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Pull requests: aws/aws-cli

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Pull requests list

Add AWS::CloudFormation::Stackset resource to cloudformation package command cloudformation package-deploy cloudformation contribution:core This is a PR that came from AWS. customization Issues related to CLI customizations (located in /awscli/customizations) ready-for-review
#5591 opened Sep 30, 2020 by ConnorKirk Draft
Preserve the order of keys in the output table community feature-request A feature should be added or improved.
#5581 opened Sep 27, 2020 by kit494way Draft
Add YAML param files support contribution:core This is a PR that came from AWS. ready-for-review
#5482 opened Aug 18, 2020 by vz10 Draft
Add --change-set-name to cloudformation deploy cloudformation package-deploy community customization Issues related to CLI customizations (located in /awscli/customizations) needs-rebase
#5453 opened Aug 6, 2020 by y3ti Draft
Add pip extra-index-url support with CodeArtifact login codeartifact login community customization Issues related to CLI customizations (located in /awscli/customizations) ready-for-review
#5411 opened Jul 26, 2020 by nayaverdier Draft
adding cloudformation package support for ServiceCatalog cloudformation package-deploy community customization Issues related to CLI customizations (located in /awscli/customizations)
#5220 opened May 21, 2020 by rafaelliu Draft
Fix "aws s3 ls s3:///random_nonsense returns true" community implementation response-requested Waiting on additional info and feedback. Will move to "closing-soon" in 7 days.
#4936 opened Feb 8, 2020 by wingkwong Draft
ProTip! Updated in the last three days: updated:>2025-03-09.