An Eleventy plugin — available as a filter and a shortcode — for joining truthy object values into a semicolon-delimited string, suitable for use in an HTML element's style
"background-color": backgroundColor,
"--custom-property": customProperty,
"--falsy-variable": falsyVar && "green",
// returns "background-color: red; --custom-property: 10px"
Run the following command at the root of your Eleventy project:
npm install @aaashur/eleventy-plugin-styles
then include it in your .eleventy.js
config file:
const styles = require("@aaashur/eleventy-plugin-styles");
module.exports = (eleventyConfig) => {
is exposed both as a filter and as a shortcode everywhere Eleventy supports them.
✨ Added in v0.2.0
You might use the filter in a WebC template like this:
backgroundColor: red
customProperty: 10px
sectionTitle: Section Title
<h2 :style="styles({
'background-color': backgroundColor,
'--custom-property': customProperty,
'--undefined-var': undefinedVar && 'green',
which would return:
<h2 style="background-color: red; --custom-property: 10px">
Section Title
You might use the shortcode in a Nunjucks template like this:
{% set backgroundColor = "red" %}
{% set customProperty = "10px" %}
{% set sectionTitle = "Section Title" %}
<h2 style="{% styles {
"background-color": backgroundColor,
"--custom-property": customProperty,
"--undefined-var": "green" if undefinedVar
} %}">
{{ sectionTitle }}
which would return:
<h2 style="background-color: red; --custom-property: 10px">
Section Title