Welcome to arg-blog-fasthtml! ๐
This is my new blog. I created it this way because I love Jupyter notebooks and FastHTML, and I found blogging platforms using Markdown files or content in databases too limiting.
It's designed to make it as easy and fun as possible for me to blog, by allowing me to:
- Create blog posts as standard .ipynb files
- Render blog posts as beautiful, fast-loading HTML blog posts with the power of nb2fasthtml
- Get right to blogging with no extra front matter to remember. The notebook's title is the blog post title.
Jupyter notebooks are such a joy to experiment in! My goal here is to make turning those experiments into blog posts just as effortless.
This started off with me copying the notebooks from https://github.com/audreyfeldroy/til/tree/main/nbs to nbs/ and then it turned into my real blog.
Clone this repo, install the requirements, then:
python main.py