In this example, we will walk you through how to use NVIDIA Triton Inference Server on Amazon SageMaker SME with GPU to deploy Resnet-50 ONNX for Image Classification.
Launch SageMaker notebook instance with
instance. This example can also be run on a SageMaker studio notebook instance but the steps that follow will focus on the notebook instance.- For git repositories select the option
Clone a public git repository to this notebook instance only
and specify the Git repository URL
- For git repositories select the option
Once JupyterLab is ready, launch the resnet_onnx_backend_SME_triton_v2.ipynb notebook with conda_python3 conda kernel and run through this notebook to learn how to host multiple CV models on
GPU behind SME endpoint.
Note This notebook was tested with the conda_pytorch_p39
kernel on an Amazon SageMaker notebook instance of type g4dn.xlarge
. It is a modified version of the original version of this sample notebook Here by Vikram Elango.