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Wepback cordova bundle plugin

Easy include cordova platform and cordova plugins into your webpack application

Why do you need it

  • You're using custom cordova platform-based workflow (involving building the app from android-studio/xcode)
  • You're not using/don't want to use cordova CLI
  • You want to NPM/Yarn to take control of your cordova versioning
  • You want to build cordova/cordova-plugin sources directly from node_modules
  • You want to bundle whole cordova stuff into one file/let webpack control it

You don't need it if you

  • You're using cordova CLI-based workflow and happy with it


    npm install webpack-cordova-bundle-plugin --save-dev


    yarn add webpack-cordova-bundle-plugin --dev

You also need cordova-js package (contains common cordova js sources, without platform overrides):

    npm install cordova-js@4 --save-dev


    yarn add cordova-js@4 --dev

Note cordova-js@5 is not supported since they've removed browserify-ready sources which this plugin uses.

And make sure you have installed your cordova platform package (cordova-ios/cordova-android/etc...)

Add to your webpack.config.js:

const { WebpackCordovaBundlePlugin } = require("webpack-cordova-bundle-plugin");

module.exports = {
    entry: [
        "cordova/init", // add new entry
    plugins: [
        new WebpackCordovaBundlePlugin({
            // your platform
            platform: "ios",
            // list of plugins to include into bundle
            // you can use something like this to automatically include Object.keys(require("./package.json").cordova.plugins)
            plugins: [

And build your app with webpack normally. The cordova.js and all dependencies will be bundled into your app chunk based on your webpack configuration. You also don't need platform_www/plugins folder with cordova/plugins JS source files.

Note: If you're using platform-centered workflow, you can also delete plugins/cordova native source files, and include them from node_modules directly as references. Also it's recommended to use nohoist in yarn workspaces for cordova projects


  1. Buffer polyfill. Cordova sources has Buffer.from() which is not being used in the cordova apps (i think this is for testing), but webpack automatically includes a polyfill. To disable this behavior, add to your webpack.config.js:
    node: {
        Buffer: false,
  1. Cordova.js references PLATFORM_VERSION_BUILD_LABEL for specific platform, just define it by using DefinePlugin:
    plugins: [
        new webpack.DefinePlugin({
            PLATFORM_VERSION_BUILD_LABEL: JSON.stringify(require("cordova-ios/package.json").version), // substitute cordova-ios with your platform package
  1. Few plugins are bad-written and contains invalid require references, for example cordova-plugin-file, the temporary fix can be by adding the webpack alias, i.e.:
    resolve: {
        alias: {
            "./isChrome$": "cordova-plugin-file/www/browser/isChrome.js",
  1. Mangling If you encounter any errors in production builds, exclude uglifyjs in cordova:
const UglifyJSPlugin = require("uglifyjs-webpack-plugin");

module.exports = {
    optimization: {
        minimizer: [
            new UglifyJSPlugin({
                exclude /.*cordova.*/,