This is a simple Express.js API that connects to a MongoDB database using Mongoose. The application provides a basic structure to manage a CRM system with routes for handling requests.
Ensure you have the following installed on your system:
Clone the repository:
git clone cd CRM
Install dependencies:
npm install
Ensure MongoDB is running locally
Start the Express server:
npm run start
By default, the server will run on http://localhost:4000/
Method | Route | Description |
GET | / |
Running Message |
GET | /contact |
Retrieve all contacts |
POST | /contact |
Add a new contact |
GET | /contact/:contactID |
Retrieve a contact by ID |
PUT | /contact/:contactID |
Update a contact by ID |
DELETE | /contact/:contactID |
Delete a contact by ID |
Method | Route | Description |
POST | /auth/register |
Register a new user |
POST | /login |
Authenticate a user and return a JWT |
- Web framework for Node.jsmongoose
- ODM for MongoDBbody-parser
- Middleware for parsing request bodiescors
- Middleware for handling CORS requestsbcrypt
- Library for hashing passwordsjsonwebtoken
- Library for generating and verifying JWT tokens