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Jira Cloud for Sketch

A Sketch plugin that provides integration with Jira Cloud. Get it @


This is primarily for developers. The latest plugin version, documentation, FAQ, etc. are hosted at

This plugin's canonical repository is on Bitbucket, but is also mirrored on GitHub. Contributions are accepted via either service.


  • Uninstall any previous versions of the Atlassian Sketch plugin from Sketch
  • npm install to install dependencies
  • npm install -g skpm to install the Sketch plugin manager
  • skpm build to transpile and package the plugin
  • skpm link . to symlink the plugin to the Sketch plugins directory

When you next start Sketch, there should be a Jira option in the Plugins menu.

To subsequently update the plugin, simply run skpm build and restart Sketch.

AtlassianSketchFramework (Objective-C)

If you change files under the Objective-C AtlassianSketchFramework package, you'll need to rebuild the project using the ./ script instead of skpm build. Make sure you commit any changes to the generated AtlassianSketchFramework binaries alongside their corresponding source changes.


Builds are continuously built by Bitbucket Pipelines. See bitbucket-pipelines.yml and for details. Builds are automatically uploaded to S3:

The build environment is defined by the Dockerfile in the repository root.

If you want to cut your own build to send to a friend, simply run skpm build (or ./ if you've modified any Objective-C files) and then zip the jira.sketchplugin directory.



The plugin 'backend' uses CocoaScript to implement Sketch commands, store user preferences, make requests to Jira, add controls to the Sketch UI, and spawn Cocoa NSPanels and WebViews that render the 'frontend'. The frontend is client-side JavaScript that runs in a WebView (that is, Safari) context. 'Backend' and 'frontend' are in quotes because they aren't a traditional client/server frontend/backend: both actually run on the user's computer. However they run in vastly different script contexts, which must be carefully bridged (see src/views/bridge for details).

The frontend uses React and AtlasKit for the user interface, and mobx for state management. Both the frontend and backend are compiled with Webpack and Babel for shiny new ES6/ES8/etc language features. In particular, the plugin makes heavy use of async/await, arrow functions, classes, export/imports, decorators, and the spread operator, so you may want to read up on them if you see some syntax in the codebase that you haven't seen before.

The backend is also partially implemented in Objective-C to work around a couple of CocoaScript's limitations, but CocoaScript is strongly preferred where possible. The plugin does not make use of CocoaScript's square bracket syntax (I suspect webpack will fall over if you try to use it), but I believe everything can be expressed in JavaScript style. The backend also uses a heap of Cocoa classes (see the globals section in .eslintrc) for a more or less complete list. These are only present in the CocoaScript context, and must be stubbed out for tests. Care should be taken not to include CocoaScript dependencies in frontend code, as the Cocoa classes will be missing from the frontend context.


Most configuration is stored in user modifiable file at jira.sketchplugin/Contents/Resource/config.json. This file is read once at startup (see src/config.js), so Sketch will need to be restarted to pick up any modifications.

Properties and settings that are modified at runtime are stored in a macOS plist that lives at ~/Library/Preferences/plugin.sketch.jira-sketch-plugin (see src/prefs.js).

Jira authentication and integration

The plugin uses a companion Atlassian Connect add-on to integrate with Jira Cloud. The add-on allows a user to securely link a plugin instance to their Jira Cloud account via an OAuth-like 'dance' and subsequently providing bearer tokens for plugin instances to authenticate directly with the Jira REST API (see src/auth.js and src/jira.js for details). The companion add-on is a system add-on, and will be automatically installed in any given Jira Cloud instance.


Logs are sent to the Sketch provided log function, which writes to ~/Library/Logs/com.bohemiancoding.sketch3/Plugin Output.log. This file is cleared automatically by Sketch on startup. I recommend browsing logs using and filtering by process:sketch. Most logging in the plugin is logged at trace or error level. The current log level can be configured via config.json (see Persistance above).


Pull requests, issues and comments are welcomed. For pull requests:

  • Follow the existing style
  • Separate unrelated changes into multiple pull requests

For bigger changes, make sure you start a discussion first by creating an issue and explaining the intended change.

Atlassian requires contributors to sign a Contributor License Agreement, known as a CLA. This serves as a record stating that the contributor is entitled to contribute the code/documentation/translation to the project and is willing to have it used in distributions and derivative works (or is willing to transfer ownership).

Prior to accepting your contributions we ask that you please follow the appropriate link below to digitally sign the CLA. The Corporate CLA is for those who are contributing as a member of an organization and the individual CLA is for those contributing as an individual.

Code of conduct

This project is bound by a code of conduct.