- Bug Fix: Add assurance test for operation order.
- Feature: Track credential providers via User-Agent Feature ids
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Bug Fix: Bump go version to 1.22
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Upgrade to smithy-go v1.22.2.
- Bug Fix: Fix bug where credentials weren't refreshed during retry loop.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Documentation: Minor documentation updates to the content of ImplementationDetails object part of the Control Catalog GetControl API
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Update to smithy-go v1.22.1.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: AWS Control Catalog GetControl public API returns additional data in output, including Implementation and Parameters
- Bug Fix: Adds case-insensitive handling of error message fields in service responses
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: Add support for HTTP client metrics.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- No change notes available for this release.
- No change notes available for this release.
- No change notes available for this release.
- No change notes available for this release.
- Feature: Add tracing and metrics support to service clients.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Bug Fix: BREAKFIX: Only generate AccountIDEndpointMode config for services that use it. This is a compiler break, but removes no actual functionality, as no services currently use the account ID in endpoint resolution.
- No change notes available for this release.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Bump minimum Go version to 1.21.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: AWS Control Tower provides two new public APIs controlcatalog:ListControls and controlcatalog:GetControl under controlcatalog service namespace, which enable customers to programmatically retrieve control metadata of available controls.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: Support list-of-string endpoint parameter.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: Track usage of various AWS SDK features in user-agent string.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Bug Fix: Add clock skew correction on all service clients
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- No change notes available for this release.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Bug Fix: GoDoc improvement
- Release: New AWS service client module
- Feature: This is the initial SDK release for AWS Control Catalog, a central catalog for AWS managed controls. This release includes 3 new APIs - ListDomains, ListObjectives, and ListCommonControls - that vend high-level data to categorize controls across the AWS platform.