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Atlassian Operations Terraform Provider

This project aims to enable users to manipulate Operations resources in Atlassian(Jira Service Management), via Terraform. It is a functional replication of the now transitioned Opsgenie Provider.

The provider is still under development. It currently supports the following resources:

  • Team
  • Schedule (incl. Rotation)
  • Escalation
  • Email Integration
  • API-Based Integration

And the following data sources:

  • User*
  • Team
  • Schedule (excl. Rotation)

*Due to the internal structure of Jira Service Management, user is implemented solely as a data source and supports read operations only.

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How To Run Locally

The process to run the provider in a local environment requires the following steps:

  1. Check the Requirements and install the missing components
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Compile & install the provider binary
  4. Set local overrides, so terraform uses your local version of the provider
  5. Debugging
    1. Create a simple .tf file
    2. Enable debugging
  6. Running Acceptance Tests

1. Requirements

This project requires the following programs to be installed on your computer, and their main executables to be available in your PATH:

  • Go 1.22 (or higher, to build the provider plugin)
  • Terraform 1.9.5 (To test the plugin)

2. Cloning the repository

git clone

3. Compiling & Installing

Make sure that go is already installed and the command is available on your path. Check the Go Documentation for instructions on how to add the go executable to your path, if not already added.

While in the project directory, run the following commands:

go mod download
go install .

Go, unless specified otherwise with the -o flag, will install the resulting binary in the $GOPATH/bin directory. If you do not know where your $GOPATH is, you can run:

go env GOPATH

4. Setting local overrides

This step is required for Terraform to use the plugin executable that you just compiled, instead of the one downloaded from the Terraform Registry.

  • For macOS & Linux: Create a file called .terraformrc in your $HOME directory
  • For Windows: Create a file called terraform.rc in your %APPDATA% directory

Add the following content to the file:

provider_installation {

   # "/Users/<YOUR_USERNAME>/go/bin" is the path to the compiled provider ($GOPATH/bin).
   # Change it accordingly if your configuration is different.
   dev_overrides {
      # Replace <YOUR_USERNAME> with your username
      "" = "/Users/<YOUR_USERNAME>/go/bin"

   # For all other providers, install them directly from their origin provider
   # registries as normal. If you omit this, Terraform will _only_ use
   # the dev_overrides block, and so no other providers will be available.
   direct {}

5. Debugging

5.1 Create a simple file:

terraform {
required_providers {
   atlassian-operations = {
      source = ""

provider "atlassian-operations" {
cloud_id = "<YOUR_CLOUD_ID>"
domain_name="<YOUR_DOMAIN>"      // e.g.
email_address = "<YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS>"     // e.g.
token = "<YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>"   // e.g. API token created in Atlassian account settings

data "atlassian-operations_user" "example" {
email_address = ""

output "example" {
value = "data.atlassian-operations_user.example"

Instead of providing values in the provider block directly, you can also set the following environment variables:


If you do not want to debug the provider with a debugger, and would like to simply execute the Terraform file you just created, you can skip the next part and jump directly to Running Without Debugging

5.2. Enable Debugging

To enable debugging for the provider and make it connect to Delve before carrying on with the execution of the instructions in the .tf file, you need to set the debug flag to true, via altering the flag.BoolVar statement in the file:

package main
import "flag"
// ...

func main() {
   var debug bool

   flag.BoolVar(&debug, "debug", true, "set to true to run the provider with support for debuggers like delve")

   // Rest of the main.go file

This will make the provider executable pause the execution and wait for a debugger to connect before proceeding.

With the default configuration, the provider binary is compiled without debug information. To include the necessary debug information within the library, you need to build the provider with the -gcflags="all=-N -l" flag. Afterward, you can run and attach the process to the Delve debugger with the dlv command.

go build -gcflags="all=-N -l" .
dlv exec --accept-multiclient --continue --headless ./terraform_provider_jsm_ops -- -debug

Most IDEs do building with debug flags and attaching to Delve debugger in the background automatically when the debugger is run from within their UI.

When the provider executable is run with this configuration, it will output a message similar to the following:

API server listening at:
debugserver-@(#)PROGRAM:LLDB  PROJECT:lldb-1600.0.36.3 for arm64.
Got a connection, launched process /Users/username/Library/Caches/JetBrains/GoLand2024.2/tmp/GoLand/___go_build_github_com_atlassian_terraform_provider_jsm_ops (pid = 47822).
{"@level":"debug","@message":"plugin address","@timestamp":"2024-10-02T00:03:48.057576+03:00","address":"/var/folders/5n/wcvl0l8d4nx15qz3jy9jn7wh0000gn/T/plugin3023012805","network":"unix"}
Provider started. To attach Terraform CLI, set the TF_REATTACH_PROVIDERS environment variable with the following:


Simply follow the instructions as they are prompted. Either set the TF_REATTACH_PROVIDERS environment variable in your terminal, or prepend it to your every Terraform command.

  • Set the environment variable:
  • Run the Terraform commands directly:

More information on how to use Delve with Terraform can be found in the Terraform documentation.

6. Running Acceptance Tests

To run the acceptance tests, additional to the ones specified in the Debugging section, you need to set the following environment variables as well:

export TF_ACC=1

Acceptance tests do not require a file to be present, as they are run directly from the test files. To run the acceptance tests, simply run the following commands:

cd internal/provider
go test -count=1 -v

Keep in mind that running acceptance tests will work on your existing JSM instance, which can result in notification emails being sent and extra usage fees.