File Sanctuary
- Middlesbrough, United Kingdom
- https://www.unadopted.co.uk
- @arussell
nginx-proxy-manager Public
Forked from NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-managerDocker container for managing Nginx proxy hosts with a simple, powerful interface
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 21, 2023 -
pynab Public
Forked from nabaztag2018/pynabNabaztag en Python pour RaspberryPi
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedSep 22, 2021 -
community-screenrecording-pppc-profile Public
Forked from poundbangbash/community-screenrecording-pppc-profileManagement profile for MDM of all community provided apps that use ScreenRecording on macOS
UpdatedDec 8, 2020 -
openvpn-bonding Public
Forked from onemarcfifty/openvpn-bondingbond multiple tap interfaces over openvpn
Shell UpdatedOct 27, 2020 -
SpamReporter Public
Forked from SpamExperts/SpamReportermacOS Report Spam script
GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedOct 8, 2019 -
AlexaNissanLeaf Public
Forked from ScottHelme/AlexaNissanLeafAn Alexa Skill to control the Nissan Leaf
sidekiq Public
Forked from sidekiq/sidekiqSimple, efficient background processing for Ruby
Ruby Other UpdatedOct 29, 2018 -
dongleauth Public
Forked from Nitrokey/dongleauthList of sites with two factor auth support for OTP and U2F hardware dongles.
CSS MIT License UpdatedJul 10, 2017 -
cordova-plugin-datepicker Public
Forked from VitaliiBlagodir/cordova-plugin-datepickerJavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 2, 2017 -
resque-scheduler-web Public
Forked from mattgibson/resque-scheduler-webTabs in the Resque Web gem for the Resque Scheduler plugin.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedAug 9, 2016 -
livejournal Public
Forked from apparentlymart/livejournalLiveJournal Server Source Code (stale history from before it went closed-source)
Perl Other UpdatedMay 20, 2015 -
entropyservice Public
Allow low entropy machines (eg Virtual Machines) to collect data from another host with high entropy (eg a real computer) via SSH, then stir it in to the kernel's random pool using rngd
capistrano-resque Public
Forked from 9z0b3t1c/capistrano-resqueCapistrano integration for Resque
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMar 24, 2013 -
osgb_wgs84 Public
Ordnance Survey National Grid to WGS84 co-ordinate converter
Ruby Other UpdatedSep 21, 2012 -
maxmind Public
Forked from adam12/maxmindRuby Interface to Maxmind's minFraud service (this fork adds kurbmedia's Ruby 1.9 fixes to adam12's version as of 2012-08-31)
Ruby MIT License UpdatedAug 31, 2012 -
cloudmade Public
Forked from klaustopher/cloudmadeNot an official mirror ... The cloudmade ruby gem, improved!
infinite-monkey-simulator Public
Written by Aaron B. Russell for a 2010 episode of the BBC Two television programme Horizon called "To Infinity And Beyond"
moonshine Public
Forked from railsmachine/moonshineSimple Rails deployment and configuration management. 15 minute deploys of Rails 2 or Rails 3 apps.