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Jira Service Management Logstash Plugin

  1. Download the Logstash plugin.
    The plugin is entirely free and open-source. It's under the Apache 2.0 license, so you can use it in the way that best suits your needs.

  2. Install and run the Jira Service Management output plugin in Logstash:

  • For Logstash 5.4+
    bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-output-jsm
  • For other versions
    bin/plugin install logstash-output-jsm
  1. Add a Logstash integration in Jira Service Management and copy the API key.
    ⚠️ If the feature isn’t available on your site, keep checking Jira Service Management for updates.

  2. Use plugins such as Mutate to populate the fields that logstash-output-jsm will use.

filter {
    mutate {
       add_field => {
          "jsmAction" => "create"
          "alias" => "neo123"
          "description" => "Every alert needs a description"
          "actions" => ["Restart", "AnExampleAction"]
          "tags" => ["OverwriteQuietHours","Critical"]
          "[details][prop1]" => "val1"
          "[details][prop2]" => "val2"
          "entity" => "An example entity"
          "priority" => "P4"
          "source" => "custom source"
          "user" => "custom user"
          "note" => "alert is created"
    ruby {
        code => "event.set('teams', [{'name' => 'Integration'}, {'name' => 'Platform'}])"
  1. Add the following to your configuration file and enter the integration API key you copied earlier into apiKey.
output {
  jsm {
    "apiKey" => "logstash_integration_api_key"
  1. Run Logstash.