Search GIFs by a word or phrase and display a match in the terminal. Like Giphy for Slack, but for the terminal.
Currently supported on iTerm2 >= 3.
$ npm install --global gif-term-cli
gif-term --help
$ gif-term <text>
--sticker -s Get a sticker gif
--clip -c Copy gif url to clipboard
--height -h Set gif height [Npx|N%|N|'auto']
--width -w Set gif width [Npx|N%|N|'auto']
$ gif-term 'this is awesome'
$ gif-term 'facepalm' --clip --width=100%
Run it without arguments to enter search mode.
gif-term - API for this module, check out for more details
term-img-cli - Thanks to sindresorhus for the insipration ๐