issues Search Results · repo:atlassian/terraform-provider-atlassian-operations language:Go
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inatlassian/terraform-provider-atlassian-operations (press backspace or delete to remove)According to the docs the provider block can configured through env variables like below
- Opened 16 hours ago
- #16
Hey folks! With the opsgenie provider, you could define actions using opsgenie_integration_action. Is there something
similar in this new provider?
Thanks in advance!
- Opened yesterday
- #15
This resource is pretty much useless in it s current implementation. What s the point in creating an API integration if
you cannot use it s key property (api_key) to integrate with anything else.
I do ...
- Opened 12 days ago
- #14
Hi, I haven t seen this called out anywhere in the documentation as it may be an issue with the APIs, but when I create
new resources (team, schedule, escalation, etc...), the user account I use to credential ...
- Opened 13 days ago
- #13
Currently team lookup is done with ID, which is rather useless. If I already know the ID I might as well hardcode it.
- 1
- Opened 22 days ago
- #12
I ve created an integration with terraform-provider-atlassian-operations provider, and I tried to send some create alert
requests but always had the response API Key is not granted with write access. ...
- 3
- Opened on Feb 5
- #11
Hello, Would be possible to get the API Key from a created integration? This would be very useful when the complete
alarming flow is automated and we need to get it to be able to send alarms or any other ...
- 1
- Opened on Feb 3
- #10
Hello, First, thanks for the provider. Is there any expected date to improve a little bit the documentation? It took me
some time doing reverse engineering to discover that when defining one team, the ...
- 1
- Opened on Jan 31
- #9
This provider was created as a replacement for Opsgenie. I was wondering if there are any plans for unifying the inputs
between the two providers, particularly when it comes to handling dynamic blocks. ...
- Opened on Jan 29
- #8
The documentation says that a member attribute is required to be present in the atlassian-operations_team resource, but
when supplied it errors saying it doesn t belong there...
Documentation: Nested ...
- 2
- Opened on Jan 7
- #7

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