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Prioritization Github Action workflow Automation


Note: This configuration needs to be updated only when project fields are modified.


  1. GitHub CLI installed (gh)
  2. Appropriate permissions to access AWS organization
  3. GitHub token with read:org and project scopes

Project Configuration

To set up the prioritization automation, we need to get the field IDs of the project board and update the configuration. Follow these steps:

  1. Add the github token to GH_TOKEN environment variable:

  2. Retrieve project field IDs for the specific project:

    # Get project and field IDs
    gh api graphql -f query='
    query {
        organization(login: "aws") {
        projectV2(number: YOUR PROJECT NUMBER) {
            fields(first: 20) {
            nodes {
                ... on ProjectV2SingleSelectField {
                options {
    ' | jq '.data.organization.projectV2 as $project | {
        projectId: $,
        fields: [
        $project.fields.nodes[] | 
        select(.name == "Priority" or .name == "Status" or .name == "Needs Attention") |
        {name: .name, id: .id}
  3. Update configuration with the returned IDs:

    // project-config.js
    module.exports = {
      projectNumber: 263,         // Project Number
      projectId: "xxx",           // Project ID
      priorityFieldId: "xxx",     // Priority field ID
      statusFieldId: "xxx",       // Status field ID
      attentionFieldId: "xxx",    // Needs Attention field ID

Available Views

  1. Prioritized Backlog : Overall view of all PRs with prioritization
  2. My Items : Filtered view showing only PRs assigned to you

Common Labels and Categories

Priority Labels

R1 -> Non-draft PRs from the team (contribution/core) R2 -> Approved PRs with failing/pending checks R3 -> Non-draft PRs that needs maintainer review (pr/needs-maintainer-review) R4 -> PRs that needs clarification or exemption (pr/reviewer-clarification-requested, pr-linter/exemption-requested), draft state allowed R5 -> Non-draft PRs that are in needs-community-review more than 21 days (pr/needs-community-review) R6 -> P1 Bugs R7 -> Issues that needs SDE Input

Work Status Labels

Ready -> Means the PR is ready to be picked up for review Assigned -> Means a team member have picked the PR and assigned to themselves In progress -> Currently being reviewed Paused -> PR review is paused for some reason. Eg: security review Done -> PR review is completed and merged or closed

Needs Attention Labels

Extended -> If the status being in 7-14 days. Taking longer than expected Aging -> If the status being in 14-21 days. Requires immediate attention Stalled -> If the status being in > 21 days. Critical attention required

These Needs Attention states apply to items in the following status labels:

  • Ready: Awaiting assignment
  • Assigned: Awaiting start
  • In Progress: Under review
  • Paused: Blocked/On hold


Prioritized Backlog Workflow

  1. PRs are automatically categorized by priority (R1-R5)
  2. P1 Bugs are automatically categorized R6 priority
  3. Issues that needs SDE input are added manually to R7 priority
  4. Team members can select PRs from the Ready state
  5. Status updates flow through: AssignedIn ProgressDone/Paused
  6. Time-based monitoring labels are automatically applied in Needs Attention based on duration in each state

My Items Workflow

  1. PRs appear when assigned to you
  2. Update status as you progress with reviews
  3. Track your active reviews and blocked items
  4. Monitor time-based alerts for your assignments


  • Priority labels are automatically assigned based on PR/Issue labels
  • Time-based monitoring states are automatically updated daily
  • Status changes trigger automatic label updates