Easy include cordova platform and cordova plugins into your webpack application
- You're using custom cordova platform-based workflow (involving building the app from android-studio/xcode)
- You're not using/don't want to use cordova CLI
- You want to NPM/Yarn to take control of your cordova versioning
- You want to build cordova/cordova-plugin sources directly from node_modules
- You want to bundle whole cordova stuff into one file/let webpack control it
- You're using cordova CLI-based workflow and happy with it
npm install webpack-cordova-bundle-plugin --save-dev
yarn add webpack-cordova-bundle-plugin --dev
You also need cordova-js
package (contains common cordova js sources, without platform overrides):
npm install cordova-js@4 --save-dev
yarn add cordova-js@4 --dev
Note cordova-js@5 is not supported since they've removed browserify-ready sources which this plugin uses.
And make sure you have installed your cordova platform package (cordova-ios/cordova-android/etc...)
Add to your webpack.config.js:
const { WebpackCordovaBundlePlugin } = require("webpack-cordova-bundle-plugin");
module.exports = {
entry: [
"cordova/init", // add new entry
plugins: [
new WebpackCordovaBundlePlugin({
// your platform
platform: "ios",
// list of plugins to include into bundle
// you can use something like this to automatically include Object.keys(require("./package.json").cordova.plugins)
plugins: [
And build your app with webpack normally. The cordova.js and all dependencies will be bundled into your app chunk based on your webpack configuration. You also don't need platform_www/plugins folder with cordova/plugins JS source files.
If you're using platform-centered workflow, you can also delete plugins/cordova native source files, and include them from node_modules directly as references.
Also it's recommended to use nohoist
in yarn workspaces for cordova projects
- Buffer polyfill. Cordova sources has
which is not being used in the cordova apps (i think this is for testing), but webpack automatically includes a polyfill. To disable this behavior, add to your webpack.config.js:
node: {
Buffer: false,
- Cordova.js references PLATFORM_VERSION_BUILD_LABEL for specific platform, just define it by using DefinePlugin:
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
PLATFORM_VERSION_BUILD_LABEL: JSON.stringify(require("cordova-ios/package.json").version), // substitute cordova-ios with your platform package
- Few plugins are bad-written and contains invalid require references, for example
, the temporary fix can be by adding the webpack alias, i.e.:
resolve: {
alias: {
"./isChrome$": "cordova-plugin-file/www/browser/isChrome.js",
- Mangling If you encounter any errors in production builds, exclude uglifyjs in cordova:
const UglifyJSPlugin = require("uglifyjs-webpack-plugin");
module.exports = {
optimization: {
minimizer: [
new UglifyJSPlugin({
exclude /.*cordova.*/,