- Bug Fix: Add assurance test for operation order.
- No change notes available for this release.
- Feature: Track credential providers via User-Agent Feature ids
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Bug Fix: Bump go version to 1.22
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- No change notes available for this release.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- No change notes available for this release.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Upgrade to smithy-go v1.22.2.
- Feature: Added
in ThousandsSeparator to allow grouping byLAKH
( Indian Grouping system ) currency. Support LAKH andCRORE
currency types in Column Formatting.
- Bug Fix: Fix bug where credentials weren't refreshed during retry loop.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: Add support for PerformanceConfiguration attribute to Dataset entity. Allow PerformanceConfiguration specification in CreateDataset and UpdateDataset APIs.
- Feature: This release includes API needed to support for Unstructured Data in Q in QuickSight Q&A (IDC).
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: This release includes: Update APIs to support Image, Layer Map, font customization, and Plugin Visual. Add Identity center related information in ListNamsespace API. Update API for restrictedFolder support in topics and add API for SearchTopics, Describe/Update DashboardsQA Configration.
- Dependency Update: Update to smithy-go v1.22.1.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: This release adds APIs for Custom Permissions management in QuickSight, and APIs to support QuickSight Branding.
- Feature: Add Client Credentials based OAuth support for Snowflake and Starburst
- Bug Fix: Adds case-insensitive handling of error message fields in service responses
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: Add StartDashboardSnapshotJobSchedule API. RestoreAnalysis now supports restoring analysis to folders.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: Add support for HTTP client metrics.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: QuickSight: Add support for exporting and importing folders in AssetBundle APIs
- Feature: Adding personalization in QuickSight data stories. Admins can enable or disable personalization through QuickSight settings.
- No change notes available for this release.
- No change notes available for this release.
- Feature: Add tracing and metrics support to service clients.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: QuickSight: 1. Add new API - ListFoldersForResource. 2. Commit mode adds visibility configuration of Apply button on multi-select controls for authors.
- Bug Fix: BREAKFIX: Only generate AccountIDEndpointMode config for services that use it. This is a compiler break, but removes no actual functionality, as no services currently use the account ID in endpoint resolution.
- No change notes available for this release.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: Increased Character Limit for Dataset Calculation Field expressions
- Feature: Explicit query for authors and dashboard viewing sharing for embedded users
- Feature: Amazon QuickSight launches Customer Managed Key (CMK) encryption for Data Source metadata
- Dependency Update: Bump minimum Go version to 1.21.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: Vega ally control options and Support for Reviewed Answers in Topics
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: Adding support for Repeating Sections, Nested Filters
- Feature: Support list-of-string endpoint parameter.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: Track usage of various AWS SDK features in user-agent string.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Bug Fix: Add clock skew correction on all service clients
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- No change notes available for this release.
- No change notes available for this release.
- Feature: This release adds DescribeKeyRegistration and UpdateKeyRegistration APIs to manage QuickSight Customer Managed Keys (CMK).
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Bug Fix: GoDoc improvement
- Feature: New Q embedding supporting Generative Q&A
- Feature: This release adds support for the Cross Sheet Filter and Control features, and support for warnings in asset imports for any permitted errors encountered during execution
- Feature: Adding IAMIdentityCenterInstanceArn parameter to CreateAccountSubscription
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: Amazon QuickSight: Adds support for setting up VPC Endpoint restrictions for accessing QuickSight Website.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Bug Fix: Remove dependency on go-cmp.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: TooltipTarget for Combo chart visuals; ColumnConfiguration limit increase to 2000; Documentation Update
- Bug Fix: Move all common, SDK-side middleware stack ops into the service client module to prevent cross-module compatibility issues in the future.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: Add middleware stack snapshot tests.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Bug Fix: When sourcing values for a service's
, the lack of a configured region (i.e.options.Region == ""
) will now translate to anil
value forEndpointParameters.Region
instead of a pointer to the empty string""
. This will result in a much more explicit error when calling an operation instead of an obscure hostname lookup failure.
- Feature: Bump minimum Go version to 1.20 per our language support policy.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: General Interactions for Visuals; Waterfall Chart Color Configuration; Documentation Update
- No change notes available for this release.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: Add LinkEntityArn support for different partitions; Add UnsupportedUserEditionException in UpdateDashboardLinks API; Add support for New Reader Experience Topics
- Documentation: A docs-only release to add missing entities to the API reference.
- Feature: Update Dashboard Links support; SingleAxisOptions support; Scatterplot Query limit support.
- Bug Fix: Reinstate presence of default Retryer in functional options, but still respect max attempts set therein.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Bug Fix: Restore pre-refactor auth behavior where all operations could technically be performed anonymously.
- Bug Fix: Correct wrapping of errors in authentication workflow.
- Bug Fix: Correctly recognize cache-wrapped instances of AnonymousCredentials at client construction.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: Expose Options() accessor on service clients.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Bug Fix: Respect setting RetryMaxAttempts in functional options at client construction.
- Feature: This release launches new APIs for trusted identity propagation setup and supports creating datasources using trusted identity propagation as authentication method for QuickSight accounts configured with IAM Identity Center.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: Custom permission support for QuickSight roles; Three new datasources STARBURST, TRINO, BIGQUERY; Lenient mode changes the default behavior to allow for exporting and importing with certain UI allowed errors, Support for permissions and tags export and import.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: This release introduces Float Decimal Type as SubType in QuickSight SPICE datasets and Custom week start and Custom timezone options in Analysis and Dashboard
- Feature: Adds support for configured endpoints via environment variables and the AWS shared configuration file.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: BREAKING CHANGE: Bump minimum go version to 1.19 per the revised go version support policy.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: BREAKFIX: Correct nullability and default value representation of various input fields across a large number of services. Calling code that references one or more of the affected fields will need to update usage accordingly. See 2162.
- Feature: This release adds the following: 1) Trino and Starburst Database Connectors 2) Custom total for tables and pivot tables 3) Enable restricted folders 4) Add rolling dates for time equality filters 5) Refine DataPathValue and introduce DataPathType 6) Add SeriesType to ReferenceLineDataConfiguration
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: NullOption in FilterListConfiguration; Dataset schema/table max length increased; Support total placement for pivot table visual; Lenient mode relaxes the validation to create resources with definition; Data sources can be added to folders; Redshift data sources support IAM Role-based authentication
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: Added ability to tag users upon creation.
- Feature: This release launches new updates to QuickSight KPI visuals - support for sparklines, new templated layout and new targets for conditional formatting rules.
- Feature: Excel support in Snapshot Export APIs. Removed Required trait for some insight Computations. Namespace-shared Folders support. Global Filters support. Table pin Column support.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: New Authentication method for Account subscription - IAM Identity Center. Hierarchy layout support, default column width support and related style properties for pivot table visuals. Non-additive topic field aggregations for Topic API
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- No change notes available for this release.
- Feature: Adds support for smithy-modeled endpoint resolution. A new rules-based endpoint resolution will be added to the SDK which will supercede and deprecate existing endpoint resolution. Specifically, EndpointResolver will be deprecated while BaseEndpoint and EndpointResolverV2 will take its place. For more information, please see the Endpoints section in our Developer Guide.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: This release launches new Snapshot APIs for CSV and PDF exports, adds support for info icon for filters and parameters in Exploration APIs, adds modeled exception to the DeleteAccountCustomization API, and introduces AttributeAggregationFunction's ability to add UNIQUE_VALUE aggregation in tooltips.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: This release includes below three changes: small multiples axes improvement, field based coloring, removed required trait from Aggregation function for TopBottomFilter.
- No change notes available for this release.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: QuickSight support for pivot table field collapse state, radar chart range scale and multiple scope options in conditional formatting.
- Feature: Add support for Asset Bundle, Geospatial Heatmaps.
- Feature: Add support for Topic, Dataset parameters and VPC
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- No change notes available for this release.
- Feature: This release has two changes: adding the OR condition to tag-based RLS rules in CreateDataSet and UpdateDataSet; adding RefreshSchedule and Incremental RefreshProperties operations for users to programmatically configure SPICE dataset ingestions.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: This release has two changes: add state persistence feature for embedded dashboard and console in GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser API; add properties for hidden collapsed row dimensions in PivotTableOptions.
- No change notes available for this release.
- Bug Fix: Prevent nil pointer dereference when retrieving error codes.
- Feature: S3 data sources now accept a custom IAM role.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Announcement: When receiving an error response in restJson-based services, an incorrect error type may have been returned based on the content of the response. This has been fixed via PR #2012 tracked in issue #1910.
- Bug Fix: Correct error type parsing for restJson services.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: QuickSight support for Radar Chart and Dashboard Publish Options
- Feature: This release adds support for data bars in QuickSight table and increases pivot table field well limit.
- Feature: Add
field to all error structs (aws/smithy-go#401).
- No change notes available for this release.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: This release adds new Describe APIs and updates Create and Update APIs to support the data model for Dashboards, Analyses, and Templates.
- Feature: This release adds the following: 1) Asset management for centralized assets governance 2) QuickSight Q now supports public embedding 3) New Termination protection flag to mitigate accidental deletes 4) Athena data sources now accept a custom IAM role 5) QuickSight supports connectivity to Databricks
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: Amazon QuickSight now supports SecretsManager Secret ARN in place of CredentialPair for DataSource creation and update. This release also has some minor documentation updates and removes CountryCode as a required parameter in GeoSpatialColumnGroup
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: Added a new optional property DashboardVisual under ExperienceConfiguration parameter of GenerateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUser and GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser API operations. This supports embedding of specific visuals in QuickSight dashboards.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Documentation: A series of documentation updates to the QuickSight API reference.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: This release allows customers to programmatically create QuickSight accounts with Enterprise and Enterprise + Q editions. It also releases allowlisting domains for embedding QuickSight dashboards at runtime through the embedding APIs.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: API UpdatePublicSharingSettings enables IAM admins to enable/disable account level setting for public access of dashboards. When enabled, owners/co-owners for dashboards can enable public access on their dashboards. These dashboards can only be accessed through share link or embedding.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: AWS QuickSight Service Features - Expand public API support for group management.
- Feature: Updated
to latest version - Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: API client updated
- Feature: Adds RetryMaxAttempts and RetryMod to API client Options. This allows the API clients' default Retryer to be configured from the shared configuration files or environment variables. Adding a new Retry mode of
retry mode is an experimental mode, adding client rate limiting when throttles reponses are received from an API. See retry.AdaptiveMode for more details, and configuration options. - Feature: Updated
to latest version - Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: Updated
to latest version - Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: Updated
to latest version - Documentation: API client updated
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: API Paginators now support specifying the initial starting token, and support stopping on empty string tokens.
- Bug Fix: Fixes a bug that prevented aws.EndpointResolverWithOptions from being used by the service client. (#1514)
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: API client updated
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: The SDK now supports configuration of FIPS and DualStack endpoints using environment variables, shared configuration, or programmatically.
- Feature: Updated
to latest version - Feature: Updated service to latest API model.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: API client updated
- Feature: Updated to latest version
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: API client updated
- Feature: Updated API client and endpoints to latest revision.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: API client updated
- Feature: Updated
to latest version - Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: API client updated
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: Updated to latest API model.
- Dependency Update: Updated
to latest version. - Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Dependency Update: Updated
to latest version - Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: API client updated
- Feature: Updated
to latest version - Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: API client updated
- Feature: API client updated
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
- Feature: Constant has been added to modules to enable runtime version inspection for reporting.
- Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions