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Ansible Hands-on Guide for Beginners

1. Introduction to Ansible

Ansible is an open-source automation tool used for configuration management, application deployment, and task automation. It is agentless and uses SSH to communicate with remote machines.

2. Removing Unnecessary Software

Before starting, remove any unnecessary software like firefox, php, and httpd.


sudo yum remove -y firefox php httpd


  • yum remove → Removes the specified packages.
  • -y → Automatically confirms removal without asking.
  • firefox php httpd → List of packages to be removed.

Verify Removal:

rpm -q firefox php httpd
  • This command checks if the packages are still installed.
  • If a package is not installed, it will return: package <name> is not installed.

3. Understanding Ansible Inventory Structure

Ansible uses an inventory file (/etc/ansible/hosts) to manage hosts.

Edit the Inventory File:

gedit /etc/ansible/hosts

Example Inventory File Content:

localhost ansible_connection=local



  • [local] → Defines a local group.
  • localhost ansible_connection=local → Configures Ansible to run locally.
  • [webservers] → Defines a group for web servers.
  • IPs & are the managed nodes.

To list all hosts in inventory:

ansible all --list-hosts

4. Running Ad-hoc Ansible Commands

Ad-hoc commands are one-time Ansible commands that don't require a playbook.

Test Connectivity with Hosts:

ansible all -m ping

Expected Output:

localhost | SUCCESS => {
    "ping": "pong"

Run Shell Commands on Remote Hosts:

ansible all -m command -a "whoami"
ansible all -m command -a "date"


  • ansible all → Runs the command on all hosts in the inventory.
  • -m command → Uses the command module to execute shell commands.
  • -a "whoami" → Executes the whoami command to check the logged-in user.

5. Installing and Managing Packages via Ansible

Install httpd (Apache Web Server):

ansible all -m package -a "name=httpd state=present"

Install dialog as Root (With Sudo Privileges):

ansible all -m package -a "name=dialog state=present" \
  --become --become-method=sudo --become-user=root --ask-become-pass

Understanding Different States in Ansible Modules

State Description
present Ensures the package is installed.
absent Ensures the package is removed.
latest Ensures the package is installed with the latest version.
installed Alias for present.
removed Alias for absent.

Commonly Used Ansible Modules

Module Purpose
ping Checks connectivity with hosts.
command Runs shell commands on remote hosts.
package Installs, removes, or manages packages.
copy Copies files from the control node to remote hosts.
service Manages services (start, stop, restart, enable).
firewalld Configures firewall rules.

6. Ansible Playbooks

Playbooks are YAML files that define a set of tasks to automate complex processes.

Example Playbook: Install and Start Apache

- hosts: webservers
  become: yes
    - name: Install Apache
        name: httpd
        state: present
    - name: Start Apache Service
        name: httpd
        state: started
        enabled: yes


  • hosts: webservers → Applies tasks to the webservers group.
  • become: yes → Uses root privileges.
  • package: → Installs Apache (httpd).
  • service: → Starts and enables Apache.

Run the Playbook:

ansible-playbook apache.yml

7. Summary of Useful Ansible Commands

Command Description
ansible all -m ping Check if hosts are reachable
ansible all -m command -a "whoami" Check the user running Ansible on remote machines
ansible all --list-hosts Show all managed hosts
ansible all -m command -a "date" Get the current date on all hosts
ansible all -m package -a "name=httpd state=present" Install httpd using Ansible
ansible all -m package -a "name=dialog state=present" --become --ask-become-pass Install dialog with sudo privileges
ansible-playbook apache.yml Run an Ansible playbook


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