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Plugin for bamboo which enables building of ruby projects using rake


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This is a bamboo plugin project which when installed enables configuration of tasks which run various ruby based build tools.


To use this plugin you will need a ruby runtime, this can either be the one installed by default on OSX or one installed via package manager in for example Ubuntu. If your build server is not running as root, which is preferable, you will need to install all the gems used by your project prior to running a build.

RVM Support

Alternatively you could install RVM from the link below, install all the gems used by your project, preferably into it's own gem set.

As an example follow the following steps to setup a project and run some tests using this plugin. This assumes your using either OSX or Linux. If your on OSX you will need to install XCode, and if your installing version 4.1 then you will also need GCC Installer as this version omits gcc in favor of llvm and clang.

  1. Install RVM, once installed it will list some dependencies you will need to install if your on linux.

     bash < <(curl -s )
  2. Install a ruby.

     rvm install 1.9.3
  3. Switch to using this ruby.

     rvm use 1.9.3
  4. Create a new gemset for rails.

     rvm gemset create rails3
  5. Switch to this gemset.

     rvm use 1.9.3@rails3
  6. Install the rails gem and rspec

     gem install rails rspec-rails
  7. Build a new rails project

     rails bamboo-build-test -T
  8. Add RSpec to project by appending this line to the bottom of the Gemfile in the newly created project.

     gem "rspec-rails", :group => [:test, :development]
  9. Run bundler to ensure all the dependencies are installed into the gemset you created.

     bundle install
  10. Configure rspec in this project.

     rails generate rspec:install
  11. Using scaffold build a data entry interface for a model.

    rails generate scaffold Post name:string title:string content:text
  12. Remove the two pending specs, not necessary for this example.

    rm ./spec/helpers/posts_helper_spec.r ./spec/models/post_spec.rb
  13. Run the database migration script.

    rake db:migrate
  14. Run rspec to ensure all the generated tests, should be all green.

    rspec spec
  15. Add this project to your favourite online project hosting site.

  16. Navigate to the capability admin interface and click the "Auto Detection" link, this should detect the installed ruby and it's associated gemsets.

  17. Create a plan which uses the online project site and add a job with a Rake Task which runs the spec target using the 1.9.3@rails3 runtime.

Test Report

To enable test reporting do as follows.

  1. Add the this fragment to your Gemfile.

     group :test do
         gem "rspec_junit_formatter"
  2. Edit your the .rspec file in the base of your project and replace the contents with.

     --format RspecJunitFormatter
     --out rspec.xml
  3. Add a JUnit test task to your Job and configure it to look for rspec.xml which contains the test results.

Bundler Features

In version 1.3 I added some bundler related features, these are:

  1. Added an option to the Rake task to enable bundle exec when running the rake command.

  2. Bundler task has been added which runs bundle install to dependencies during the build process. Note will only work when RVM is installed in the home directory of the user the build server is running under.

Ruby Runtime Manager Support

In version 1.5 I added support for more than one ruby version manager. The ones which were initially supported are:

  • System Ruby Runtime Manager which is a very primitive discovery routine which search /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin for ruby and gem commands. Note it is done this way to avoid PATH overrides in the default shell, commonly done by developers or RVM.
  • RVM Runtime Manager which as before supports RVM installed rubies.

To enable this feature a concept of runtime labels was introduced, these are in the form of ruby runtime manager then ruby version and gemset (for those without gemsets everything it is set to default) for example 'RVM 1.9.3-p0@rails32'.

When the plugin encounters a runtime label which has no ruby runtime manager as with existing installations it will just use RVM.

Windows Support

As of version 1.6 I added a ruby runtime manager which supports detection of ruby on windows systems, there are some caveats on how this is done.

  1. I have tested this using the rails installer project as the ONLY ruby installed on the system. On my test system I verified there was only on installation of ruby.exe using the which command.

     Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
     Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
     C:\Users\markw>where ruby.exe
  2. The current release only supports detection of a single ruby runtime, being the first one in the %PATH%.

  3. As the rails installer updates the %PATH% variable you will need to restart your bamboo server after installing the rails installer.

I have tested this with a simple gem project built with bundler and a rails 3.2 project. The only issue I had was related ot the Javascript runtime used by the asset pipeline, however this won't be an issue if you create your project using rails new on windows.



Plugin for bamboo which enables building of ruby projects using rake







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