This RNA-browser snakemake pipeline maps microbial (without splicing) RNA-seq data and automatically sets up genome coverage tracks in a Jbrowse browser. The pipeline supports both paired-end and single-end. Further, it is possible to specify per library if the reads (read1 in case of paired-end) are forward or reverse complementary mapping to the strand of transcription origin. As such, it is possible to process multiple datasets; the corresponding RNA-seq genome coverage tracks will be grouped per dataset.
For pre-processing (e.g. quality filtering) please consider using RNA-Schlange.
If you use the RNA-browser, please consider citing:
"Exploring the regulatory potential of RNA structures in 202 cyanobacterial genomes"
AS Geissler, EC Alvarez, C Anthon, NU Frigaard, J Gorodkin, and SE Seemann
For a showcase of a browser created by this pipeline, please have a look at this browser for RNA-seq data in Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002.
The RNA-browser uses the following tools:
- bowtie2 for read mapping
- sambamba for filtering and sorting of mapping files
- bedtools to compute the genome coverages
- featureCounts for gene expression quantification
- multiQC for a summary of the mapping/quantification statistics
- jbrowse for vizualization
Install conda
install Snakemake and mamba
$ conda install -n base -c conda-forge mamba $ mamba install -c bioconda snakemake
Download this pipeline
$ git clone asgeissler/RNA-browser
The remaining dependencies will be handled by Snakemake.
For the final configuration of the browser interface, a web server (npx, servr, apache, etc) is required (see below on browser interface)
All computations and data will be stored within the directory in which you downloaded this pipeline.
As a user, you need to provide:
- The genomic sequence and annotation for your organism of
interest; please name the files
. You might want to download them from either RefSeq, ENA. - The RNA-seq data in compressed fastq format in the folder
- A sample file
describing your input.
At a minimum, the samples.csv
file must contain the columns
'file', 'sample', 'condition', and 'dataset'
The values per row should be comma separated (that is a ',' between each value).
If your experiment is a pair-end RNA-seq dataset, also add the optional 'pair' column and indicate which file contains the first (R1) and second (R2) read-pair.
Per default, the pipeline assumes that all reads (or R1 for paire-end data) maps reverse complementarily to
the strand origin, which seems to be the most common behavior of Illumina sequencing data.
If a library is not reversed, the optional column reverse
indicates with yes/no the desired
behavior. The pipeline will then quantify the expression and show the genome coverages accordingly.
For example, the input data could look like:
├── data
│ ├── file1_1.fastq.gz
│ ├── file1_2.fastq.gz
│ ├── file2_1.fastq.gz
│ ├── file2_2.fastq.gz
│ └── ...
├── genome.fna.gz
├── genome.gff.gz
├── samples.csv
With the file samples.csv
describing the reads
The pipline will compute an analysis folder (see below) in which
all files corresponding to the samples are names
. Therefore the pipeline only accepts
sample/condition/dataset with
alpha-numeric names (incl. dash, -0-9a-zA-Z
For paired-end reads, the values for the pairs are either R1 or R2.
The reverse column values are either yes or no.
Limitation: As illustrated in the samples.csv
above, multiple
datasets can be specified and the reverse column can be toggled per
sample. However, currently all libraries must be either single-end or
paired-end at the same-time. These types cannot be mixed
at the moment.
All that is needed to start the pipeline is to execute the helper script with:
Alternatively, if you prefer the computations to run in a cluster,
RNA-browser comes with support for slurm.
Simply use bash
after adapting the configurations to you
system in slurmprofile/config.yaml
The intermediary results of the pipeline are stored
in computaitonal-chronological order as indicated by numeric
prefixes per folder, in the analysis
Contains symbolic links to the files indata
but with renaming tocondition_sample_dataset(\_pair)
The mappingbam
files generated bowtie2. -
All mapping's are filtered for mapq scores, which for bowtie2 corresponds to a probability of mapping to other position 0.001. For pair-end data, only pairs with both reads mapping are kept. -
Per genomic coordinate sorted mapping files, withbai
index, and the number of contained alignments (stated in the*-count.txt
files). -
: Genome coverages, normalized by number of reads (or read pairs) mapping filtered alignments per million, in bedgraph format. -
Coverage files in which the reverse strand has negative numbers. -
Sorted coverage files. -
Coverage files in bigwig format. -
Results of the featureCount gene expression quantification.
The pipeline sets up for each dataset a multi-wig file track in the browser
This folder is self-contained, such that it can be copied to a web-service etc.
When a user opens the deploy_url
in their internet browser of choice,
they can click and choose which datasets to show.
However, we would recommend to configure a default session, which will automatically be shown to all new users on start.
Following the
Jbrowser handbook
we suggest to use the package manamgent npm
system to install
the jbrowse command line toolkit.
npm install -g npx
npm install -g serve
npm install -g @jbrowse/cli
If you do not have a web service at which you would like to deploy
your browser, you can start a local web service with npx serve
Afterward, open the admin graphical interface of jbrowse:
cd browser
npx serve .
jbrowse admin-server
We would suggest the following steps in the admin interface:
- Create a session with a linear genome view
- Open the track selection and choose which datasets you would like to show per default
- You can drag the tracks into an order of your choice
- We would recommend to display datasets in "render type" xyplot and without filling. You can even assign custom colors per library.
- Zoom into a genomic region of interest
- Save the session
- Click Admin > Set default session
When now a users opens the default browser, the default sessio is shown, yet all tracks and datasets which are not displayed are still available in the track selector.
This animated movie shows how to set a default session:
Additionally, adding a text search index for a user is straight-forward by using the jbrowser command line command
jbrowse text-index --attributes=Name,ID,locus_tag,old_locus_tag
Technical note:
If you use npx serve
in combination with jbrowse admin-server
on the same machine,
some internet browser might refuse to display the tracks and assemblies during configuration
due to cross-origin protection.
An easy workaround would be to replace all localhost:3000
(the npx serve port)
occurences in browser/config.yaml
by localhost:9090
(the admin service port).
After successful configuration substitution the ports back.
You can also specify a custom URL, such as
Aside from the sample sheet with paired-end and single-end data and reverse
complemnatry information, the pipeline
attempts to provide a near configuration-free
experience. However,
However, a user could still adapt pipeline in the
file, which is format in
YAML format.
Options ending with "_pe" are used for paired-end data, and "_se" for single-end data.
Custamizeable options and their default behavior are:
'bowtie_*': Uses bowtie2 default settings. For paired-end data only allows concordant pair mapping for Illumina sequencing reads with insert sizes up to
bp. -
'filter_*': Remove all un-mapped reads, low scoring alignments (mapq socre
, corresponds to probability of mapping to other position 0.001), and only keep concordant pairs in which both read pass the filter. -
'featurecount_*': Count reads overlapping with a feature by
of the read length. Reads count towards genes it has the largest overlap with. For paired-end, check the pairs and only count concordant read pairs with insert sizes up to bp.
For the browser, please consider
specifying the URL at which you would like to publish the browser.
The default is set to the npx server
default localhost port (deploy_url
You might want to also specify the browser title and name that is assigned
per default (browser_short
and browser_name
Currently, RNA-browser used the Jbrowse package version 2.2.0 (jbrowse_url
When using this pipeline in it's containerized form (e.g., then an image that was build with the following commands will be downloaded.
# After a complete run of the pipeline (to make sure all works), snapshot the conda envs
snakemake --containerize > Dockerfile
# Convert to a singularity file
# mambaforge does not have curl installed -> use wget
# `curl URL -o PATH` becomes `wget URL -O PATH`
# spython incorrectly doubles the '/environment.yaml/environment.yaml'
spython recipe Dockerfile | \
sed 's,curl \([^ ]*\) -o \([^ ]*\),wget \1 -O \2,' | \
sed 's,/environment.yaml/environment.yaml,/environment.yaml,' > Singularity
singularity build --fakeroot rnabrowser-0.1.sif Singularity
# setup repositry credential
singularity remote login --username <USER> oras://
# + enter secret access token
# upload image
singularity push rnabrowser-0.1.sif oras://