Welcome to Autopilot's interview! This repository is a production-grade environment that mirrors our internal development stack, designed to give you a real taste of what it's like to work with us.
- Microservices Architecture with API Gateway pattern
- Comprehensive Monitoring via OpenTelemetry
- Background Job Processing using River
- Type-Safe API Contracts across all services
- Automated Quality Gates for every pull request
- Comprehensive Testing including unit and E2E tests
- Linear Canary Deployments with automated rollbacks
- Security-First Approach with dependency audits
- Instant Setup with one-command development environment
- Hot Reload for both frontend and backend changes
- Component Library with Storybook integration
- Clear Documentation and best practices
At Autopilot, we believe the best way to evaluate talent is through real-world scenarios. This repository provides you with a complete development environment that closely resembles our production stack, allowing you to:
- Experience our modern, full-stack development workflow
- Work with the same tools and technologies we use daily
- Demonstrate your problem-solving skills in a realistic setting
- Read the repository, familiarize yourself with the project.
- If you are comfortable/productive working with our tech stack, please proceed to our Software Engineer JD.
- We will get back to you within 72 hours to schedule an interview if your profile matches our requirements.
During the interview, you'll be using this interview to implement a mini feature end-to-end with our interviewer within 90 minutes, which might include:
- Frontend component development
- API implementation
- Database schema changes
- Testing and documentation
- Your problem-solving approach
- Code quality and architecture decisions
- Testing strategies, i.e. mocks/stubs/spies
- Communication skills
- Ability to work with new technologies
├── apps/ # Frontend applications
│ └── dashboard/ # Main dashboard app
├── backends/ # Backend services
│ ├── api/ # API gateway
│ ├── internal/ # Common libraries
│ └── payment/ # Payment service
└── packages/ # Shared packages
├── api/ # API client library
├── ui/ # UI component library
└── typescript-config/ # Shared TS configs
# Install pkgx.sh (if not already installed) curl -fsS https://pkgx.sh | sh # Clone the repository git clone git@github.com:autopilot-team/interview.git cd interview # Create "virtual environments" consisting of the project toolings (e.g. Go/NodeJS/etc.) dev # Setup the development environment make setup # Installs dependencies and configures services make reset # Resets database state # Start development servers make dev
Development The
make dev
command will start all necessary services. After starting, run the command in another terminal to view the local development URLs:make domains
All services feature hot reload capabilities, automatically rebuilding and refreshing when code changes are detected:
- API contract changes in
- OpenAPI spec updates from backend API handlers
- Protocol Buffer changes in backend services
- API contract changes in
Our system follows a microservices architecture with clean, layered patterns in each service. Here's how requests flow through our system:
graph TB
subgraph "Dashboard App"
direction TB
client["React Client"]-->|"HTTP/REST"|api_client["API Client Library"]
subgraph "API Gateway"
direction TB
subgraph "12-Factor Integration"
config_api["Config"]-->|"Env Vars"|handlers_api
subgraph "Request Flow"
handlers_api-->|"Domain Models"|services_api["Services"]
services_api-->|"Data Ops"|stores_api["Stores"]
stores_api-->|"Cache/DB"|data_api[("Data Layer")]
subgraph "Payment Service"
direction TB
subgraph "12-Factor Integration"
config_pay["Config"]-->|"Env Vars"|handlers_pay
subgraph "Request Flow"
handlers_pay-->|"Domain Models"|services_pay["Services"]
services_pay-->|"Data Ops"|stores_pay["Stores"]
stores_pay-->|"Cache/DB"|data_pay[("Data Layer")]
classDef client fill:#f9f9f9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef layer fill:#dae8fc,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef factor fill:#e1f3d8,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef data fill:#ffe6cc,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
class client client
class handlers_api,services_api,stores_api,handlers_pay,services_pay,stores_pay layer
class config_api,deps_api,config_pay,deps_pay factor
class data_api,data_pay data
Each service implements:
12-Factor Integration
- Configuration via environment variables
- Explicit dependency management
- Stateless design
Clean Architecture Layers
- Handlers: Request validation, auth, and routing
- Services: Business logic and workflow orchestration
- Stores: Data persistence and caching
This architecture ensures:
- Clear separation of concerns
- Independent scalability
- Consistent development patterns
- Reliable data flow
We follow a robust CI/CD pipeline that ensures code quality and reliable deployments. Our CI pipeline (defined in .github/workflows/ci.yml
) automatically enforces the following quality gates on every pull request:
- Formatter/Linter Checks: Ensures consistent code style and catches common issues
- Security Checks: Runs security audits on both frontend and backend dependencies
- Unit Tests: Validates core functionality across all services
- UI Tests: Ensures visual consistency and catches UI regressions
No code can be merged to the main branch unless all these checks pass, maintaining our high quality standards.
flowchart LR
subgraph Dev[Development]
direction TB
feat[Feature Branch]
pr[Pull Request]
checks["`Quality Checks • Unit Tests • E2E Tests • Formatting/Linting`"]
trunk[Main Branch]
subgraph Stage[Staging]
validate["`Pre-Production Checks • E2E Tests • Load Tests`"]
subgraph Prod[Production]
direction TB
canary["`Linear Canary • 10% every 3 mins`"]
metrics["`Health • Errors • Latency • CPU/Memory`"]
full["`Full Release • 100% Traffic`"]
prev["`Rollback to Last Stable Deploy`"]
feat --> pr
pr --> checks
checks -->|Pass| trunk
checks -->|Fail| feat
trunk -->|Deploy| validate
validate -->|Pass| canary
validate -->|Fail| stop
canary --> metrics
metrics -->|Healthy| full
metrics -->|Unhealthy| prev
classDef default fill:#f9f9f9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
classDef success fill:#90EE90,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef failure fill:#FFB6C6,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef stop fill:#FF0000,color:#fff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef prev fill:#FFB6C6,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
class trunk,full success
class prev failure
class stop stop
linkStyle 0,1,4,7 stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
linkStyle 2,5,8 stroke:#00CC00,stroke-width:2px
linkStyle 3,6,9 stroke:#FF0000,stroke-width:2px
Our deployment pipeline ensures code quality and reliability through:
- Feature branches for isolated development
- Pull requests with automated quality checks
- Comprehensive testing suite (unit, E2E)
- Code formatting and linting enforcement
- Pre-production validation
- End-to-end testing in staging environment
- Load testing to ensure performance
- Linear canary deployments (10% traffic increments)
- Continuous health monitoring
- Automated rollback capabilities
- Full release after successful validation
If you have any questions about the setup or requirements, don't hesitate to ask. We're here to ensure you can focus on showcasing your skills rather than fighting with setup issues.