An ad-hoc app for a very specific problem: If you co-host an interview-style podcast that's also recorded remotely, it's often helpful to give cues to your co-host. For instance "I have a follow up question", or "You should jump in next". Typing while recording is not ideal due to noise, speed, etc. CoHostCue gives you a few simple buttons for common queues to streamline it. That's it.
Hitting the root page of the app /
to create a new "studio" with a random ID. Share that link with your cohost, cue, and be cued!
This code-base is almost entirely AI-written! Only small tweaks and fixes were done by hand.
I'm currently deploying this on replit, but you can also run it directly with:
node index.js
If you're here, you might like the podcast that this project was built for: The Hacking Open Source Business Podcast.