need this pull up.
On some SD cards, you can configure the card's output drivers using the Driver Stage Register (DSR).2).
The Pico internal
is weak: around 56uA or 60kΩ. If a pull up is needed, it's best to add an external pull up resistor of around 5-50 kΩ to 3.3v. The internalgpio_pull_up
can be disabled in the hardware configuration by setting theno_miso_gpio_pull_up
attribute of thespi_t
object. - The SPI Slave Select (SS), or Chip Select (CS) line enables one SPI slave of possibly multiple slaves on the bus. This is what enables the tristate buffer for Data Out (DO), among other things. It's best to pull CS up so that it doesn't float before the Pico GPIO is initialized. It is imperative to pull it up for any devices on the bus that aren't initialized. For example, if you have two SD cards on one bus but the firmware is aware of only one card (see hw_config), don't let the CS float on the unused one. At power up the CS/DAT3 line has a 50 kΩ pull up enabled in the SD card, but I wouldn't necessarily count on that. It will be disabled if the card is initialized, and it won't be enabled again until the card is power cycled. Also, the RP2040 defaults GPIO pins to pull down, which might override the SD card's pull up.
- Driving the SD card directly with the GPIOs is not ideal. Take a look at the CM1624. Unfortunately, it's a tiny little surface mount part -- not so easy to work with, but the schematic in the data sheet is still instructive. Besides the pull up resistors, it's a good idea to have 25 - 100 Ω series source termination resistors in each of the signal lines. This gives a cleaner signal, allowing higher baud rates. Even if you don't care about speed, it also helps to control the slew rate and current, which can reduce EMI and noise in general. (This can be important in audio applications, for example.) Ideally, the resistor should be as close as possible to the driving end of the line. That would be the Pico end for CS, SCK, MOSI, and the SD card end for MISO. For SDIO, the data lines are bidirectional, so, ideally, you'd have a source termination resistor at each end. Practically speaking, the clock is by far the most important to terminate, because each edge is significant. The other lines probably have time to bounce around before being clocked. Ideally, the resistance should be towards the low end for fat PCB traces, and towards the high end for flying wires, but if you have a drawer full of 47 Ω resistors they'll probably work well enough.
- It can be helpful to add a decoupling capacitor or three (e.g., 100 nF, 1 µF, and 10 µF) between 3.3 V and GND on the SD card. ChaN also recommends putting a 22 µH inductor in series with the Vcc (or "Vdd") line to the SD card.
- Good grounds are very important. Remember, the current for all of the signal lines will flow back through the grounds. There is a reason that the Pico devotes eight pins to GND.
- If your system allows hot removal and insertion of an SD card, remember to allow for floating lines when the card is removed and inrush current when the card is inserted. See Cosideration to Bus Floating and Hot Insertion.
- Note: the Adafruit Breakout Board takes care of the pull ups and decoupling caps, but the Sparkfun one doesn't. And, you can never have too many decoupling caps.
- There is one case in which Card Detect can be important: when the user can hot swap the physical card while the file system is mounted. In this case, the file system might have no way of knowing that the card was swapped, and so it will continue to assume that its prior knowledge of the FATs and directories is still valid. File system corruption and data loss are the likely results.
- If Card Detect is used, in order to detect a card swap there needs to be a way for the application to be made aware of a change in state when the card is removed. This could take the form of a GPIO interrupt (see examples/command_line), or polling.
- Some workarounds for absence of Card Detect:
- Periodically poll sd_test_com() which can be called any time after sd_init_driver() is called. This function minimally accesses the bus to check for the presence of an SD card. The internals of this call automatically flags the SD interface for reinitialization when false is returned. If false is returned when the previous call returned true, it is important to invalidate any file handles that are still opened, unmount, and reset any mounted flags. Then don't try to remount until sd_test_com() returns true once again.
- If you don't care much about performance or battery life, you could mount the card before each access and unmount it after. This might be a good strategy for a slow data logging application, for example.
- Some other form of polling: if the card is periodically accessed at rate faster than the user can swap cards, then the temporary absence of a card will be noticed, so a swap will be detected. For example, if a data logging application writes a log record to the card once per second, it is unlikely that the user could swap cards between accesses.
- Follow instructions in Getting started with Raspberry Pi Pico to set up the development environment.
- Install source code:
git clone --recurse-submodules no-OS-FatFs
- Customize:
- Configure the code to match the hardware: see section Customizing for the Hardware Configuration, below.
- Customize ffconf.h as desired
- Customize
in CMakeLists.txt as you prefer. (See 4.1. Serial input and output on Raspberry Pi Pico in Getting started with Raspberry Pi Pico and 2.7.1. Standard Input/Output (stdio) Support in Raspberry Pi Pico C/C++ SDK.)
- Build:
cd no-OS-FatFs/examples/command_line
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
- Program the device
- See Appendix B: Operation of
example for operation.
This library can support many different hardware configurations.
Therefore, the hardware configuration is not defined in the library3.
Instead, the application must provide it.
The configuration is defined in "objects" of type spi_t
(see sd_driver/spi.h
, sd_sdio_if_t
, and sd_card_t
(see sd_driver/sd_card.h
- Instances of
describe the configuration of SD card sockets. - Each instance of
is associated (one to one) with ansd_spi_if_t
interface object, and points to it withspi_if_p
4. - Instances of
specify the configuration of an SDIO/PIO interface. - Each instance of
is assocated (many to one) with an instance ofspi_t
and points to it withspi_t *spi
. (It is a many to one relationship because multiple SD cards can share a single SPI bus, as long as each has a unique slave (or "chip") select (SS, or "CS") line.) It describes the configuration of a specific SD card's interface to a specific SPI hardware component. - Instances of
describe the configuration of the RP2040 SPI hardware components used. There can be multiple objects (or "instances") of all three types. Attributes (or "fields", or "members") of these objects specify which pins to use for what, baud rates, features like Card Detect, etc. - Generally, anything not specified will default to
. (This is the user's responsibility if using Dynamic Configuration, but in a Static Configuration [see Static vs. Dynamic Configuration], the C runtime initializes static memory to 0.)
Illustration of the configuration dev_brd.hw_config.c
struct sd_card_t {
sd_if_t type;
union {
sd_spi_if_t *spi_if_p;
sd_sdio_if_t *sdio_if_p;
bool use_card_detect;
uint card_detect_gpio; // Card detect; ignored if !use_card_detect
uint card_detected_true; // Varies with card socket; ignored if !use_card_detect
bool card_detect_use_pull;
bool card_detect_pull_hi;
Type of interface: eitherSD_IF_SPI
Pointer to the instancesd_spi_if_t
that drives this SD carduse_card_detect
Whether or not to use Card Detect, meaning the hardware switch featured on some SD card sockets. This requires a GPIO pin.card_detect_gpio
Ignored if notuse_card_detect
. GPIO number of the Card Detect, connected to the SD card socket's Card Detect switch (sometimes marked DET)card_detected_true
Ignored if notuse_card_detect
. What the GPIO read returns when a card is present (Some sockets use active high, some low)card_detect_use_pull
Ignored if notuse_card_detect
. If true, use thecard_detect_gpio
's pad's Pull Up / Pull Down resistors; if false, no pull resistor is applied. Often, a Card Detect Switch is just a switch to GND or Vdd, and you need a resistor to pull it one way or the other to make logic levels.card_detect_pull_hi
Ignored if notuse_card_detect
. Ignored if notcard_detect_use_pull
. Otherwise, if true, pull up; if false, pull down.
typedef struct sd_sdio_if_t {
// See sd_driver\SDIO\rp2040_sdio.pio for SDIO_CLK_PIN_D0_OFFSET
uint CLK_gpio; // Must be (D0_gpio + SDIO_CLK_PIN_D0_OFFSET) % 32
uint CMD_gpio;
uint D0_gpio; // D0
uint D1_gpio; // Must be D0 + 1
uint D2_gpio; // Must be D0 + 2
uint D3_gpio; // Must be D0 + 3
PIO SDIO_PIO; // either pio0 or pio1
uint DMA_IRQ_num; // DMA_IRQ_0 or DMA_IRQ_1
bool use_exclusive_DMA_IRQ_handler;
uint baud_rate;
// Drive strength levels for GPIO outputs:
bool set_drive_strength;
enum gpio_drive_strength CLK_gpio_drive_strength;
enum gpio_drive_strength CMD_gpio_drive_strength;
enum gpio_drive_strength D0_gpio_drive_strength;
enum gpio_drive_strength D1_gpio_drive_strength;
enum gpio_drive_strength D2_gpio_drive_strength;
enum gpio_drive_strength D3_gpio_drive_strength;
} sd_sdio_t;
Specify D0_gpio
, but pins CLK_gpio
, D1_gpio
, D2_gpio
, and D3_gpio
are at offsets from pin D0_gpio
and are set implicitly.
The offsets are determined by sd_driver\SDIO\rp2040_sdio.pio
As of this writing, SDIO_CLK_PIN_D0_OFFSET
is 30,
which is -2 in mod32 arithmetic, so:
- CLK_gpio = D0_gpio - 2
- D1_gpio = D0_gpio + 1
- D2_gpio = D0_gpio + 2
- D3_gpio = D0_gpio + 3
These pin assignments are set implicitly and must not be set explicitly.
RP2040 GPIO to use for Clock (CLK). Implicitly set to(D0_gpio + SDIO_CLK_PIN_D0_OFFSET) % 32
is defined insd_driver/SDIO/rp2040_sdio.pio
. As of this writing,SDIO_CLK_PIN_D0_OFFSET
is 30, which is -2 in mod32 arithmetic, so:- CLK_gpio = D0_gpio - 2
RP2040 GPIO to use for Command/Response (CMD) -
RP2040 GPIO to use for Data Line [Bit 0]. The PIO code requires D0 - D3 to be on consecutive GPIOs, with D0 being the lowest numbered GPIO. -
RP2040 GPIO to use for Data Line [Bit 1]. Implicitly set to D0_gpio + 1. -
RP2040 GPIO to use for Data Line [Bit 2]. Implicitly set to D0_gpio + 2. -
RP2040 GPIO to use for Card Detect/Data Line [Bit 3]. Implicitly set to D0_gpio + 3. -
Which PIO block to use. Defaults topio0
. Can be changed to avoid conflicts. If you try to use multiple SDIO-attached SD cards simultaneously on the same PIO block, contention might lead to timeouts. -
Which IRQ to use for DMA. Defaults to DMA_IRQ_0. Set this to avoid conflicts with any exclusive DMA IRQ handlers that might be elsewhere in the system. -
If true, the IRQ handler is added with the SDK'sirq_set_exclusive_handler
. The default is to add the handler withirq_add_shared_handler
, so it's not exclusive. -
The frequency of the SDIO clock in Hertz. This may be no higher than the system clock frequency divided byCLKDIV
, which is currently four. For example, if the system clock frequency is 125 MHz,baud_rate
cannot exceed 31250000 (31.25 MHz). The default is 10 MHz. This is used to divide the system clock frequency (clk_sys
) to get a ratio to pass to the SDK's sm_config_set_clkdiv. As it says there, "An integer clock divisor of n will cause the state machine to run 1 cycle in every n. Note that for small n, the jitter introduced by a fractional divider (e.g. 2.5) may be unacceptable although it will depend on the use case." In this case, n can be as little as four (which I would consider small). The fractional divider essentially causes the frequency to vary in a range, with the average being the requested frequency. If the hardware is capable of running at the high end of the range, you might as well run at that frequency all the time. Therefore, I recommend choosing a baud rate that is some factor of the system clock frequency. For example, if the system clock frequency is the default 125 MHz:.baud_rate = 125 * 1000 * 1000 / 10, // 12500000 Hz
.baud_rate = 125 * 1000 * 1000 / 4 // 31250000 Hz
The higher the baud rate, the faster the data transfer. However, the hardware might limit the usable baud rate. See Pull Up Resistors and other electrical considerations.
If true, enable explicit specification of output drive strengths onCLK_gpio
, andD0_gpio
. The GPIOs on RP2040 have four different output drive strengths, which are nominally 2, 4, 8 and 12mA modes. Ifset_drive_strength
is false, all will be implicitly set to 4 mA. Ifset_drive_strength
is true, each GPIO's drive strength can be set individually. Note that if it is not explicitly set, it will default to 0, which equates toGPIO_DRIVE_STRENGTH_2MA
(2 mA nominal drive strength). -
CLK_gpio_drive_strength CMD_gpio_drive_strength D0_gpio_drive_strength D1_gpio_drive_strength D2_gpio_drive_strength D3_gpio_drive_strength
Ignored if
is false. Otherwise, these can be set to one of the following:GPIO_DRIVE_STRENGTH_2MA GPIO_DRIVE_STRENGTH_4MA GPIO_DRIVE_STRENGTH_8MA GPIO_DRIVE_STRENGTH_12MA
You might want to do this for electrical tuning. A low drive strength can give a cleaner signal, with less overshoot and undershoot. In some cases, this allows operation at higher baud rates. In other cases, the signal lines might have a lot of capacitance to overcome. Then, a higher drive strength might allow operation at higher baud rates. A low drive strength generates less noise. This might be important in, say, audio applications.
typedef struct sd_spi_if_t {
spi_t *spi;
// Slave select is here instead of in spi_t because multiple SDs can share an SPI.
uint ss_gpio; // Slave select for this SD card
// Drive strength levels for GPIO outputs:
bool set_drive_strength;
enum gpio_drive_strength ss_gpio_drive_strength;
} sd_spi_if_t;
Points to the instance ofspi_t
that is to be used as the SPI to drive this interfacess_gpio
Slave Select (SS) (or "Chip Select [CS]") GPIO for the SD card socket associated with this interfaceset_drive_strength
Enable explicit specification of output drive strength ofss_gpio_drive_strength
. If false, the GPIO's drive strength will be implicitly set to 4 mA.ss_gpio_drive_strength
Drive strength for the SS (or CS). Ignored ifset_drive_strength
is false. Otherwise, it can be set to one of the following:GPIO_DRIVE_STRENGTH_2MA GPIO_DRIVE_STRENGTH_4MA GPIO_DRIVE_STRENGTH_8MA GPIO_DRIVE_STRENGTH_12MA
An instance of spi_t
describes the configuration of one RP2040 SPI controller.
typedef struct spi_t {
spi_inst_t *hw_inst; // SPI HW
uint miso_gpio; // SPI MISO GPIO number (not pin number)
uint mosi_gpio;
uint sck_gpio;
uint baud_rate;
bool no_miso_gpio_pull_up;
/* Drive strength levels for GPIO outputs.
bool set_drive_strength;
enum gpio_drive_strength mosi_gpio_drive_strength;
enum gpio_drive_strength sck_gpio_drive_strength;
bool use_static_dma_channels;
uint tx_dma;
uint rx_dma;
// State variables:
// ...
} spi_t;
Identifier for the hardware SPI instance (for use in SPI functions). e.g.spi0
, declared inpico-sdk\src\rp2_common\hardware_spi\include\hardware\spi.h
SPI Master In, Slave Out (MISO) (also called "CIPO" or "Peripheral's SDO") GPIO number. This is connected to the SD card's Data Out (DO).mosi_gpio
SPI Master Out, Slave In (MOSI) (also called "COPI", or "Peripheral's SDI") GPIO number. This is connected to the SD card's Data In (DI).sck_gpio
SPI Serial Clock GPIO number. This is connected to the SD card's Serial Clock (SCK).baud_rate
Frequency of the SPI Serial Clock, in Hertz. The default is 10 MHz. This is ultimately passed to the SDK's spi_set_baudrate. This applies a hardware prescale and a post-divide to the Peripheral clock (clk_peri
) (see section Clock prescaler in RP2040 Datasheet). The Peripheral clock typically, but not necessarily, runs fromclk_sys
. Practically, the hardware limits the choices for the SPI frequency toclk_peri
divided by an even number. For example, ifclk_peri
is running at the default 125 MHz,or.baud_rate = 125 * 1000 * 1000 / 10, // 12500000 Hz
If you ask for 14000000, you'll actually get 12500000 Hz. The actual baud rate will be printed out if.baud_rate = 125 * 1000 * 1000 / 4 // 31250000 Hz
(see Messages from the SD card driver) is defined at compile time. The higher the baud rate, the faster the data transfer. However, the hardware might limit the usable baud rate. See Pull Up Resistors and other electrical considerations.no_miso_gpio_pull_up
According to the standard, an SD card's DO MUST be pulled up (at least for the old MMC cards). However, it might be done externally. Ifno_miso_gpio_pull_up
is false, the library will set the RP2040 GPIO internal pull up.set_drive_strength
Specifies whether or not to set the RP2040 GPIO pin drive strength. Ifset_drive_strength
is false, all will be implicitly set to 4 mA. Ifset_drive_strength
is true, each GPIO's drive strength can be set individually. Note that if it is not explicitly set, it will default to 0, which equates toGPIO_DRIVE_STRENGTH_2MA
(2 mA nominal drive strength).mosi_gpio_drive_strength
SPI Master Out, Slave In (MOSI) drive strength,- and
SPI Serial Clock (SCK) drive strength: Ignored ifset_drive_strength
is false. Otherwise, these can be set to one of the following:You might want to do this for electrical tuning. A low drive strength can give a cleaner signal, with less overshoot and undershoot. In some cases, this allows operation at higher baud rates. In other cases, the signal lines might have a lot of capacitance to overcome. Then, a higher drive strength might allow operation at higher baud rates. A low drive strength generates less noise. This might be important in, say, audio applications.GPIO_DRIVE_STRENGTH_2MA GPIO_DRIVE_STRENGTH_4MA GPIO_DRIVE_STRENGTH_8MA GPIO_DRIVE_STRENGTH_12MA
If true, the DMA channels provided intx_dma
will be claimed withdma_channel_claim
and used. If false, two DMA channels will be claimed withdma_claim_unused_channel
The DMA channel to use for SPI TX. Ignored ifdma_claim_unused_channel
is falserx_dma
The DMA channel to use for SPI RX. Ignored ifdma_claim_unused_channel
is false
size_t sd_get_num()
Returns the number of SD cardssd_card_t *sd_get_by_num(size_t num)
Returns a pointer to the SD card "object" at the given physical drive number. In a static,hw_config.c
kind of configuration, that could be the (zero origin indexed) position in thesd_cards[]
array. It may return NULL if the drive is not available; e.g., if it is disabled.num
must be less thansd_get_num()
The definition of the hardware configuration can either be built in at build time, which I'm calling "static configuration", or supplied at run time, which I call "dynamic configuration".
In either case, the application simply provides an implementation of the functions declared in sd_driver/hw_config.h
- See
for examples of static configuration. - See
for an example of dynamic configuration. - One advantage of static configuration is that the fantastic GNU Linker (ld) strips out anything that you don't use.
There are many options to configure the features of FatFs for various requirements of each project.
The configuration options are defined in ffconf.h
See Configuration Options.
In order to allow applications to customize ffconf.h
without modifying this library,
I have renamed src\ff15\source\ffconf.h
in the FatFs distribution files included in this library.
(This is necessary because GCC always looks in the directory of the current file as the first search directory for #include "file".)
There is a somewhat customized version of ffconf.h
in include\ffconf.h
that is normally picked up by the library's src\CMakeLists.txt
An application may provide its own tailored copy of ffconf.h
by putting it in the include path for the library compilation.
For example, for CMake, if the customized ffconf.h
file is in subdirectory include/
(relative to the application's CMakeLists.txt
target_include_directories(no-OS-FatFS-SD-SDIO-SPI-RPi-Pico BEFORE INTERFACE
For an example, see examples/unix_like
After stdio_init_all()
, time_init()
, and whatever other Pico SDK initialization is required,
you may call sd_init_driver()
to initialize the block device driver. sd_init_driver()
is now5 called implicitly by disk_initialize
which is called by FatFs's f_mount,
but you might want to call it sooner so that the GPIOs get configured, e.g., if you want to set up a Card Detect interrupt.
You need to call sd_init_driver()
before you can use sd_get_drive_prefix(sd_card_t *sd_card_p)
so you might need to add an explicit call to sd_init_driver
if you want to use sd_get_drive_prefix
to get the drive prefix to use for the path
parameter in a call to f_mount
There is no harm in calling sd_init_driver()
- Now, you can start using the FatFs Application Interface. Typically,
- f_mount - Register/Unregister the work area of the volume
- f_open - Open/Create a file
- f_write - Write data to the file
- f_read - Read data from the file
- f_close - Close an open file
- f_unmount
- There is a simple example in the examples/simple subdirectory.
- There is also POSIX-like API wrapper layer in
, written for compatibility with FreeRTOS+FAT API (mainly so that I could reuse some tests from that environment.)
Sometimes problems arise when attempting to use SD cards. At the FatFs Application Interface level, it can be difficult to diagnose problems. You get a return code, but it might just tell you FR_NOT_READY
("The physical drive cannot work"),
for example, without telling you what you need to know in order to fix the problem.
The library generates messages that might help.
These are classed into Error, Informational, and Debug messages.
Two compile definitions control how these are handled:
If this is defined and not zero, these message output functions will use the Pico SDK's Standard Output (stdout
If this is not defined or is zero orNDEBUG
is defined,DBG_PRINTF
statements will be effectively stripped from the code.
Messages are sent using EMSG_PRINTF
macros, which can be redefined (see
By default, these call error_message_printf
, info_message_printf
, and debug_message_printf
which are implemented as
weak functions,
meaning that they can be overridden by strongly implementing them in user code.
is defined and not zero, the weak implementations will write to the Pico SDK's stdout. Otherwise, they will format the messages into strings and forward to put_out_error_message
, put_out_info_message
, and put_out_debug_message
. These are implemented as weak functions that do nothing. You can override these to send the output somewhere.
At heart, this is a C library, but I have made a (thin) C++ wrapper for it: include\FatFsSd.h
For details on most of the functions, refer to FatFs - Generic FAT Filesystem Module, "Application Interface".
See examples\PlatformIO\one_SPI.C++\src\main.cpp
for an example of the use of this API.
The C++ API is in namespace FatFsNs
, to avoid name clashes with other packages (e.g.: SdFat).
This is a pure static class that represents the global file system as a whole.
It stores the hardware configuration objects internally,
which is useful in Arduino-like environments where you have a setup
and a loop
The objects can be constructed in the setup
and added to FatFs
and the copies won't go out of scope
when control leaves setup
and goes to loop
It automatically provides these functions required internally by the library:
size_t sd_get_num()
Returns the number of SD cardssd_card_t *sd_get_by_num(size_t num)
Returns a pointer to the SD card "object" at the given (zero origin) index.
Static Public Member Functions:
static SdCard* add_sd_card(SdCard& SdCard)
Use this to add an instance ofSdCard
to the configuration. Returns a pointer that can be used to access the newly created SDCard object.static size_t SdCard_get_num ()
Get the number of SD cards in the configutationstatic SdCard *SdCard_get_by_num (size_t num)
Get pointer to anSdCard
by (zero-origin) indexstatic SdCard *SdCard_get_by_name (const char *const name)
Get pointer to anSdCard
by logical drive identifierstatic FRESULT chdrive (const TCHAR *path)
Change current drive to given logical drivestatic FRESULT setcp (WORD cp)
Set current code pagestatic bool begin ()
Initialize driver and all SD cards in configuration
Represents an SD card socket. It is generalized: the SD card can be either SPI or SDIO attached.
Public Member Functions:
const char * get_name ()
Get the the FatFs logical drive identifier.FRESULT mount ()
Mount SD cardFRESULT unmount ()
Unmount SD cardFRESULT format ()
Create a FAT volume with defaultsFATFS * fatfs ()
Get filesystem object structure (FATFS)uint64_t get_num_sectors ()
Get number of blocks on the drivevoid cidDmp(printer_t printer)
Print information from Card IDendtification registervoid csdDmp(printer_t printer)
Print information from Card-Specific Data register
Static Public Member Functions
- `static FRESULT mkfs (const TCHAR* path, const MKFS_PARM* opt, void* work, UINT len) Create a FAT volume
static FRESULT fdisk (BYTE pdrv, const LBA_t ptbl[], void* work)
Divide a physical drive into some partitionsstatic FRESULT getfree (const TCHAR *path, DWORD *nclst, FATFS **fatfs)
Get number of free blocks on the drivestatic FRESULT getlabel (const TCHAR *path, TCHAR *label, DWORD *vsn)
Get volume labelstatic FRESULT setlabel (const TCHAR *label)
Set volume label
FRESULT open (const TCHAR *path, BYTE mode)
Open or create a fileFRESULT close ()
Close an open file objectFRESULT read (void *buff, UINT btr, UINT *br)
Read data from the fileFRESULT write (const void *buff, UINT btw, UINT *bw)
Write data to the fileFRESULT lseek (FSIZE_t ofs)
Move file pointer of the file objectFRESULT expand (uint64_t file_size)
Prepare or allocate a contiguous data area to the file with default optionFRESULT truncate ()
Truncate the fileFRESULT sync ()
Flush cached data of the writing fileint putc (TCHAR c)
Put a character to the fileint puts (const TCHAR *str)
Put a string to the fileint printf (const TCHAR *str,...)
Put a formatted string to the fileTCHAR * gets (TCHAR *buff, int len)
Get a string from the filebool eof ()
Test for end-of-fileBYTE error ()
Test for an errorFSIZE_t tell ()
Get current read/write pointerFSIZE_t size ()
Get size in bytesFRESULT rewind ()
Move the file read/write pointer to 0 (beginning of file)FRESULT forward (UINT(*func)(const BYTE *, UINT), UINT btf, UINT *bf)
Forward data to the streamFRESULT expand (FSIZE_t fsz, BYTE opt)
Prepare or allocate a contiguous data area to the file
Public Member Functions:
FRESULT rewinddir ()
Rewind the read index of the directory objectFRESULT rmdir (const TCHAR *path)
Remove a sub-directoryFRESULT opendir (const TCHAR *path)
Open a directoryFRESULT closedir ()
Close an open directoryFRESULT readdir (FILINFO *fno)
Read a directory itemFRESULT findfirst (FILINFO *fno, const TCHAR *path, const TCHAR *pattern)
Open a directory and read the first item matchedFRESULT findnext (FILINFO *fno)
Read a next item matched Static Public Member Functions:static FRESULT mkdir (const TCHAR *path)
Create a sub-directorystatic FRESULT unlink (const TCHAR *path)
Remove a file or sub-directorystatic FRESULT rename (const TCHAR *path_old, const TCHAR *path_new)
Rename/Move a file or sub-directorystatic FRESULT stat (const TCHAR *path, FILINFO *fno)
Check existance of a file or sub-directorystatic FRESULT chmod (const TCHAR *path, BYTE attr, BYTE mask)
Change attribute of a file or sub-directorystatic FRESULT utime (const TCHAR *path, const FILINFO *fno)
Change timestamp of a file or sub-directorystatic FRESULT chdir (const TCHAR *path)
Change current directorystatic FRESULT chdrive (const TCHAR *path)
Change current drivestatic FRESULT getcwd (TCHAR *buff, UINT len)
Retrieve the current directory and drive
This library is available at It is currently running with
platform =
board_build.core = earlephilhower
There is a example data logging application in
. It can be launched from theexamples/command_line
CLI with thestart_logger
command. (Stop it with thestop_logger
command.) It records the temperature as reported by the RP2040 internal Temperature Sensor once per second in files named something like/data/2021-03-21/11.csv
. Use this as a starting point for your own data logging application! -
If you want to use no-OS-FatFS-SD-SDIO-SPI-RPi-Pico as a library embedded in another project, use something like:
git submodule add
git submodule add
You might also need to pick up the library in CMakeLists.txt:
add_subdirectory(no-OS-FatFS-SD-SDIO-SPI-RPi-Pico/src build)
target_link_libaries(${PROGRAM_NAME} no-OS-FatFS-SD-SDIO-SPI-RPi-Pico)
(where ${PROGRAM_NAME}
is your target project
and #include "ff.h"
Happy hacking!
You are welcome to contribute to this project! Just submit a Pull Request in GitHub. Here are some ideas for future enhancements:
- Battery saving: at least stop the SDIO clock when it is not needed
- Support 1-bit SDIO
- Try multiple cards on a single SDIO bus
- RP2040: Enable up to 42 MHz SDIO bus speed
- SD UHS Double Data Rate (DDR): clock data on both edges of the clock
- Raspberry Pi Pico SDK minimum version is now 2.0.0.
- All references to the
member must be removed from each instance ofspi_t
in the hardware configuration. - All references to the
member must be removed from each instance ofspi_t
in the hardware configuration.
Any references to the pcName
member must be removed from each instance of sd_card_t
in the hardware configuration.
For example, if you were using a hw_config.c
static sd_card_t sd_cards[] = { // One for each SD card
{ // sd_cards[0]: Socket sd0
.pcName = "0:",
.type = SD_IF_SPI,
// ...
change it to
static sd_card_t sd_cards[] = { // One for each SD card
{ // sd_cards[0]: Socket sd0
.type = SD_IF_SPI,
// ...
See Customizing for the Hardware Configuration.
If you had any references to pcName
in your code,
you can replace them with calls to char const *sd_get_drive_prefix(sd_card_t *sd_card_p);
Note: sd_init_driver()
must be called before sd_get_drive_prefix
Migrating from no-OS-FatFS-SD-SPI-RPi-Pico master branch
The object model for hardware configuration has changed.
If you are migrating a project from no-OS-FatFS-SD-SPI-RPi-Pico, you will have to change the hardware configuration customization. The sd_card_t
now points to new object that specifies the configuration of either an SPI interface or an SDIO interface,
and a new type
member that identifies which type of interface.
Also, the pcName
member of sd_card_t
has been removed.
See Customizing for the Hardware Configuration.
For example, if you were using a hw_config.c
static sd_card_t sd_cards[] = { // One for each SD card
.pcName = "0:", // Name used to mount device
.spi = &spis[0], // Pointer to the SPI driving this card
.ss_gpio = 17, // The SPI slave select GPIO for this SD card
// ...
that would now become
static sd_spi_if_t spi_ifs[] = {
.spi = &spis[0], // Pointer to the SPI driving this card
.ss_gpio = 17, // The SPI slave select GPIO for this SD card
static sd_card_t sd_cards[] = { // One for each SD card
.type = SD_IF_SPI,
.spi_if_p = &spi_ifs[0], // Pointer to the SPI interface driving this card
Migrating from no-OS-FatFS-SD-SPI-RPi-Pico sdio branch
Instances of the interface classes sd_spi_t
and sd_sdio_t
are no longer embedded in sd_card_t
as spi_if
and sdio_if
. They are moved to the top level as instances of sd_spi_if_t
and sd_sdio_if_t
and pointed to by instances of sd_card_t
Also, the pcName
member of sd_card_t
in the hardware configuration has been removed.
For example, if you were using a hw_config.c
static sd_card_t sd_cards[] = { // One for each SD card
.pcName = "0:", // Name used to mount device
.type = SD_IF_SPI,
.spi_if.spi = &spis[0], // Pointer to the SPI driving this card
.spi_if.ss_gpio = 7, // The SPI slave select GPIO for this SD card
that would become:
static sd_spi_if_t spi_ifs[] = {
.spi = &spis[0], // Pointer to the SPI driving this card
.ss_gpio = 7, // The SPI slave select GPIO for this SD card
static sd_card_t sd_cards[] = { // One for each SD card
.type = SD_IF_SPI,
.spi_if_p = &spi_ifs[0], // Pointer to the SPI interface driving this card
For details, see Customizing for the Hardware Configuration.
- Connect a terminal. PuTTY or
work OK. For example:tio -m ODELBS /dev/ttyACM0
- Press Enter to start the CLI. You should see a prompt like:
- The
command describes the available commands:
setrtc <DD> <MM> <YY> <hh> <mm> <ss>:
Set Real Time Clock
Parameters: new date (DD MM YY) new time in 24-hour format (hh mm ss)
e.g.:setrtc 16 3 21 0 4 0
Print current date and time
format [<drive#:>]:
Creates an FAT/exFAT volume on the logical drive.
e.g.: format 0:
mount [<drive#:>]:
Register the work area of the volume
e.g.: mount 0:
unmount <drive#:>:
Unregister the work area of the volume
chdrive <drive#:>:
Changes the current directory of the logical drive.
<path> Specifies the directory to be set as current directory.
e.g.: chdrive 1:
info [<drive#:>]:
Print information about an SD card
cd <path>:
Changes the current directory of the logical drive.
<path> Specifies the directory to be set as current directory.
e.g.: cd /dir1
mkdir <path>:
Make a new directory.
<path> Specifies the name of the directory to be created.
e.g.: mkdir /dir1
rm [options] <pathname>:
Removes (deletes) a file or directory
<pathname> Specifies the path to the file or directory to be removed
-d Remove an empty directory
-r Recursively remove a directory and its contents
cp <source file> <dest file>:
Copies <source file> to <dest file>
mv <source file> <dest file>:
Moves (renames) <source file> to <dest file>
Print Working Directory
ls [pathname]:
List directory
cat <filename>:
Type file contents
Run simple FS tests
lliot <physical drive#>:
!DESTRUCTIVE! Low Level I/O Driver Test
The SD card will need to be reformatted after this test.
e.g.: lliot 1
bench <drive#:>:
A simple binary write/read benchmark
big_file_test <pathname> <size in MiB> <seed>:
Writes random data to file <pathname>.
Specify <size in MiB> in units of mebibytes (2^20, or 1024*1024 bytes)
e.g.: big_file_test 0:/bf 1 1
or: big_file_test 1:big3G-3 3072 3
Create Disk and Example Files
Expects card to be already formatted and mounted
Stdio With CWD Test
Expects card to be already formatted and mounted.
Note: run cdef first!
Run Create Disk and Example Files and Stdio With CWD Test in a loop.
Expects card to be already formatted and mounted.
Note: Type any key to quit.
Start Data Log Demo
Stop Data Log Demo
Print memory statistics
Shows this command help.
When you're dealing with information storage, it's always nice to have redundancy. There are many possible combinations of SPIs and SD cards. One of these is putting multiple SD cards on the same SPI bus, at a cost of one (or two) additional Pico I/O pins (depending on whether or you care about Card Detect). I will illustrate that example here.
To add a second SD card on the same SPI, connect it in parallel, except that it will need a unique GPIO for the Card Select/Slave Select (CSn) and another for Card Detect (CD) (optional).
Name | SPI0 | GPIO | Pin | SPI | SDIO | MicroSD 0 | MicroSD 1 |
CD1 | 14 | 19 | CD | ||||
CS1 | 15 | 20 | SS or CS | DAT3 | CS | ||
MISO | RX | 16 | 21 | DO | DAT0 | DO | DO |
CS0 | 17 | 22 | SS or CS | DAT3 | CS | ||
SCK | SCK | 18 | 24 | SCLK | CLK | SCK | SCK |
MOSI | TX | 19 | 25 | DI | CMD | DI | DI |
CD0 | 22 | 29 | CD | ||||
GND | 18, 23 | GND | GND | ||||
3v3 | 36 | 3v3 | 3v3 |
As you can see from the table above, the only new signals are CD1 and CS1. Otherwise, the new card is wired in parallel with the first card.
- The hardware configuration must be edited to add a new instance of sd_card_t and its interface sd_sdio_if_t or sd_spi_if_t.
- Edit
. In particular,FF_VOLUMES
#define FF_VOLUMES 2
Obviously, if possible, use 4-bit SDIO instead of 1-bit SPI. (See Choosing the Interface Type(s)).
Obviously, set the baud rate as high as you can. (See Customizing for the Hardware Configuration).
TL;DR: In general, it is much faster to transfer a given number of bytes in one large write (or read) than to transfer the same number of bytes in multiple smaller writes (or reads).
One quick and easy way to speed up many applications is to take advantage of the buffering built into the C library for standard I/O streams.
fopencookie—open a stream with custom callbacks and
setvbuf—specify file or stream buffering).
The application would use fprintf instead of
fwrite instead of
for example.
If you are using SDIO, it is critically important for performance to use setvbuf
to set the buffer to an aligned
Also, the buffer should be a multiple of the SD block size, 512 bytes, in size.
For example:
static char vbuf[1024] __attribute__((aligned));
int err = setvbuf(file_p, vbuf, _IOFBF, sizeof vbuf);
If you have a record-oriented application, and the records are multiples of 512 bytes in size, you might not see a significant speedup. However, if, for example, you are writing text files with no fixed record length, the speedup can be great. See examples/stdio_buffering/.
Now, for the details: The modern SD card is a block device, meaning that the smallest addressable unit is a a block (or "sector") of 512 bytes. So, it helps performance if your write size is a multiple of 512. If it isn't, partial block writes involve reading the existing block, modifying it in memory, and writing it back out. With all the space in SD cards these days, it can be well worth it to pad a record length to a multiple of 512.
Generally, flash memory has to be erased before it can be written, and the minimum erase size is the "allocation unit" or "segment":
AU (Allocation Unit): is a physical boundary of the card and consists of one or more blocks and its size depends on each card. The maximum AU size is defined for memory capacity. Furthermore AU is the minimal unit in which the card guarantees its performance for devices which complies with Speed Class Specification. The information about the size and the Speed Class are stored in the SD Status.
-- SD Card Association; Physical Layer Specification Version 3.01
There is a controller in each SD card running all kinds of internal processes. When an amount of data to be written is smaller than a segment, the segment is read, modified in memory, and then written again. SD cards use various strategies to speed this up. Most implement a "translation layer". For any I/O operation, a translation from virtual to physical address is carried out by the controller. If data inside a segment is to be overwritten, the translation layer remaps the virtual address of the segment to another erased physical address. The old physical segment is marked dirty and queued for an erase. Later, when it is erased, it can be reused. Usually, SD cards have a cache of one or more segments for increasing the performance of read and write operations. The SD card is a "black box": much of this is invisible to the user, except as revealed in the Card-Specific Data register (CSD), SD_STATUS, and the observable performance characteristics. So, the write times are far from deterministic.
The Allocation Unit is typically 4 MiB for a 16 or 32 GB card, for example. Of course, nobody is going to be using 4 MiB write buffers on a Pico, but the AU is still important. For good performance and wear tolerance, it is recommended that the "disk partition" be aligned to an AU boundary. SD Memory Card Formatter makes this happen. For my 16 GB card, it set "Partition Starting Offset 4,194,304 bytes". This accomplished by inserting "hidden sectors" between the actual start of the physical media and the start of the volume. Also, it might be helpful to have your write size be some factor of the segment size.
There are more variables at the file system level. The FAT "allocation unit" (not to be confused with the SD card "allocation unit"), also known as "cluster", is a unit of "disk" space allocation for files. These are identically sized small blocks of contiguous space that are indexed by the File Allocation Table. When the size of the allocation unit is 32768 bytes, a file with 100 bytes in size occupies 32768 bytes of disk space. The space efficiency of disk usage gets worse with increasing size of allocation unit, but, on the other hand, the read/write performance increases. Therefore the size of allocation unit is a trade-off between space efficiency and performance. This is something you can change by formatting the SD card. See
Description of Default Cluster Sizes for FAT32 File System.
Again, there might be some advantage to making your write size be some factor or multiple of the FAT allocation unit.
The info
command in examples/command_line reports the allocation unit.
File fragmentation can lead to long access times. Fragmented files can result from multiple files being incrementally extended in an interleaved fashion. One commonly used trick is to use f_lseek to pre-allocate a file to its ultimate size before beginning to write to it. Even better, you can pre-allocate a contiguous file using f_expand. (Also, see FAT Volume Image Creator (Pre-creating built-in FAT volume).) Obviously, you will need some way to keep track of how much valid data is in the file. You could use a file header. Alternatively, if the file contains text, you could write an End-Of-File (EOF) character. In DOS, this is the character 26, which is the Control-Z character. Alternatively, if the file contains records, each record could contain a magic number or checksum, so you can easily tell when you've reached the end of the valid records. (This might be an obvious choice if you're padding the record length to a multiple of 512 bytes.)
For SDIO-attached cards, alignment of the read or write buffer is quite important for performance.
This library uses DMA with DMA_SIZE_32
, and the read and write addresses must always be aligned to the current transfer size,
i.e., four bytes.
(For example, you could specify that the buffer has __attribute__ ((aligned (4)).)
If the buffer address is not aligned, the library copies each block into a temporary buffer that is aligned and then writes it out, one block at a time.
(The SPI driver uses DMA_SIZE_8
so the alignment isn't important.)
For a logging type of application, opening and closing a file for each update is hugely inefficient, but if you can afford the time it can be a good way to minimize data loss in the event of an unexpected power loss or that kind of thing. You can also try to find a middle ground by periodically closing and reopening a file, or switching to a new file. A well designed directory structure can act as a sort of hierarchical database for rapid retrieval of records distributed across many small files.
- Check your grounds! Maybe add some more if you were skimpy with them. The Pico has six of them.
- Turn on
. (See #messages-from-the-sd-card-driver.) For example, inCMakeLists.txt
,You might see a clue in the messages.add_compile_definitions(USE_PRINTF USE_DBG_PRINTF)
- Power cycle the SD card. Once an SD card is in SPI mode, the only way to get it back to SD mode is to power cycle it. At power up, an SD card's CS/DAT3 line has a 50 kΩ pull up enabled in the card, but it will be disabled if the card is initialized, and it won't be enabled again until the card is power cycled.
- Try lowering the SPI or SDIO baud rate (e.g., in
). This will also make it easier to use things like logic analyzers.- For SPI, this is in the spi_t instance.
- For SDIO, this is in the sd_sdio_if_t instance.
- Make sure the SD card(s) are getting enough power. Try an external supply. Try adding a decoupling capacitor between Vcc and GND.
- Hint: check voltage while formatting card. It must be 2.7 to 3.6 volts.
- Hint: If you are powering a Pico with a PicoProbe, try adding a USB cable to a wall charger to the Pico under test.
- Try another brand of SD card. Some handle the SPI interface better than others. (Most consumer devices like cameras or PCs use the SDIO interface.) I have had good luck with SanDisk, PNY, and Silicon Power.
- Tracing: Most of the source files have a couple of lines near the top of the file like:
#define TRACE_PRINTF(fmt, args...) // Disable tracing
//#define TRACE_PRINTF printf // Trace with printf
You can swap the commenting to enable tracing of what's happening in that file.
- Logic analyzer: for less than ten bucks, something like this Comidox 1Set USB Logic Analyzer Device Set USB Cable 24MHz 8CH 24MHz 8 Channel UART IIC SPI Debug for Arduino ARM FPGA M100 Hot and PulseView - sigrok make a nice combination for looking at SPI, as long as you don't run the baud rate too high.
- Get yourself a protoboard and solder everything. So much more reliable than solderless breadboard!
- Better yet, go to somwhere like JLCPCB and get a printed circuit board!
In my experience, the Card Detect switch on these doesn't work worth a damn. This might not be such a big deal, because according to Physical Layer Simplified Specification the Chip Select (CS) line can be used for Card Detection: "At power up this line has a 50KOhm pull up enabled in the card... For Card detection, the host detects that the line is pulled high." However, the Adafruit card has it's own 47 kΩ pull up on CS - Card Detect / Data Line [Bit 3], rendering it useless for Card Detection. ↩
as of Pull Request #12 Dynamic configuration (in response to Issue #11 Configurable GPIO pins), Sep 11, 2021 ↩
Rationale: Instances of
are separate objects instead of being embedded insd_card_t
objects becausesd_sdio_if_t
carries a lot of state information with it (including things like data buffers). The union of the two types has the size of the largest type, which would result in a lot of wasted space in instances ofsd_spi_if_t
. I had another solution usingmalloc
, but some people are frightened ofmalloc
in embedded systems. ↩ -
as of Pull Request #5 Bug in ff_getcwd when FF_VOLUMES < 2, Aug 13, 2021 ↩