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Protocol Test Generator

Project Structure

The ProtocolTestsGenerator folder consists of 3 gradle projects. The smithy-dotnet-codegen project contains the core logic for generating the protocol tests. At present, only protocol test generation via smithy test files is supported at this time. Please note that this is not a full smithy code generator.

The smithy-dotnet-codegen-test project consists of several test smithy models that can be used to test the core smithy-dotnet-codegen project.

The smithy-dotnet-protocol-test project is where the protocol tests will be output under build/smithyprojections/smithy-dotnet-protocol-test


This project makes use of gradlew, so no JDK dependency is needed to build the project using the ./gradlew command. Simply clone the repository and cd into the ProtocolTestsGenerator folder. The gradle wrapper will invoke a declared version of gradle or download it beforehand if necessary.

Running the Protocol Test Generator

  1. Navigate to the ProtocolTestsGenerator directory
cd ProtocolTestsGenerator
  1. Build the project
./gradlew :smithy-dotnet-protocol-test:build
  1. The protocol tests will be outputted to the sdk/test/ProtocolTests/Generated/<ProtocolName>/dotnet-protocol-test-codegen folder.

  2. To run the tests you can open the AWSSDK.ProtocolTests.Net45.sln and run the tests in Visual Studio or run the following command in the sdk/test/ProtocolTests directory.

dotnet test AWSSDK.ProtocolTests.Net45.csproj

Debugging Protocol Tests

  1. If one of the protocol tests is broken, you can debug it by opening the .sln file under sdk/test/ProtocolTests, navigating to the test that is failing, placing a breakpoint and debugging as usual.