issues Search Results · repo:ask/chishop language:Python
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inask/chishop (press backspace or delete to remove)I ve encountered an issue where I run the distutils upload command from Python 3.3. The command succeeds and with the
same output as on Python 2.7 including the all important line:
Server response (200): ...
- 1
- Opened on Jul 10, 2013
- #23
README must be or README.markdown for correct displaying in github main page (
- Opened on Nov 12, 2011
- #19
When I try and register with chishop I get a failure:
File /home/nferrier/chishop/parts/django/django/core/handlers/ in get_response
1. response = ...
- 1
- Opened on Feb 21, 2011
- #14
I am not sure where {{ base_url }} comes from at all. Anyway I think it should be replaced with {% url djangopypi-pypi
%} for home in base.html template.
- Opened on Nov 4, 2010
- #12
Django provides a remote user authentication middleware which allows Apache to handle the authentication before it
reaches Django. The post handler in chishop doesn t check to see if you are authenticated ...
- Opened on Mar 23, 2010
- #11
Line 218 in djangopypi/ only catches Project.DoesNotExist, it needs to catch Release.DoesNotExist as well.
- 1
- Opened on Dec 13, 2009
- #10
Serve static pages.
if settings.LOCAL_DEVELOPMENT: urlpatterns += patterns( django.views , url(r %s(?P path .*)$ % settings.MEDIA_URL[1:],
static.serve , { document_root : settings.MEDIA_ROOT}))
By default ...
- 1
- Opened on Dec 10, 2009
- #9
There s a MEDIA_PREFIX setting in whose purpose is unclear, and which seems to be unused in the codebase.
- 2
- Opened on Dec 10, 2009
- #8
Took me a bit to figure out why the database settings I changed in chishop/ weren t taking effect. I had to
look in bin/django and bin/django.wsgi to notice that they were both using chishop/ ...
- 3
- Opened on Dec 10, 2009
- #7

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