Provides leadership election in the browser across tabs using localStorage only.
rocicorp / reflect-yjs
Forked from rocicorp/replicache-yjsReflect + YJS
Self-host your own FaaS with workerd, the Cloudflare javascript runtime
Algolia Docsearch GitHub Action
Plug-in React Native compatibility bindings for Replicache.
A Supabase Edge Function for Replicache
A simple and composable way to validate data in JavaScript (and TypeScript).
Guides, tools and libraries for modern web development.
Lightning fast hash functions using hand-tuned WebAssembly binaries
Javascript implementation of a readers-writer lock for async/await.
Native integration of Serde with wasm-bindgen
@msgpack/msgpack - MessagePack for JavaScript /[ECMA-262/JavaScript/TypeScript]
Documentation generator for TypeScript projects.
Full CSS support for JSX without compromises
ECMAScript Proposal, specs, and reference implementation for Error.prototype.stack / System.getStack
A full featured FlowType package for Atom Editor
Babel plugin to transpile import() to require.ensure, for Webpack
Adds static typing to JavaScript to improve developer productivity and code quality.
browserify >=v2 transform to compile (ES6) to JavaScript.current (ES5) on the fly.
A library that's kind enough to tell you "No" when you need it.