### Setup
g cl --recurse-submodules git@github.com:ashgw/dotfiles.git
This will work on any POSIX machine, to:
- Configure the terminal (ZSH, starship, zioxde, etc...)
- SSH setup
- Neovim, TMUX, FZF...
- Nix
- Packages I use
- Languages I use
- Git configuration, (Aliases, multiple accounts, etc...)
bash <(curl -L ashgw.me/api/v1/bootstrap)
1- A ton of aliases, even aliasing the aliases, I don't like mental overhead, if it takes more than 3 words to type, it has to be aliased. So this what I usually type, it might not make sense to you, but it makes a lot of sense to me
dprune && lpg && g ck -b dev && j t && j l && v . && c && gh
2- Mediocre rice
3- Neovim, tmux & fzf? Yes