This repository contains the javascripts, stylesheets and images that power
Our frontend is built using:
- angular.js (javascript framework)
- twitter-bootstrap (stylesheet framework)
- grunt (compiling)
- bower (web components)
- jshint (javascript syntax checking)
- karma (testing)
Please use our issue tracker to report any bugs or request new features. Or, if you're a developer, send us a pull request!
We use to track our GitHub Issues.
Seriously, we really do. It doesn't matter whether you're fixing a typo or overhauling a major area of the code base. You will be showered in π π π
Fork our repository on GitHub, clone it locally, install components and modules, and start the server.
git clone bountysource
cd bountysource
sudo npm install -g bower grunt-cli # recommended
npm install # installs required node.js modules into node_modules/*
bower install # installs web components into app/components/*
grunt server # runs grunt server on http://localhost:9000/
grunt test:travis # checks if your changed didn't break anything
We have two APIs available:
- - This is our production API and should be used for real transactions. This is the API endpoint that powers
- - This is our test API and should be used for all testing purposes. Our staging environment often contains code that hasn't been fully tested. Paypal and Google Wallet are in "sandbox" mode which means financial transactions aren't real. User data has been anonymized (emails, passwords, etc).