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An Eleventy plugin for conditionally creating HTML element attributes strings:

{% attributes {
    alt: "",
    "aria-disabled": false,
    async: true,
    class: "green" if false,
    href: undefined,
    required: false
} %}

omitting attributes with null or undefined values:

alt="" aria-disabled="false" async


Run the following command at the root of your Eleventy project

npm install ashur/eleventy-plugin-attributes#semver:^v1.0.0-beta.2

then include it in your .eleventy.js config file:

const attributes = require("@aaashur/eleventy-plugin-attributes");

module.exports = (eleventyConfig) => {

The default shortcode name is attributes, but you can customize it using the shortcodeName option:

const attributes = require("@aaashur/eleventy-plugin-attributes");

module.exports = (eleventyConfig) => {
    eleventyConfig.addPlugin(attributes, {
        shortcodeName: "attr",


You might use the shortcode in a Nunjucks template like this:

<div {%- attributes {
    "aria-disabled": false,
    async: true,
    href: undefined
} %}></div>

which would result in:

<div aria-disabled="false" async></div>

The shortcode also supports a more compact single name-value format, handy when only one attribute needs to be evaluated for truthiness:

{%- set elementId = "section-2" -%}

<h2 {%- attributes "id", elementId %}>Heading With ID</h2>
<h2 {%- attributes "id", undefinedVar %}>Heading Without ID</h2>
<h2 id="section-2">Heading With ID</h2>
<h2>Heading Without ID</h2>

"Truthy-ish" Values

When evaluating attributes, the following values will always result in an attribute being omitted:

  • null
  • undefined

while the following values, which are traditionally considered falsy, are treated as "truthy-ish" in the context of HTML attribute values and preserved in the final string:

  • 0
  • ""
  • false
{% attributes {
    alt: ""
    "aria-disabled": false,
    height: 0
} %}
alt="" aria-disabled="false" height="0"

Boolean attributes (async, required, selected, etc.) are evaluated using traditional truthy testing, and are omitted if their values are falsy:

{% attributes {
    "aria-disabled": false,
    async: true,
    required: false
} %}
aria-disabled="false" async

Attributes with Special Handling


If an attribute is named class and its value is an array, classnames will be used automatically to return a space-delimited string containing only truthy, non-duplicate values:

<div {%- attributes {
    class: [
        "block__element--modifier" if false,
} %}>
    <p>Hello, world.</p>
<div class="block block__element">
    <p>Hello, world.</p>


If an attribute is named style and its value is an object, styles will be used automatically to return a semicolon-delimited string containing only truthy values:

<div {%- attributes {
    style: {
        "--custom-property": "10px",
        "--false-property": false,
        "--null-property": null,
        "--undefined-property": undefined,
        "background-color": "red"
} %}>
    <p>Hello, world.</p>
<div style="--custom-property: 10px; background-color: red"></div>
    <p>Hello, world.</p>


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