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Releases: aws/aws-cdk


19 Jun 22:15
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v0.7.2-beta Pre-release

Optionally, you may also obtain this release from S3:

aws s3 cp s3://aws-cdk-beta/ /tmp/
aws s3 cp s3://aws-cdk-beta/ /tmp/

See README for setup/update instructions.

Known issues

  • Windows setup has not been vetted and might be broken - no workaround
  • If region is not defined, error message is unclear - workaround: make sure
    to define region when running aws configure (#131)
  • cdk docs opens the index instead of the welcome page - workaround:
    click on "Welcome" in the sidebar (#129)
  • The runtime values library (@aws-cdk/rtv) is broken (#151)


15 Jun 19:13
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v0.7.1-beta Pre-release

Optionally, you may also obtain this release from S3:

aws s3 cp s3://aws-cdk-beta/ /tmp/
aws s3 cp s3://aws-cdk-beta/ /tmp/

See README for setup/update instructions.


  • Two-way IAM policy statement additions have been removed for S3 and SNS,
    because those services treat resource and identity policies as additive.
    KMS grants are still added on both resource and identity because KMS
    requires permissions set from both sides.


  • cdk init interface changed to accept the template name as a positional
    argument, and the language as an option. A --list option was added to
    allow listing available templates.
  • cdk-beta-npm is a wrapper to npm that executes commands with a local registry
    that has the CDK packages available. It should be used instead of npm for
    subcommands such as npm install.
  • CDK now respects AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable if set.


13 Jun 12:59
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v0.7.0-beta Pre-release

Optionally, you may also obtain this release from S3:

aws s3 cp s3://aws-cdk-beta/ /tmp/

See README for setup/update instructions.


  • BREAKING: All CDK packages are now under the scope @aws-cdk (e.g.
  • BREAKING: The jsii compiler now configures tsconfig.json to produce definition
    files (files with a .d.ts extension). This requires updating your existing
    package.json files types key to replace the .ts extension with a .d.ts
  • Java bindings now include static methods and constants.
  • SecretParameter can be used to load values from the SSM parameter store
    during deployment and use them as Secrets.
  • Stack is locked for mutations during synthesis to protect against
    accidental changes in lazy values.
  • An overhaul of documentation updates, edits and improvements.


  • Fix: cloudFrontDefaultCertificate is mutually exclusive with acmCertificateArn.

CloudFront (new)

  • Added a new construct library for AWS CloudFront.


  • Added support for specifying environment variables at the container and
    project levels.


  • Fix: GitHub action "owner" changed to ThirdParty.
  • Removed all fluent APIs
  • Use "master" as the default branch for Source actions
  • BREAKING: AmazonS3SourceProps - renamed key to bucketKey

Custom Resources

  • BREAKING: Require that Lambda is referenced explicitly when defining a custom resource.
    SingletonLambda can be used to encapsulate the custom resource's lambda
    function but only have a single instance of it in the stack.

Events (new)

A new cross-stack programming model is introduced to support CloudWatch Events.
Event sources implement onXxx methods for various events that can emitted by
that source and event targets implement IEventRuleTarget, so they can be
polymorphically added to rules.

const repo = new Repository(stack, 'MyRepo', { repositoryName: 'my-repo' });
const project = new BuildProject(stack, 'MyProject', { source: new CodeCommitSource(repo) });

const topic = new Topic(stack, 'MyTopic');
topic.subscribeEmail('Personal', '');


Coverage to all event sources and target will be added in subsequent releases.

Supported targets:

  • codebuild.BuildProject
  • codepipline.Pipeline
  • sns.Topic

Supported sources:

  • CodeBuild: onStateChange, onPhaseChange, onBuildStarted, onBuildFailed, onBuildSucceeded.
  • CodeCommit: onEvent, onStateChange, onReferenceCreated, onReferenceUpdated, onReferenceDeleted, onPullRequestStateChange, onCommentOnPullRequest, onCommentOnCommit, onCommit.
  • CodePipeline: pipeline.onStateChange, stage.onStateChange, action.onStateChange.


  • Add CanonicalUserPrincipal
  • Add statementCount to PolicyDocumennt.
  • Extended support for FederatedPrincipal.


  • Add initialPolicy prop which allows specifying a set of PolicyStatements
    upon definition.


  • Added support for lifecycle rules
  • Add domainName and dualstackDomainName attributes


  • version field of FunctionResource is now optional.


  • BREAKING: subscribeXxx APIs now do not require a name when possible
    (for queue, Lambda).
  • Unique SID assigned to resource policy statements.


  • cdk docs opens your browser with the bundled documentation content.
  • cdk init interface changed to specify --lang and --type separately.
  • Plug-in architecture improved.