- Belgium
- http://atix.be/ZZS
Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you
A tool to automatically fix PHP Coding Standards issues
Effective June 1, 2021: Phabricator is no longer actively maintained.
PrestaShop is the universal open-source software platform to build your e-commerce solution.
PHP Object Oriented image manipulation library
ThinkUp gives you insights into your social networking activity on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and beyond.
Simple static Composer repository generator - For a full private Composer repo use Private Packagist
Combines. minifies, and serves CSS or Javascript files
An elegant and modern git repository viewer
Drush is a command-line shell and scripting interface for Drupal, a veritable Swiss Army knife designed to make life easier for those who spend their working hours hacking away at the command prompt.
OAuth client integration for Symfony. Supports both OAuth1.0a and OAuth2.
A simple PHP GitHub API client, Object Oriented, tested and documented.
A Parser for CSS Files written in PHP. Allows extraction of CSS files into a data structure, manipulation of said structure and output as (optimized) CSS
The modern, simple and intuitive PHP unit testing framework.
Distributed continuous integration testing for JavaScript.
The Drupal CLI. A tool to generate boilerplate code, interact with and debug Drupal.
Detector is a simple, PHP- and JavaScript-based browser- and feature-detection library that can adapt to new devices & browsers on its own without the need to pull from a central database of browse…
A PHP wrapper around the Git command line utility.
richthegeek / phpsass
Forked from MarcWeber/phamlpA compiler for SASS/SCSS written in PHP, brought up to date (approx 3.2) from a fork of PHamlP: http://code.google.com/p/phamlp/