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File metadata and controls

94 lines (83 loc) · 4.95 KB

Developers Guide

Table of Contents

Development Setup

  1. Clone this repository onto your local machine
  2. Open up the project using your preferred code editor
  3. Install the required node modules for this project.
    npm install
  4. Start up the Gatsby site
    NO_GH_API_KEY=true npm start
  5. Open http://localhost:8000 to check the site

Optional - Test the GitHub API integration

This step is optional and allows you to test that the list of contributors is being fetched from GitHub.

  1. Generate a GitHub Personal Access Token
  2. Create a new file in the root called .env.development (See Project Structure for more information)
  3. In the .env.development file, add the following line:
  4. Start up the Gatsby site
    npm start
  5. Open http://localhost:8000 to check the site

Making Changes to the Site

  1. Create a new branch

    git checkout -b <branch name>
  2. Make your desired changes to the project!

  3. Push your branch and your changes upstream

    git add .
    git commit -m "<Your Commit Message>"
    git push
  4. Create a pull request to merge your changes into the main branch

    Note: When creating the pull request, the option that should be selected is base:main and compare:<your branch>

  5. Stay tuned while our team reviews your changes and we will either give feedback and comments or we will merge them into the main branch and publish your changes

Project Structure

├── .github                 
├── node_modules            
├── public                  
├── src
│    ├── @rocketseat
│    ├── assets 
│    ├── components
│    ├── config
│    ├── content
│    ├── docs
│    └── pages          
├── static                  
├── .env.development        
├── .gitignore              
├── gatsby-config.js        
├── package.json
└── package-lock.json
File/Directory Description
.github GitHub actions workflow for deploying to GitHub pages
node_modules Automatically generated when doing npm install to install node packages used in this project
public Assets that are copied into this folder by Gatsby
src The root folder for code
static Contains the favicon image
.env.development Contains environment variables for development environment
.gitignore File that specifies which files Git should ignore
gatsby-config.js Defines site's metadata, plugins, and other general configuration
package.json Holds project metadata and used for managing the project's dependencies
package-lock.json Automatically generated for any operations where npm modifies either the node_modules tree, or package.json
/src/@rocketseat Files for shadowing Gatsby Rocket Docs Theme
/src/assets Contains images and styling for the site
/src/components Contains the React Components used throughout the site
/src/config Defines routing for technical documentation pages and side navigation bar
/src/content Holds the site's static content using YAML format and blog pages under /blogs using mdx markdown
/src/docs Holds the technical documentation pages content using MDX markdown
/src/pages Files for each site page