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Supporting Cloudstack clusters across endpoints



The mangement API endpoint for Apache Cloudstack (ACS) is a singe point of failure. If the endpoint goes down, then control of all of all VM's, networks, zones, accounts, domains, and everything else on Cloudstack goes down. So, we want to spread our clusters across many Cloudstack endpoints and hosts to protect against that.

For scalability, multiple Cloudstack endpoints will likely be required for storage and API endpoint throughput. Just one cluster creation triggers as many as a thousand API calls to ACS (estimated). There are many ways to support this scale, but adding more Cloudstack hosts and endpoints is a fairly foolproof way to do so. Then, there’s the size and performance of the underlying database that each Cloudstack instance runs on.

In CAPC, we are considering addressing the problem by extending our use of the concept of Failure Domains and distributing a cluster across the given ones. However, instead of a failure domain consisting of a zone on a single Cloudstack endpoint, we will redefine it to consist of the unique combination of a Cloudstack zone, api endpoint, account, and domain. In order to support this functionality in EKS-A, we need to have a similar breakdown where an EKS-A cluster can span across multiple endpoints, zones, accounts, and domains.


  • Simple: simple to use, simple to understand, simple to maintain
  • Declarative: intent based system, as close to a Kubernetes native experience as possible

Goals and Objectives

As a Kubernetes administrator I want to:

  • support validation of my cluster and environment across multiple failure domains before creating/upgrading/deleting my cluster
  • Create EKS Anywhere clusters which span across multiple failure domains
  • Upgrade EKS Anywhere clusters which span across multiple failure domains
  • Delete EKS Anywhere clusters which span across multiple failure domains

Statement of Scope

In scope

  • Add support for create/upgrade/delete of EKS-A clusters across multiple Cloudstack API endpoints

Not in scope

Future scope

  • Multiple network support to handle IP address exhaustion within a zone

Overview of Solution

We propose to take the least invasive solution of repurposing the CloudstackDataCenterConfig to point to multiple Availability Zones, each of which contains the necessary Cloudstack resources (i.e. image, computeOffering, diskOffering, network, etc.). In order for this to work, all the necessary Cloudstack resources (i.e. image, computeOffering, diskOffering, network, etc.) will need to be available on all the Cloudstack API endpoints. We will validate this prior to create/upgrade.

Solution Details

Interface changes

Currently, the CloudstackDataCenterConfig spec contains:

type CloudStackDatacenterConfigSpec struct {
    // Domain contains a grouping of accounts. Domains usually contain multiple accounts that have some logical relationship to each other and a set of delegated administrators with some authority over the domain and its subdomains
    Domain string `json:"domain"`
    // Zones is a list of one or more zones that are managed by a single CloudStack management endpoint.
    Zones []CloudStackZone `json:"zones"`
    // Account typically represents a customer of the service provider or a department in a large organization. Multiple users can exist in an account, and all CloudStack resources belong to an account. Accounts have users and users have credentials to operate on resources within that account. If an account name is provided, a domain must also be provided.
    Account string `json:"account,omitempty"`
    // CloudStack Management API endpoint's IP. It is added to VM's noproxy list
    ManagementApiEndpoint string `json:"managementApiEndpoint"`

We would instead propose to gradually deprecate all the existing attributes and instead, simply include a list of AvailabilityZone objects like so

type CloudStackDatacenterConfigSpec struct {
    // Deprecated
    Domain string `json:"domain,omitempty"`
    // Deprecated
    Zones []CloudStackZone `json:"zones,omitempty"`
    // Deprecated
    Account string `json:"account,omitempty"`
    // Deprecated
    ManagementApiEndpoint string `json:"managementApiEndpoint,omitempty"`
    // List of AvailabilityZones to distribute VMs across - corresponds to a list of CAPI failure domains
    AvailabilityZones []CloudStackAvailabilityZone `json:"availabilityZones,omitempty"`

where each AvailabilityZone object looks like

type CloudStackAvailabilityZone struct {
    // Name would be used as a unique identifier for each availability zone
    Name string `json:"name"`
    // CredentialRef would be used to match a secret in the eksa-system namespace
    CredentialsRef string `json:"credentialsRef"
    // Domain contains a grouping of accounts. Domains usually contain multiple accounts that have some logical relationship to each other and a set of delegated administrators with some authority over the domain and its subdomains
    // This field is considered as a fully qualified domain name which is the same as the domain path without "ROOT/" prefix. For example, if "foo" is specified then a domain with "ROOT/foo" domain path is picked.
    // The value "ROOT" is a special case that points to "the" ROOT domain of the CloudStack. That is, a domain with a path "ROOT/ROOT" is not allowed.
    Domain string `json:"domain"`
    // Zones is a list of one or more zones that are managed by a single CloudStack management endpoint.
    Zone CloudStackZone `json:"zone"`
    // Account typically represents a customer of the service provider or a department in a large organization. Multiple users can exist in an account, and all CloudStack resources belong to an account. Accounts have users and users have credentials to operate on resources within that account. If an account name is provided, a domain must also be provided.
    Account string `json:"account,omitempty"`
    // CloudStack Management API endpoint's IP. It is added to VM's noproxy list
    ManagementApiEndpoint string `json:"managementApiEndpoint"`

and we would parse these resources and pass them into CAPC by modifying the templates we have currently implemented. We can then use this new model to read in credentials, perform pre-flight checks, plumb data to CAPC, and support upgrades in the controller. The goal would be to make these new resources backwards compatible via code


A failure domain is a CAPI concept which serves to improve HA and availability by destributing machines across "failure domains", as discussed here. CAPC currently utilizes them to distribute machines across CloudStack Zones. However, we now want to go a step further and consider the following unique combination to be an AvailabilityZone:

  1. Cloudstack endpoint
  2. Cloudstack domain
  3. Cloudstack zone
  4. Cloudstack account
  5. A reference to the customer-provider credentials for interacting with this Cloudstack endpoint

You can find more information about these Cloudstack resources here

CloudstackDatacenterConfig Validation

With the multi-endpoint system for the Cloudstack provider, users reference a CloudstackMachineConfig and it's created across multiple AvailabilityZones. The implication is that all the Cloudstack resources such as image, ComputeOffering, ISOAttachment, etc. must be available in all the AvailabilityZones, or all the Cloudstack endpoints, and these resources must be referenced by name, not unique ID. This would mean that we need to check if there are multiple Cloudstack endpoints, and if so check the zones, networks, domains, accounts, and users.

We will also validate the credentials referenced by each AvailabilityZone, which can either be referenced as existing K8s secrets on the cluster, or from the local ini file. More details in the Cloudstack Credentials section below

CloudstackMachineConfig Validation

For each CloudstackMachineConfig, we have to make sure that all the prerequisite Cloudstack resources are available in all the Cloudstack API endpoints (DiskOffering, ComputeOffering, template, affinitygroupids).

In practice, the pseudocode would look like:

for availabilityZone in availabilityZones: for machineConfig in machineConfigs: validate resource presence with the availabilityZone's configuration of the CloudMonkey executable

Cloudstack Credentials

In a multi-endpoint Cloudstack cluster, each endpoint may have its own credentials. We propose that Cloudstack credentials will be passed in via environment variable in the same way as they are currently, only as a list corresponding to some K8s secrets which will be generated. Currently, these credentials are passed in via environment variable, which contains a base64 encoded .ini file that looks like

api-key    = redacted
secret-key = redacted
api-url    =

We would propose an extension of the above input mechanism so the user could provide credentials across multiple Cloudstack API endpoints like

api-key    = redacted
secret-key = redacted
api-url    =

api-key    = redacted
secret-key = redacted
api-url    =

api-key    = redacted
secret-key = redacted
api-url    =


Where the Section names (i.e. Global, AvailabilityZone1, etc.) correspond to the credentials needed to access a given Availability Zone.

In order to avoid taking a dependency on a meaningless section of a transient file, we will modify EKS-A to also create the secrets to be used by CAPC. These secrets will be generated from the ini file provided by customer and applied to the cluster. CAPC will then proceed to take ownership of them as currently done in CAPV. We will refer to this set of credentials in the CloudStackCluster resource as well so CAPC knows which ones to use.

So for create, we’ll have:

  1. Customer provides ini file containing set of named credentials
  2. Customer provides CloudstackDatacenterConfigSpec with list of named AvailabilityZones to distribute the cluster across. Each AvailabilityZone will have a credentialRef which can either point to an existing secret on the cluster, or a named credential from the ini file
  3. EKS-A will check each credentialRef in the AvailabilityZones provided. If it’s already in the cluster as a secret, validate it against the contents in the ini file. If it’s not already in the cluster as a secret but there’s an entry in the ini file for it, create a new secret. If it’s not in the cluster as a secret and not in the ini file, throw an error
  4. Proceed to generate CAPC template and pass these secretRefs to CAPC who will add an OwnerRef to them

The secrets will be managed by EKS-A insofar that they can be created but not updated. If users want to update an existing secret, they will have to do so manually both in the K8s secret object, as well as the local ini file prior to running upgrade. We will also error out if there is a discrepancy in secret contents between the K8s object and the ini file. This will provide a safeguard to prevent unintentionally setting incorrect credentials for a whole collection of clusters.

Backwards Compatibility

In order to support backwards compatibility in the CloudstackDatacenterConfig resource for users with existing clusters, we can

  1. Make all the fields optional and see if the user has the old fields set or the new ones, then write a transformer to set the new fields and clean up the old ones
  2. Introduce an eks-a version bump with conversion webhooks

Between these two approaches, we propose to take the first and then deprecate the legacy fields in a subsequent release to simplify the code paths.

Upgrading an existing cluster will require passing the new credentials and templates to CAPC in a way that the mapping from CAPC FailureDomains to EKS-A AvailabilityZones can be preserved. We plan to align on naming conventions for upgrading existing clusters based on some metadata from the current multi-zone configuration into a multi-endpoint configuration.


The main change regarding security is the additional credential management. Otherwise, we are doing exactly the same operations - preflight check with cloudmonkey, create yaml templates and apply them, and then read/write eks-a resources in the eks-a controller. The corresponding change is an extension of an existing mechanism and there should not be any new surface area for risks than there was previously.

One risk to consider with regards to the new credential management strategy is that if AvailabilityZones are upgraded to use a new credential, there is a possibility of having old rogue Secret objects which will need to be cleaned up manually.


The new code will be covered by unit and e2e tests, and the e2e framework will be extended to support cluster creation across multiple Cloudstack API endpoints.

The following e2e test will be added:

simple flow cluster creation/scaling/deletion across multiple Cloudstack API endpoints:

  • create a management+workload cluster spanning multiple Cloudstack API endpoints
  • scale up the size of the management+workload cluster so that we touch multiple Cloudstack API endpoints
  • scale down the size of the management+workload cluster so that we touch multiple Cloudstack API endpoints
  • delete cluster

In order to achieve this e2e test, we'll need to introduce a new test environment for CI/CD e2e tests which can be used as a second Cloudstack API endpoint

Other approaches explored

  1. Another direction we can go to support this feature is to refactor the entire EKS-A codebase so that instead of all the AvailabilityZones existing inside the CloudstackDatacenterConfig object, each CloudstackDatacenterConfig itself corresponds with a single AvailabilityZone. Then, the top level EKS-A Cluster object could be refactored to have a list of DatacenterRefs instead of a single one. However, this approach feels extremely invasive to the product and does not provide tangible value to the other providers.
  2. Additionally, we can consider the option of introducing a new DatacenterConfig object which represents not one Cloudstack Availability Zone, but multiple. However, the issue here is that the CloudstackDatacenterConfig already has a list of CloudstackZone objects, so we're essentially already supporting multiple of what could be interpreted as Availability Zones. Adding additional attributes to that concept is a more natural extension of the API, instead of defining a new type