Releases: audeberc/datasworn-elegy
JSON for Iron Vault
"Compiled" json with Elegy content for use in Iron Vault (Ironsworn Obsidian plug-in)
Some limitations from Iron Vault:
I cannot rename "momentum" to "focus" as it is not a datasworn defined stat
The max values for the stats seem to be hard coded into Iron Vault, it throw an error if you go above 5.
Iron vault dice rolls always include an action roll. You can either play with action dice as I've seen sugested before (with 4,3,3,2,2 stats to be more powerful) or in the Iron Vault settings, activate manual roll entry and always select a +3 action roll (with 4, 3, 3, 2, 2 stats)
if you want to try it in Obsidian's Iron Vault:
Add the json in a folder in your obsidian vault ("/Homebrew")
In Obsidian settings > Iron Vault "Enable Homebrew content" and point to "Homebrew"
Create a new campaign command>Iron Vault: Create a new campaign
Select "Custom playset" and in the window type :elegy/*