Jira Service Management offers an integration plugin for Graylog. Graylog can use this plugin to send stream alerts to Jira Service Management with detailed information. Jira Service Management acts as a dispatcher for Graylog alerts, determining the right people to notify based on their on-call schedules via email, text messages (SMS), phone calls, and push notifications (both iPhone & Android), and by escalating alerts until they're acknowledged or closed.
This project uses Maven 3 and requires Java 7 or higher. The plugin requires Graylog 1.0.0 or higher.
Steps to build the plugin
- Clone this repository.
- Run mvn package to build a JAR file.
- Optional: Run mvn jdeb:jdeb and mvn rpm:rpm to create a DEB and RPM package respectively.
- Copy the generated JAR file into a target directory within the Graylog plugin directory.
- Restart Graylog.