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Demo of AWS IoT FleetWise for CAN over SOME/IP

This guide demonstrates how to use AWS IoT FleetWise to collect CAN data that is sent over a SOME/IP network. This network configuration is common in automotive systems that contain both CAN and Ethernet physical layers, where CAN data is bridged to the SOME/IP network to make the CAN data available to nodes on the Ethernet network.

This demo generates CAN data on a virtual CAN bus, and bridges this data onto SOME/IP. The Reference Implementation for AWS IoT FleetWise (FWE) is then provisioned and run to collect the CAN data from SOME/IP and upload it to the cloud. The data is then downloaded from Amazon Timestream and plotted in an HTML graph format.

The following diagram illustrates the dataflow and artifacts consumed and produced by this demo:

SOME/IP Payload format

In this demonstration, the following payload format is used to encapsulate each CAN frame within a single SOME/IP message (PDU). Note that FIDL files and the 'CommonAPI' library are not used to model or serialize this payload format.

|   CAN ID  |  Timestamp (in us)  |       CAN data        |
   4 bytes         8 bytes             variable length

The CAN ID and Timestamp are unsigned integers encoded in network byte order (big endian). The CAN ID is in the SocketCAN format


  • Access to an AWS Account with administrator privileges.
  • Logged in to the AWS Console in the us-east-1 region using the account with administrator privileges.
    • Note: if you would like to use a different region you will need to change us-east-1 to your desired region in each place that it is mentioned below.
    • Note: AWS IoT FleetWise is currently available in these regions.
  • A local Linux or MacOS machine.

Launch your development machine

An Ubuntu 20.04 development machine with 200GB free disk space will be required. A local Intel x86_64 (amd64) machine can be used, however it is recommended to use the following instructions to launch an AWS EC2 Graviton (arm64) instance. Pricing for EC2 can be found, here.

  1. Launch an EC2 Graviton instance with administrator permissions: Launch CloudFormation Template.

  2. Enter the Name of an existing SSH key pair in your account from here.

    1. Do not include the file suffix .pem.
    2. If you do not have an SSH key pair, you will need to create one and download the corresponding .pem file. Be sure to update the file permissions: chmod 400 <PATH_TO_PEM>
  3. Select the checkbox next to 'I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.'

  4. Choose Create stack.

  5. Wait until the status of the Stack is CREATE_COMPLETE; this can take up to five minutes.

  6. Select the Outputs tab, copy the EC2 IP address, and connect via SSH from your local machine to the development machine.

    ssh -i <PATH_TO_PEM> ubuntu@<EC2_IP_ADDRESS>

Obtain the FWE code

  1. Run the following on the development machine to clone the latest FWE source code from GitHub.

    git clone ~/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge

Download or build the FWE binary

To quickly run the demo, download the pre-built FWE binary, and install the CAN simulator:

  • If your development machine is ARM64 (the default if you launched an EC2 instance using the CloudFormation template above):

    cd ~/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge \
    && mkdir -p build \
    && curl -L -o build/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge.tar.gz \  \
    && tar -zxf build/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge.tar.gz -C build aws-iot-fleetwise-edge \
    && tar -zxf build/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge.tar.gz tools/can-to-someip/can-to-someip \
    && sudo -H ./tools/ \
    && sudo -H ./tools/
  • If your development machine is x86_64:

    cd ~/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge \
    && mkdir -p build \
    && curl -L -o build/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge.tar.gz \  \
    && tar -zxf build/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge.tar.gz -C build aws-iot-fleetwise-edge \
    && tar -zxf build/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge.tar.gz tools/can-to-someip/can-to-someip \
    && sudo -H ./tools/ \
    && sudo -H ./tools/

Alternatively if you would like to build the FWE binary from source, follow these instructions. If you already downloaded the binary above, skip to the next section.

  1. Install the dependencies for FWE with SOME/IP support and the CAN simulator:

    cd ~/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge \
    && sudo -H ./tools/ --with-someip-support \
    && sudo -H ./tools/ \
    && sudo -H ./tools/ \
    && sudo ldconfig
  2. Compile FWE with SOME/IP support:

    ./tools/ --with-someip-support

Start the CAN to SOME/IP bridge

At this point the CAN simulator is running and is generating data on the virtual CAN bus vcan0. You can check that data is being generated by running candump vcan0.

  1. Start the can-to-someip tool to bridge this data onto the SOME/IP network from the vcan0 CAN interface to the SOME/IP network using Service ID 0x7777, Instance ID 0x5678, publishing Event ID 0x8778 in Event Group ID 0x5555.

    ./tools/can-to-someip/can-to-someip \
       --can-interface vcan0 \
       --service-id 0x7777 \
       --instance-id 0x5678 \
       --event-id 0x8778 \
       --event-group-id 0x5555

    These identifiers match the service that FWE subscribes to, as defined in the tools/cloud/network-interface-someip-to-can-bridge.json file used below.

    Note: When the can-to-someip tool and FWE run on the same machine, vsomeip uses a UNIX domain socket for communication rather than IP communication. If you are interested in SOME/IP communication over IP, see Running over IP.

Provision and run FWE

  1. Open a new terminal on the development machine, and run the following to provision credentials for the vehicle and configure the network interface as SOME/IP to CAN:

    cd ~/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge \
    && mkdir -p build_config \
    && ./tools/ \
        --region us-east-1 \
        --vehicle-name fwdemo-can-to-someip \
        --certificate-pem-outfile build_config/certificate.pem \
        --private-key-outfile build_config/private-key.key \
        --endpoint-url-outfile build_config/endpoint.txt \
        --vehicle-name-outfile build_config/vehicle-name.txt \
    && ./tools/ \
        --input-config-file configuration/static-config.json \
        --output-config-file build_config/config-0.json \
        --log-color Yes \
        --log-level Trace \
        --vehicle-name `cat build_config/vehicle-name.txt` \
        --endpoint-url `cat build_config/endpoint.txt` \
        --certificate-file `realpath build_config/certificate.pem` \
        --private-key-file `realpath build_config/private-key.key` \
        --persistency-path `realpath build_config` \
  2. Run FWE:

    ./build/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge build_config/config-0.json

    You should see the following message in the log indicating that FWE has successfully subscribed to the can-to-someip service:

    [INFO ] [SomeipToCanBridge.cpp:68] [operator()()]: [Service [7777.5678] is available]

Run the AWS IoT FleetWise demo script

The instructions below will register your AWS account for AWS IoT FleetWise, create a demonstration vehicle model, register the virtual vehicle created in the previous section and run a campaign to collect data from it.

  1. Open a new terminal on the development machine and run the following to install the dependencies of the demo script:

    cd ~/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge/tools/cloud \
    && sudo -H ./
  2. Run the following command to generate 'node' and 'decoder' JSON files from the input DBC file:

    python3 hscan.dbc can-nodes.json \
    && python3 hscan.dbc can-decoders.json
  3. Run the demo script:

    ./ \
       --region us-east-1 \
       --vehicle-name fwdemo-can-to-someip \
       --node-file can-nodes.json \
       --decoder-file can-decoders.json \
       --network-interface-file network-interface-can.json \
       --campaign-file campaign-brake-event.json

    The demo script:

    1. Registers your AWS account with AWS IoT FleetWise, if not already registered.
    2. Creates an Amazon Timestream database and table.
    3. Creates IAM role and policy required for the service to write data to Amazon Timestream.
    4. Creates a signal catalog based on can-nodes.json.
    5. Creates a model manifest that references the signal catalog with all of the CAN signals.
    6. Activates the model manifest.
    7. Creates a decoder manifest linked to the model manifest using can-decoders.json for decoding signals from the network interfaces defined in network-interfaces-can.json.
    8. Updates the decoder manifest to set the status as ACTIVE.
    9. Creates a vehicle with a name equal to fwdemo-can-to-someip, the same as the name passed to
    10. Creates a fleet.
    11. Associates the vehicle with the fleet.
    12. Creates a campaign from campaign-brake-event.json that contains a condition-based collection scheme to capture the engine torque and the brake pressure when the brake pressure is above 7000, and targets the campaign at the fleet.
    13. Approves the campaign.
    14. Waits until the campaign status is HEALTHY, which means the campaign has been deployed to the fleet.
    15. Waits 30 seconds and then downloads the collected data from Amazon Timestream.
    16. Saves the data to an HTML file.
  4. When the script completes, a path to an HTML file is given. On your local machine, use scp to download it, then open it in your web browser:

    scp -i <PATH_TO_PEM> ubuntu@<EC2_IP_ADDRESS>:<PATH_TO_HTML_FILE> .
  5. To explore the collected data, you can click and drag to zoom in. The red line shows the simulated brake pressure signal. As you can see that when hard braking events occur (value above 7000), collection is triggered and the engine torque signal data is collected.

    Alternatively, if your AWS account is enrolled with Amazon QuickSight or Amazon Managed Grafana, you may use them to browse the data from Amazon Timestream directly.

Clean up

  1. Run the following on the development machine to clean up resources created by the and scripts. Note: The Amazon Timestream resources are not deleted.

    cd ~/aws-iot-fleetwise-edge/tools/cloud \
    && ./ \
    && ../ \
       --vehicle-name fwdemo-can-to-someip \
       --region us-east-1 \
  2. Delete the CloudFormation stack for your development machine, which by default is called fwdev:

Running over IP

In the above example both FWE and the can-to-someip program were both running on the same development machine. In this scenario the vsomeip library uses a local UNIX domain socket for service discovery and communication between the processes.

If you would like to run the example over IP, with the can-to-someip program running on one machine and FWE running on a different machine on the same local network, then it is necessary to configure vsomeip using JSON configuration files to setup the IP addresses, ports and protocols for the service to use.

The example below details how to configure vsomeip for UDP over IP communication. If you are interested in using TCP over IP communication refer to the vsomeip documentation.

  1. Create a JSON configuration file called vsomeip-can-to-someip.json for the can-to-someip program, replacing <IP_ADDRESS> with the IPv4 address of the machine running the program:

      "unicast": "<IP_ADDRESS>",
      "netmask": "",
      "logging": {
        "level": "trace",
        "console": "true",
        "dlt": "false"
      "applications": [
          "name": "can-to-someip",
          "id": "0x1212"
      "services": [
          "service": "0x7777",
          "instance": "0x5678",
          "unreliable": "30509"
      "service-discovery": {
        "enable": "true",
        "multicast": "",
        "port": "30490",
        "protocol": "udp",
        "initial_delay_min": "10",
        "initial_delay_max": "100",
        "repetitions_base_delay": "200",
        "repetitions_max": "3",
        "ttl": "3",
        "cyclic_offer_delay": "2000",
        "request_response_delay": "1500"
  2. Run the can-to-someip program with the configuration file as follows. If you are running this program on a machine connected to a real CAN network adapter, you can also modify the vcan0 value for the --can-interface argument to can0 (for example).

    VSOMEIP_CONFIGURATION=vsomeip-can-to-some-ip.json ./can-to-someip \
       --can-interface vcan0 \
       --service-id 0x7777 \
       --instance-id 0x5678 \
       --event-id 0x8778 \
       --event-group-id 0x5555
  3. Create a JSON configuration file called vsomeip-fwe.json for FWE, replacing <IP_ADDRESS> with the IPv4 address of the machine running FWE:

      "unicast": "<IP_ADDRESS>",
      "netmask": "",
      "logging": {
        "level": "trace",
        "console": "true",
        "dlt": "false"
      "applications": [
          "name": "someipToCanBridgeInterface",
          "id": "0x1313"
      "service-discovery": {
        "enable": "true",
        "multicast": "",
        "port": "30490",
        "protocol": "udp",
        "initial_delay_min": "10",
        "initial_delay_max": "100",
        "repetitions_base_delay": "200",
        "repetitions_max": "3",
        "ttl": "3",
        "cyclic_offer_delay": "2000",
        "request_response_delay": "1500"
  4. Run FWE with the configuration file as follows:

    VSOMEIP_CONFIGURATION=vsomeip-fwe.json ./aws-iot-fleetwise-edge config-0.json

    If successfully configured, you should see the following in the FWE log:

    [debug] Joining to multicast group from <IP_ADDRESS>
    [info] SOME/IP routing ready.
  5. You can now run the cloud demo script.


Common issues encountered when trying to establish a SOME/IP connection over UDP include:

  • Trying to use a local loopback address. It is not possible to use the local loopback IP address to run the demo over UDP on one machine, as the local loopback interface does not support UDP multicast, which is required by SOME/IP service discovery.

  • A firewall blocking open UDP ports. To open the two UDP ports used in the above example, run the following on the machine running can-to-someip:

    sudo iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 30490 -j ACCEPT
    sudo iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 30509 -j ACCEPT
  • A bug in the vsomeip library that causes service discovery to fail in versions >=3.3.0 <3.5.0. This bug was fixed with this GitHub PR: COVESA/vsomeip#591.