Cuprate, an upcoming experimental, modern & secure Monero node. Written in Rust
A cutting-edge zkWASM implementation leveraging Nova-NIVC-based folding techniques.
Crescent adds privacy to existing credentials with zero-knowledge
Benchmarking SHA256 proving: pure Cairo vs available off-the-shelf solutions
A fully-validating Bitcoin node powered by Utreexo, with an integrated Electrum Server
Starting with Rust programming, simple UAL
Jetpack Compose QR Scanner /w Limited Area
It is QR code app, It is implemented using Jetpack compose. I used Android CompoundBarcodeView inside composable, and new media picker for pick qr code from device.
his is a simple setup that demonstrates the use of web workers in Sveltekit. Most parts apply to any framework.
Source code for "Building Cryptographic Proofs from Hash Functions"
Create ZK proof of DigiLocker documents with selective disclosure
Evolution of the Ethereum Proof-of-Stake Consensus Protocol
Solidity implementation of Nova proving system verifier
In-browser ECDSA aggregation using Nova over secp/secq
Experimental folding schemes library
A collection of all the project ideas involving zk, blockchains & what not
A trustless P2P fiat onramp powered by ZK proofs.