Releases: aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent
Released On
Bug Fixes
🐞 [Logs] Only add to cache if log stream is created 🐞 by @jefchien in #1566
This change fixes a bug in v1.300052.0 where if agents installed in a fleet/cluster are writing to log streams in the same log group, there could be a race condition where one agent creates the log group and the others detect the presence of the log group falsely as a success and caches the same, preventing them from trying to re-create the log stream and successfully publishing logs.
🐞 [Core] Take entity data into account for payload size 🐞 by @varunch77 in #1483
This change fixes a bug between v1.300049.1 and v1.300052.0 where in some edge cases, the agent can miscalculate the overall size of a request and not batch the metrics effectively.
💡 [Application Signals] Add endpoint slice watcher 💡 by @pxaws in #1528
The startup logic in Application Signals was previously calling expensive list
API calls to the /pods
endpoint on the K8s API Server, overloading the control plane for large clusters. With this optimization, we switched to a less expensive list/watch
mechanism for /endpointslices
, retrieving a lot less information that is actually required for the Application Signals experience.
💡 [Logs] Reduce PutRetentionPolicy calls by checking existing policy 💡 by @movence in #1545
Previously, the agent would make a PutRetentionPolicy API call for every log group every time it restarted, thus causing throttling issues. With this enhancement, the agent first checks if the Retention Policy is already set by calling DescribeLogGroup and only sets it if required. It also now does this asynchronously and with a jitter & exponential backoff.
💡 [Related telemetry] Scrape auto scaling group attributes from resource metrics 💡 by @zhihonl in #1521
Previously, if IMDS tags are disabled, the agent would not set the ASG on the entity even though it can be retrieved through ectagger using the Describe API. We now retrieve ASG from ec2tagger for entity even when IMDS tags are not enabled
💡 [Related telemetry] Add entity processor to the otlp metrics and logs pipeline 💡 by @duhminick in #1504
Extends support for setting entities for the OTLP flows both in the metrics and logs section when running on EKS to provide an even richer Related telemetry experience
💡 [Core] Changing log level of cert watcher from error to debug 💡 by @mitali-salvi in #1531
Reduce verbosity of a non-impacting warning to reduce clutter
💡 [Core] Fix EKS cluster detection 💡 by @musa-asad in #1532
The agent previously relied on the existence of aws-auth config map to know if it was running on EKS. With the launch of EKS access entries, aws-auth is considered deprecated. So we now switched to a better mechanism to inspect the issue
field in the service account when determining if we are running on EKS
Full Changelog: v1.300052.0...v1.300053.0
Bug Fixes
🐞 Only add to cache if log stream is created 🐞 by @jefchien in #1566
This change fixes a bug in v1.300052.0 where if agents installed in a fleet/cluster are writing to log streams in the same log group, there could be a race condition where one agent creates the log group and the others detect the presence of the log group falsely as a success and caches the same, preventing them from trying to re-create the log stream and successfully publishing logs.
Full Changelog: v1.300052.0...v1.300052.1
Released On
Bug Fixes
- Fix concurrent map read/write error causing agent crashes in entity store by @sky333999 in #1484
- Fix disk usage metrics collection on macOS by @movence in #1500
- Fix service startup failures on Windows by updating network dependencies by @okankoAMZ in aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-test#444 and aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-test#447
- [Logs] Improve performance with multi-threaded log pusher implementation by @jefchien in #1499
- [Related Telemetry] Add case insensitive metadata support for EC2 tags by @chadpatel in #1478
- [Related Telemetry] Reduce number of entities in explore experience by retrieving instance tags simultaneously by @nathalapooja in #1474
- [Related Telemetry] Add fallback to use application signals for entity population when IMDS tags are not enabled by @duhminick in #1486
- [ApplicationSignals] Add support for .NET runtime metrics exporting by @bjrara in #1471
Full Changelog: v1.300051.0...v1.300052.0
Released On
Bug Fixes:
- Fix Excessive IMDS related error logging
- Fixed a concurrency issue in entity attribute handling that was causing agent crashes due to simultaneous map writes.
- [AppSignal] Support RemoteEnvironment dimension for non-Kubernetes platforms.
- [Logs] Support exporting large exponential histograms as EMF logs
- [Logs] Reduce EMF exporter verbose logging
- [Traces] Generate URL section in X-Ray segment when attribute is available
Full Changelog: v1.300050.0...v1.300051.0
Released On
New Features
- [Prometheus] Introduce OTel Prometheus Receiver for publishing to AMP
- [Prometheus] Support Target Allocator with Prometheus Receivers
- [ContainerInsights] Introduce Kueue metrics for Container Insights
Full Changelog: v1.300049.1...v1.300050.0
Released On
- [Logs] Attach Account ID to entity for cross-account checks
- [Metrics/Logs] Annotate Infra, statsD, collectD metrics and application logs with entities
- [ApplicationSignals] Support runtime metrics for Application Signals
- [ApplicationSignals] Create a server to expose service names for instrumented applications on K8s
Bug Fixes
- [Logs] Fix log stream name placeholder resolution for EMF logs
- [Logs] Fix race condition in service provider component of entitystore extension
- [Metrics/Logs] Use IAM credential endpoint from IMDS for accurate entity IAM role name
Full Changelog: v1.300048.1...v1.300049.1
Released On
New Features
- Support OTLP receiver for metrics by @sky333999 in #1361 and #1375
- Support AMP as a metrics destination by @sky333999 in #1192
- Support for supplemental configuration by @jefchien @musa-asad in #1371
- Support JMX metric collection for JVM, Tomcat, and Kafka on EKS by @jefchien @musa-asad @Paramadon in #1379
- Support JMX Container Insights by @Paramadon in #1382
- [Traces] Support OTLP format in transit by @wyTrivail in #1363
- [ApplicationSignals] Update metric processing by @bjrara in #1378
- [ContainerInsights] Use protobuf content type for k8s client by @sky333999 in #1387
Bug Fixes
- [Metrics/Procstat] Fix memory_swap metrics on Linux by @Paramadon in #1356
Full Changelog: v1.300047.0...v1.300048.1
Released On
- Increase retry delay on PLE for certain exceptions
- [ApplicationSignals] Add new log attribute for AWS Resource CloudFormation Primary Identifier in EMF logs @mxiamxia in
- [ApplicationSignals] Add ECS as a supported platform with ECS specific attributes for EMF logs @bjrara in #1336
Full Changelog: v1.300045.1...v1.300047.0
Released On
Bug Fixes
- [ApplicationSignals] EKS resource detector is now no-op on non-EKS environments by @jefchien in #1332
- Stop converting nanosecond metrics to microsecond by @dricross in #1322
- [ContainerInsights] Add HyperPod status metrics for SageMaker by @Reham77 in #1309
- [ContainerInsights] Add pod_cpu_usage_total & pod_memory_working_set by @pkkokane28 in #1294
- Reduce the size of the start-amazon-cloudwatch-agent binary by @jefchien in #1302
- [ContainerInsights] Update the prefix for SageMaker HyperPod status metrics by @spanaik in #1313
- [ContainerInsights] Use IMDS to get instance ID and type for Neuron Monitor by @spanaik in #1323
Full Changelog: v1.300044.0...v1.300045.1
Released On
Bug Fixes
- [ContainerInsights] Update GPU usage metrics emitted by @sky333999 in #1298
- [ContainerInsights] Deprecate runtime tag from neuron metrics to fix false average calculation by @sam6134 in #1275
- [ContainerInsights] Filter some neuron attributes to reduce the size of EMF logs by @aditya-purang in #1262
Full Changelog: v1.300043.0...v1.300044.0