codeql Public
Forked from github/codeqlCodeQL: the libraries and queries that power security researchers around the world, as well as code scanning in GitHub Advanced Security (code scanning), LGTM.com, and LGTM Enterprise
vscode-codeql-starter Public
Forked from github/vscode-codeql-starterStarter workspace to use with the CodeQL extension for Visual Studio Code.
CodeQL MIT License UpdatedMay 23, 2022 -
news-android Public
Forked from nextcloud/news-android📱:newspaper: Android client for the Nextcloud news/feed reader app
Java GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 3, 2021 -
r2con-ctf-challenges Public
Forked from as0ler/r2con-ctf-challengesr2con CTF games
C UpdatedOct 18, 2021 -
owasp-mstg Public
Forked from OWASP/owasp-mastgThe Mobile Security Testing Guide (MSTG) is a comprehensive manual for mobile app security development, testing and reverse engineering.
Shell Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International UpdatedOct 15, 2021 -
vscode-codeql Public
Forked from github/vscode-codeqlAn extension for Visual Studio Code that adds rich language support for CodeQL
GHSL_CTF_4 Public
My solution for GitHub Security Lab CTF 4: CodeQL and Chill - The Java Edition
r2con2018-psv Public
Perfectly Secure Vault - Easy reversing challenge for r2con2018
C UpdatedAug 30, 2018 -
nn7ed-ctf Public
Solutions to some of the nn7ed CTF challenges (https://nn7ed.ka0labs.org/challenges)
Shell UpdatedOct 8, 2017 -
Firefox WebExtension that blocks the ad-block blocker running in http://www.atresplayer.com/
exploit-exercises Public
This repository depicts myself struggling to solve exercises from https://exploit-exercises.com/
PyCheckmarx Public
Forked from dvolvox/PyCheckmarxPython API and REST API for the Checkmarx WSDL
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 11, 2016