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Tools for AWS-LC

AWS-LC features enhanced benchmarking tools compatible with OpenSSL and BoringSSL in order to help facilitate 1-1 performance comparisons.

Speed tool

The speed subtool of bssl runs a performance test for a number of cryptographic operations (which can be implemented using different APIs). Each operation is mapped to a "filter name". Below we list the filter name, which operation it maps to and which API is used to implement it.

Filter name Description Function family
EVP ECDH {P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521, secp256k1, X25519} ECDHE key agreement for one party EVP
ECDH {P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521, secp256k1} ECDHE key agreement for one party EC
Generate {P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521, secp256k1} Elliptic curve key generation EVP
ECMUL {P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521, secp256k1} Elliptic curve arbitrary scalar multiplication EC

Benchmarking Tools

When compiled, AWS-LC will generate separate benchmarking tools when provided with corresponding compiler flags. These tools take the same arguments as bssl speed tool.

This tool also supports building a newer benchmark with an older version of AWS-LC's code: e.g. build and install AWS-LC FIPS from 2021 but run the latest benchmark tool from main. To benchmark the AWS-LC libcrypto from the current folder it is recommended to run bssl speed which executes the same code as other benchmarks.

Additionally, the speed tool now prints a message when it is benchmarking a non-release build of AWS-LC instead of a release build of the project.


Running each tool without any options (e.g. ./awslc_bm) will run all available benchmarks for 1 second each.

Additionally, there are a number of arguments that enable different functionality:

  • -filter provides a filter on the benchmarking tests to be run.
  • -timeout sets the number of seconds each test is run for (default 1).
  • -threads is a comma-separated list of thread counts to run multithreaded benchmarks (default is "1,2,4,8,16,32,64")
  • -chunks is a comma-separated list of input sizes to run tests at (default is " "16,256,1350,8192,16384)
  • -json has the tool print the output of each benchmark in JSON format.

For example, ./awslc_bm -filter AES -timeout 10 -chunks 16, 256, -json will run all AES-related tests with input sizes of 16 and 256 for 10 seconds, and output the results in JSON format.

Comparison Setup

The AWS-LC benchmark supports building and running with other common libcryptos. Build and install the other libcryptos you would like to test with locally, for example building AWS-LC 2022 FIPS branch and OpenSSL 3.3 to compare with AWS-LC main branch:

mkdir ~/aws-lc-benchmark && pushd ~/aws-lc-benchmark

git clone -b openssl-3.3 --depth 1 openssl-3.3-src
pushd openssl-3.3-src
./config --prefix="${HOME}/aws-lc-benchmark/openssl-3.3-install" --openssldir="${HOME}/aws-lc-benchmark/openssl-3.3-install"
make -j
make install_sw

git clone -b fips-2022-11-02 --depth 1 aws-lc-fips-src
pushd aws-lc-fips-src
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${HOME}/aws-lc-benchmark/aws-lc-fips-install" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DFIPS=1 -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=1
make -j install
popd && popd

To build the main branch against other libraries pass in the BENCHMARK_LIBS option when running CMake. BENCHMARK_LIBS is a list of tuples, the format is executable_name:install_path. executable_name is the name for the benchmark that AWS-LC will build with whatever library is in install_path. Multiple libraries can be specified with a semicolon between them: executable1_name:executable1_install_path;executable1_name:executable1_install_path;

To build AWS-LC main against the two previously built libcrypto libraries (AWS-LC FIPS 2022 and OpenSSL 3.3):

pushd ~/aws-lc-benchmark
git clone -b main --depth 1 aws-lc-main-src
pushd aws-lc-main-src
make -j
popd && popd

This will build 3 relevant binaries:

  • ~/aws-lc-benchmark/aws-lc-main-src/tool/bssl is the complete tool build with the main branch of code, speed is required to run the benchmark
  • ~/aws-lc-benchmark/aws-lc-main-src/tool/aws-lc-fips-2022 is the main branch of built with the AWS-LC FIPS 2022 install
  • ~/aws-lc-benchmark/aws-lc-main-src/tool/openssl-3-3 is the main branch of built with the OpenSSL 3.3 install

Not all benchmarks will be available with all libraries, for example OpenSSL 3.3 does not support ML-KEM.

~/aws-lc-benchmark/aws-lc-main-src/tool/bssl speed -filter P-256
~/aws-lc-benchmark/aws-lc-main-src/tool/aws-lc-fips-2022 -filter P-256
~/aws-lc-benchmark/aws-lc-main-src/tool/openssl-3-3 -filter P-256

Expected Directory Structure

Additionally, the benchmarking tools expects specific directory structures for the provided install locations for each library. Each library has its own instructions for building and installing their libcrypto, and once installed to that directory you can simply use the appropriate INSTALL_DIR flag to point the benchmarking tool to it. Each library is expected to provide the following directory structure:


The benchmark tool can be built using dynamic/shared libraries (.so, .dynalib, or .dll) or static archives (.a, or .lib).