glossary Public
Forked from cncf/glossaryCloud Native Glossary
layer5 Public
Forked from layer5io/layer5Layer5, expect more from your infrastructure
meshery Public
Forked from meshery/mesheryMeshery, the service mesh management plane
kubernetes-website Public
Forked from kubernetes/websiteKubernetes website and documentation repo:
Python-Projects Public
Forked from Shahrayar123/Python-ProjectsBasic Python projects, good first issue
DSA-Bootcamp-Java Public
Forked from kunal-kushwaha/DSA-Bootcamp-JavaThis repository consists of the code samples, assignments, and the curriculum for the Community Classroom complete Data Structures & Algorithms Java bootcamp.
Profile-Card-Collection Public
Forked from DiyaVj/Profile-Card-CollectionThis repository is designed for beginner to contribute to open-source. It is the collection of profile cards of our contributors.
cbj_app Public
Forked from simple-hub-organization/simple-hub📱 CyBear Jinni App is the app to control CyBear Jinni Hub 💡 remotely from your Android, IOS and Web Browser. If you have ever wondered "Is there an open-source project to make my own smart home?", …
Dev-Geeks Public template
Forked from pranjay-poddar/Dev-GeeksHacktoberfest'22
calculator Public
Forked from DhanushNehru/calculatorA simple online calculator
JavaScript-Basic-Projects Public
Forked from KshshVrma/JavaScript-Basic-ProjectsThis Repository contains the basic projects that can be attepted by the beginner to improve his level to Intermediate JavaScript Programmer.
breaking-bad Public
Forked from bradtraversy/breaking-bad-castApp to show cast info for breaking bad
python-beginner-projects Public
Forked from Mrinank-Bhowmick/python-beginner-projectsAwesome list of python projects for beginners under few lines of code.
NoMoreDomains Public
Forked from ImMattDavison/NoMoreDomainsNoMoreDomains is a browser extension tool made to stop you from registering new domains. We're all guilty of registering domains we don't need so use this tool to help stop yourself!
first-contributions Public
Forked from firstcontributions/first-contributions🚀✨ Help beginners to contribute to open source projects
FinalYear-Project-Ideas Public
Forked from praveenscience/FinalYear-Project-IdeasInstead of just adding your name and email, why not create a list of project ideas?
winter-of-contributing Public
Forked from girlscript/winter-of-contributingGirlScript Winter of Contributing, a three-month enthusiastic program organized by🧡GirlScript Foundation to create the world's largest multilingual content repository that will be available to ever…
docs Public
Forked from appwrite/docsThe official https://appwrite.io/docs documentation 📝