You can configure your Chat UI's initial render and defaults through these properties as well as connecting the events which will trigger after user interactions. Since all of the props are optional, feel free to assign only the ones you need.
export interface MynahUIProps {
rootSelector?: string;
defaults?: MynahUITabStoreTab;
tabs?: MynahUITabStoreModel;
config?: Partial<ConfigModel>;
onShowMoreWebResultsClick?: (
tabId: string,
messageId: string,
eventId?: string) => void;
onReady?: () => void;
onFocusStateChanged?: (focusState: boolean) => void;
onVote?: (
tabId: string,
messageId: string,
vote: RelevancyVoteType,
eventId?: string) => void;
onStopChatResponse?: (
tabId: string,
eventId?: string) => void;
onResetStore?: (tabId: string) => void;
onChatPrompt?: (
tabId: string,
prompt: ChatPrompt,
eventId?: string) => void;
onFollowUpClicked?: (
tabId: string,
messageId: string,
followUp: ChatItemAction,
eventId?: string) => void;
onInBodyButtonClicked?: (
tabId: string,
messageId: string,
action: {
id: string;
text?: string;
formItemValues?: Record<string, string>;
eventId?: string) => void;
onTabChange?: (
tabId: string,
eventId?: string) => void;
onTabAdd?: (
tabId: string,
eventId?: string) => void;
onContextSelected?: (
contextItem: QuickActionCommand,
) => boolean;
onTabRemove?: (
tabId: string,
eventId?: string) => void;
* @param tabId tabId which the close button triggered
* @returns boolean -> If you want to close the tab immediately send true
onBeforeTabRemove?: (
tabId: string,
eventId?: string) => boolean;
onChatItemEngagement?: (
tabId: string,
messageId: string,
engagement: Engagement) => void;
onCodeBlockActionClicked?: (
tabId: string,
messageId: string,
actionId: string,
data?: string,
code?: string,
type?: CodeSelectionType,
referenceTrackerInformation?: ReferenceTrackerInformation[],
eventId?: string,
codeBlockIndex?: number,
totalCodeBlocks?: number,) => void;
onCopyCodeToClipboard?: (
tabId: string,
messageId: string,
code?: string,
type?: CodeSelectionType,
referenceTrackerInformation?: ReferenceTrackerInformation[],
eventId?: string,
codeBlockIndex?: number,
totalCodeBlocks?: number,
data?: string,) => void;
onCodeInsertToCursorPosition?: (
tabId: string,
messageId: string,
code?: string,
type?: CodeSelectionType,
referenceTrackerInformation?: ReferenceTrackerInformation[],
eventId?: string,
codeBlockIndex?: number,
totalCodeBlocks?: number,
data?: string,) => void;
onSourceLinkClick?: (
tabId: string,
messageId: string,
link: string,
mouseEvent?: MouseEvent,
eventId?: string) => void;
onLinkClick?: (
tabId: string,
messageId: string,
link: string,
mouseEvent?: MouseEvent,
eventId?: string) => void;
onFormLinkClick?: (
link: string,
mouseEvent?: MouseEvent,
eventId?: string) => void;
onInfoLinkClick?: (
tabId: string,
link: string,
mouseEvent?: MouseEvent,
eventId?: string) => void;
onSendFeedback?: (
tabId: string,
feedbackPayload: FeedbackPayload,
eventId?: string) => void;
onFormModifierEnterPress?: (
formData: Record<string, string>,
tabId: string,
eventId?: string) => void;
onFormTextualItemKeyPress?: (
event: KeyboardEvent,
formData: Record<string, string>,
itemId: string;
tabId: string,
eventId?: string) => boolean;
onCustomFormAction?: (
tabId: string,
action: {
id: string;
text?: string;
formItemValues?: Record<string, string>;
eventId?: string) => void;
* @deprecated since version 4.6.3. Will be dropped after version 5.x.x. Use {@link onFileClick} instead
onOpenDiff?: (
tabId: string,
filePath: string,
deleted: boolean,
messageId?: string,
eventId?: string) => void;
onFileClick?: (
tabId: string,
filePath: string,
deleted: boolean,
messageId?: string,
eventId?: string) => void;
onFileActionClick?: (
tabId: string,
messageId: string,
filePath: string,
actionName: string,
eventId?: string) => void;
onTabBarButtonClick?: (
tabId: string,
buttonId: string,
eventId?: string) => void;
Let's deep dive into each property you can set.
You may notice that a vast majority of the event functions have eventId
property. We're sending a unique eventId
for all real intended user actions like clicks, prompts or tab related actions.
It is mandatory to send it as an argument for some functions like mynahUI.selectTab
.You need to send the incoming eventId
from the connected event function to change a tab programmatically. Because without a user intent, you cannot change a tab.
And those kind of functions will only work with the last eventId
. So you cannot store an id and send it after several different user actions.
(default: "body"
rootSelector simply allows you to set which dom element you want to render the whole chat interface including the tabs and the chat prompt block and also the chat items. It will also create temporary or portal elements inside the same element such as notifications, custom dropdown blocks and also tooltips with rich content. However, they'll exceed the views boundaries.
rootSelector: "#chat-wrapper", // default: "body"
(default: undefined
defaults is here for you to set the default content and parameters for every new tab will be opened by the end user or created on the runtime without giving a specific data. You can set the prompt related fields, initial chat bubbles, or any parameter on a tab's data model.
defaults: {
// ...
}, // default: undefined
For more information about what is the data model for the store attribute please refer to Data Model Documentation
(default: undefined
tabs is here for you to set the initial tabs with their initial content while initializing and rendering the UI for the first time. You can set anything related with the tab and or any parameter on a tab's data model.
It is pretty handy to keep the state of the whole UI and send it back while reinitializing after a refresh for example.
Note: You cannot set it on the runtime, it is just for initialization.
tabs: {
"Unique_Tab_Id": {
isSelected: true | false, // default: false
// ...
}, // default: undefined
For more information about what is the data model for the store attribute please refer to Data Model Documentation
(default: undefined
You can set the config here.
Note: You cannot set it on the runtime, it is just for initialization.
config: {
// Do not forget that you have to provide all of them
// Config doesn't allow partial set of texts
texts: {
mainTitle: string;
feedbackFormTitle: string;
feedbackFormOptionsLabel: string;
feedbackFormCommentLabel: string;
feedbackThanks: string;
feedbackReportButtonLabel: string;
codeSuggestions: string;
files: string;
insertAtCursorLabel: string;
copy: string;
showMore: string;
save: string;
cancel: string;
submit: string;
stopGenerating: string;
copyToClipboard: string;
noMoreTabsTooltip: string;
codeSuggestionWithReferenceTitle: string;
spinnerText: string;
// Options to show up on the overlay feedback form
// after user clicks to downvote on a chat item
// and clicks 'Report' again
feedbackOptions: Array<{
label: string;
value: string;
maxTabs: number;
}, // default: undefined
Refer to the configuration for more details
Now let's dive deep into the events you can catch from the UI
This event will be fired when end user clicks to show all resources down arrow button and pass the arguments tabId
and messageId
onShowMoreWebResultsClick: (
tabId: string,
messageId: string) => {
console.log(`Sent from tab: ${tabId}`);
console.log(`From message card: ${messageId}`);
This event will be fired when the UI is initialized and rendered without any arguments.
onReady: () => {
console.log('UI is ready');
This event will be fired whenever user targets to MynahUI or wents away.
onFocusStateChanged: (focusState: boolean) => {
console.log(`MynahUI is ${focusState ? 'focused' : 'not focused'}.`);
This event will be fired when end user clicks one of the thumbs up or down buttons to vote the answer. It will pass the arguments tabId
, messageId
and the vote
Please refer to the data model to learn how to enable vote buttons for chat answers
onVote: (
tabId: string,
messageId: string,
vote: RelevancyVoteType) => {
console.log(`Sent from tab: ${tabId}`);
console.log(`Vote for message: ${messageId}`);
console.log(`Vote: ${vote}`); // 'upvote' | 'downvote'
This event will be fired when end user clicks to Stop generating
button. It will pass only the tabId
argument. To enable this feature globally, you need to set this function
Please refer to the data model to learn how to enable/disable onStopChatResponse for individual tabs
onStopChatResponse: (tabId: string):void => {
console.log(`Sent from tab: ${tabId}`);
This event will be fired when the store is reset for that specific tab. It will pass only the tabId
onResetStore: (tabId: string):void => {
console.log(`Store reset for tab: ${tabId}`);
This event will be fired when user hits enter or clicks to send button on the prompt input field. It will pass tabId
and the prompt
object as arguments.
Please refer to the data model to learn more about the ChatPrompt
object type.
onChatPrompt?: (
tabId: string,
prompt: ChatPrompt):void => {
console.log(`Sent from tab: ${tabId}`);
console.log(`Prompt text (as written): ${prompt.prompt}`);
console.log(`Prompt text (HTML escaped): ${prompt.escapedPrompt}`);
console.log(`Command (if selected from quick actions): ${prompt.command}`);
console.log(`Context (if selected from context selector): ${(prompt.context??[]).join(', ')}`);
console.log(`Attachment (feature not available yet): ${prompt.attachment}`);
You have to manually add the chat item for the prompt with the given ways on the How to use document.
This event will be fired when user selects one of the available followups. It will pass tabId
, messageId
and the clicked followUp
object as arguments.
Important note: If the clicked followup item contains prompt
attribute, MynahUI will automatically add the ChatItem
to the chat stack and will render it as a user prompt chat bubble with the prompt
attributes text (on the right side). If you want to avoid this and manually control what will be added as a chat item or not adding anything at all after the selection of the followup, leave the prompt
attribute undefined.
Important note: Followup texts show up at most 40 chars in the followup pill. If the length is more than 40 chars it will pop up a tooltip to show the rest of the text. However, it will not break the description
to show up as a tooltip, instead if there is also the description
attribute, it will append that to a new line in the tooltip.
Please refer to the data model to learn more about the ChatItemAction
object type.
onFollowUpClicked?: (
tabId: string,
messageId: string,
followUp: ChatItemAction):void => {
console.log(`Sent from tab: ${tabId}`);
console.log(`For the message: ${messageId}`);
console.log(`Followup type (free text): ${followUp.type}`);
console.log(`Followup text (visible on screen): ${followUp.pillText}`);
This event will be fired when user clicks one of the available followups.
It will pass you the tabId
, messageId
and information about the clicked action
And the last argument action
will contain:
id: string; // Id of the action clicked
text?: string; // Label text of the action
formItemValues?: Record<string, string>; // Form item values if you add any using the formItems
Please refer to formItems for combining actions and form items in a card.
Important note: If you clicked an action item which doesn't have the value true
for keepCardAfterClick
attribute, that click will remove the whole card. Otherwise it will disable all the actions and the form items inside that card.
Please refer to the data model to learn more about the ChatItemButton
object type.
onInBodyButtonClicked?: (
tabId: string,
messageId: string,
action):void => {
console.log(`Sent from tab: ${tabId}`);
console.log(`For the message: ${messageId}`);
console.log(`Action id: ${}`);
console.log(`Action text: ${action.text ?? ''}`);
console.log(`Form item values: ${JSON.stringify(action.formItemValues ?? {})}`);
This event will be fired when user changes the tab. It will only pass tabId
for the new selected tab as argument.
onTabChange?: (tabId: string):void => {
console.log(`New selected tabId: ${tabId}`);
This event will be fired when user clicks the add tab button or double clicks to an empty space on the tab bar to open a new tab. It will only pass tabId
for the new tab as argument.
onTabAdd?: (tabId: string):void => {
console.log(`New tabId: ${tabId}`);
This event will be fired whenever a user selects an item from the context (@
) list either using mouse click or keyboard actions. It is only triggered for items without children, i.e. only leaves in the tree. The data of the selected context item can be accessed through the contextItem
. This event handler expects a boolean return:
- Returning
indicates that the context item should be added to the prompt input text. - Returning
indicates that nothing should be added to the prompt input, and the triggering string should be cleared. E.g. if a user types@wor
and presses tab on the@workspace
action, the@wor
would be removed from the prompt input and no context item will be added.
onContextSelected(contextItem: QuickActionCommand) {
if (contextItem.command === 'Add Prompt') {
Log('Custom context action triggered for adding a prompt!')
return false;
return true;
This event will be fired when user clicks the close button but before actually closing the tab. You have partial control over the tab close. If you return false to this function, it will not immediately close the tab and will ask an approval from the user. Otherwise it will close the tab. You can set the texts which will be appeared on the confirmation overlay on Config/TEXTS. It will only pass tabId
for the closed tab as argument.
onBeforeTabRemove: (tabId: string):boolean => {
// For example you can check if the tab is in loading state or not.
const isTabLoading = mynahUI.getAllTabs()[tabId].store?.loadingChat;
return !isTabLoading;
This event will be fired when user clicks the close button on a tab or middle clicks to the tab to close it but if onBeforeTabRemove
is not attached or attached but returned true
. It will only pass tabId
for the closed tab as argument.
onTabRemove?: (tabId: string):void => {
console.log(`Closed tabId: ${tabId}`);
This event will be fired when user engages with a system generated chat bubble in various ways like moving/holding the mouse over it more than 3 seconds or selects some text inside the chat message bubble or clicks anywhere inside it. It will pass tabId
, messageId
for the engaged chat message bubble and also the engagement
for the engagement details as arguments.
Please refer to the data model to learn more about the Engagement
object type.
Note: This event will be only activated if you bind a function to it. It means that if you leave it undefined it will not listen/track any mouse movement at all for the chat message bubbles.
onChatItemEngagement?: (
tabId: string,
messageId: string,
engagement: Engagement):void => {
console.log(`Sent from tab: ${tabId}`);
console.log(`Engaged message: ${messageId}`);
console.log(`Engagement type: ${engagement.engagementType}`); // interaction | timespend
console.log(`Engagement duration: ${engagement.engagementDurationTillTrigger}`);
console.log(`Engagement total mouse distance travelled: ${engagement.totalMouseDistanceTraveled}`);
console.log(`Engagement selection:
x movement: ${engagement.selectionDistanceTraveled?.x}
y movement: ${engagement.selectionDistanceTraveled?.y}
selected text: ${engagement.selectionDistanceTraveled?.selectedText}
This event will be fired when user clicks one of the buttons from custom added codeBlockActions
button on the footer of a code block. It will pass tabId
, actionId
, data
, messageId
, code
for the copied code to theclipboard as a text, type
for the type of the code copied (block or selection) and the referenceTrackerInformation
if the copied code block contains some code reference as the arguments. Finally after the eventId
attribute, you can get the index of the code block inside that message with codeBlockIndex
together with total number of code blocks again inside that message with totalCodeBlocks
Note: even though the referenceTrackerInformation
comes to the message with codeReference
attribute with the index position depending on the whole content of the body of the message, the return of it as an attribute from this event gives the indexes according to position inside that code block.
Please refer to the data model to learn more about the codeBlockActions
Please refer to the data model to learn more about the ReferenceTrackerInformation
object type.
onCodeBlockActionClicked: (
totalCodeBlocks) => {
Log(`Code action <b>${actionId}</b> clicked on tab <b>${tabId}</b> inside message <b>${messageId}</b><br/>
type: <b>${type ?? 'unknown'}</b><br/>
data: <b>${JSON.stringify(data ?? {})}</b><br/>
code: <b>${escapeHTML(code ?? '')}</b><br/>
referenceTracker: <b>${referenceTrackerInformation?.map(rt => rt.information).join('<br/>') ?? ''}</b><br/>
codeBlockIndex: <b>${(codeBlockIndex ?? 0) + 1}</b> of ${totalCodeBlocks}
This event will be fired when user clicks the copy button on the footer of a code block or selects some text inside a code block and triggers keyboard shortcuts for copying. It will pass tabId
, messageId
, code
for the copied code to theclipboard as a text, type
for the type of the code copied (block or selection) and the referenceTrackerInformation
if the copied code block contains some code reference as the arguments. Finally after the eventId
attribute, you can get the index of the code block inside that message with codeBlockIndex
together with total number of code blocks again inside that message with totalCodeBlocks
Note: even though the referenceTrackerInformation
comes to the message with codeReference
attribute with the index position depending on the whole content of the body of the message, the return of it as an attribute from this event gives the indexes according to position inside that code block.
Please refer to the data model to learn more about the ReferenceTrackerInformation
object type.
onCopyCodeToClipboard?: (
tabId: string,
messageId: string,
code?: string,
type?: CodeSelectionType,
referenceTrackerInformation?: ReferenceTrackerInformation[],
codeBlockIndex?: number,
totalCodeBlocks?: number):void => {
console.log(`Sent from tab: ${tabId}`);
console.log(`Code inside message: ${messageId}`);
console.log(`Copied code: ${code}`);
console.log(`Copy type: ${type}`); // selection | block
console.log(`Reference tracker info: ${referenceTrackerInformation?.map(rti=>`${rti.licenseName} ${rti.repository}`).join(', ')}`);
console.log(`Code block index: ${codeBlockIndex + 1} of ${totalCodeBlocks}`);
This event will be fired when user clicks the copy button on the footer of a code block or selects some text inside a code block and triggers keyboard shortcuts for copying. It will pass tabId
, messageId
, code
for the copied code to theclipboard as a text, type
for the type of the code copied (block or selection) and the referenceTrackerInformation
if the copied code block contains some code reference as the arguments. Finally after the eventId
attribute, you can get the index of the code block inside that message with codeBlockIndex
together with total number of code blocks again inside that message with totalCodeBlocks
Note: even though the referenceTrackerInformation
comes to the message with codeReference
attribute with the index position depending on the whole content of the body of the message, the return of it as an attribute from this event gives the indexes according to position inside that code block.
Please refer to the data model to learn more about the ReferenceTrackerInformation
object type.
onCodeInsertToCursorPosition?: (
tabId: string,
messageId: string,
code?: string,
type?: CodeSelectionType,
referenceTrackerInformation?: ReferenceTrackerInformation[],
codeBlockIndex?: number,
totalCodeBlocks?: number):void => {
console.log(`Sent from tab: ${tabId}`);
console.log(`Code inside message: ${messageId}`);
console.log(`Code to insert: ${code}`);
console.log(`Copy type: ${type}`); // selection | block
console.log(`Reference tracker info: ${referenceTrackerInformation?.map(rti=>`${rti.licenseName} ${rti.repository}`).join(', ')}`);
console.log(`Code block index: ${codeBlockIndex + 1} of ${totalCodeBlocks}`);
This event will be fired when user clicks one the the sources links after the body of a chat message body. It will pass tabId
, messageId
, link
for the clicked link and the mouseEvent
for the event object in case if it needs to be prevented as the arguments.
Note: For example, JetBrains JCEF WebView opens the links in a new browser view of its own. However to prevent this action and navigate to user's own preferred browser to open the links, you may want to cancel the default behaviour and run your own function to open the OS default browser.
onSourceLinkClick?: (
tabId: string,
messageId: string,
link: string,
mouseEvent?: MouseEvent):void => {
console.log(`Sent from tab: ${tabId}`);
console.log(`Source link of message: ${messageId}`);
console.log(`link: ${link}`);
// mouseEvent.preventDefault();
This event will be fired when user clicks a link inside the body of a chat message. It will pass tabId
, messageId
, link
for the clicked link and the mouseEvent
for the event object in case if it needs to be prevented as the arguments.
Note: For example, JetBrains JCEF WebView opens the links in a new browser view of its own. However to prevent this action and navigate to user's own preferred browser to open the links, you may want to cancel the default behaviour and run your own function to open the OS default browser.
onLinkClick?: (
tabId: string,
messageId: string,
link: string,
mouseEvent?: MouseEvent):void => {
console.log(`Sent from tab: ${tabId}`);
console.log(`Source link of message: ${messageId}`);
console.log(`link: ${link}`);
// mouseEvent.preventDefault();
This event will be fired when user clicks a link inside the description field on feedback or custom forms. It will pass link
, for the clicked link and the mouseEvent
and the to check userIntent the eventId
Note: For example, JetBrains JCEF WebView opens the links in a new browser view of its own. However to prevent this action and navigate to user's own preferred browser to open the links, you may want to cancel the default behaviour and run your own function to open the OS default browser.
onFormLinkClick?: (
link: string,
mouseEvent?: MouseEvent):void => {
console.log(`Sent from Form`);
console.log(`link: ${link}`);
// mouseEvent.preventDefault();
This event will be fired when user clicks a link inside the footer information message below the prompt input field for that tab. It will pass tabId
, link
for the clicked link and the mouseEvent
for the event object in case if it needs to be prevented as the arguments.
Note: For example, JetBrains JCEF WebView opens the links in a new browser view of its own. However to prevent this action and navigate to user's own preferred browser to open the links, you may want to cancel the default behaviour and run your own function to open the OS default browser.
onInfoLinkClick?: (
tabId: string,
link: string,
mouseEvent?: MouseEvent):void => {
console.log(`Sent from tab: ${tabId}`);
console.log(`link: ${link}`);
// mouseEvent.preventDefault();
This event will be fired when user sends a feedback from the feedback panel which opens after giving a negative vote to a message and follow it with a send feedback button click. It will pass tabId
and feedbackPayload
for the feedback details as the arguments.
Note: The options for the feedback type are coming from the configuration.
Please refer to the configuration to learn more about the feedback type options.
onSendFeedback?: (
tabId: string,
feedbackPayload: FeedbackPayload):void => {
console.log(`Sent from tab: ${tabId}`);
console.log(`Feedback for message: ${feedbackPayload.messageId}`);
console.log(`Feedback type: ${feedbackPayload.selectedOption}`);
console.log(`Feedback comment: ${feedbackPayload.comment}`);
// mouseEvent.preventDefault();
This event will be fired when the user presses the modifier key (cmd
on macOS, and ctrl
on Windows / Linux) and the enter
key at the same time, while focused on a textual form input field. The event will only be triggered for input fields that have set checkModifierEnterKeyPress: true
, and it will only be triggered if the form is valid and can be submitted. An example use case for this would be submitting the form through a keyboard hotkey action.
onFormModifierEnterPress?: (
formData: Record<string, string>,
tabId: string,
eventId?: string): void => {
console.log(`Form modifier enter pressed on tab <b>${tabId}</b>:<br/>
Form data: <b>${JSON.stringify(formData)}</b><br/>
This event will be fired when the user presses any key on their keyboard for textual form input items if the form is valid.
Important note:
- This handler also expects a return as a boolean. If you return
then the form will be disabled including the following buttons. Also if they are in a custom form overlay panel, that panel will be closed. If you returnfalse
, everything will remain as is. - Another important key point is having the
object as a KeyboardEvent. With that, you can prevent the default action of the keypress event. See the example below.
onFormTextualItemKeyPress?: (
event: KeyaboardEvent
formData: Record<string, string>,
itemId: string,
tabId: string,
eventId?: string): boolean => {
console.log(`Form keypress on tab <b>${tabId}</b>:<br/>
Item id: <b>${itemId}</b><br/>
Key: <b>${event.keyCode}</b><br/>
if((itemId === 'description' || itemId === 'comment') && event.keyCode === 13 && event.ctrlKey !== true && event.shiftKey !== true) {
event.preventDefault(); // To stop default behavior
event.stopImmediatePropagation(); // To stop event to bubble to parent or other elements
// Do your magic, and submit your form data
return true; // return true to disable the form like a submit button do. It will also close the customForm overlay panel if the items are inside one.
return false; // Keep the form enabled and if applicable customForm overlay panel open
This event will be fired when user clicks one of the buttons inside a custom popup form. It will pass tabId
and action
. But action
argument contains the id
and text
of the action clicked and the values for each form item with string values.
onCustomFormAction?: (
tabId: string,
action):void => {
console.log(`Sent from tab: ${tabId}`);
console.log(`Action id: ${}`);
console.log(`Action text: ${action.text ?? ''}`);
console.log(`Form item values: ${JSON.stringify(action.formItemValues ?? {})}`);
This event will be fired when user clicks to a file name on the file list inside a chat message body. It will pass tabId
, filePath
for the clicked file, deleted
to identify if the file is deleted and messageId
as the arguments.
onOpenDiff?: (
tabId: string,
filePath: string,
deleted: boolean,
messageId?: string):void => {
console.log(`Sent from tab: ${tabId}`);
console.log(`For message: ${messageId}`);
console.log(`File to open diff view: ${filePath}`);
console.log(`Is file deleted: ${deleted}`);
This event will be fired when user clicks to a file name on the file list inside a chat message body. It will pass tabId
, filePath
for the clicked file, deleted
to identify if the file is deleted and messageId
as the arguments.
onFileClick?: (
tabId: string,
filePath: string,
deleted: boolean,
messageId?: string):void => {
console.log(`Sent from tab: ${tabId}`);
console.log(`For message: ${messageId}`);
console.log(`File to open diff view: ${filePath}`);
console.log(`Is file deleted: ${deleted}`);
This event will be fired when user clicks to an action button for a specific file in a file node tree. It will pass tabId
, messageId
, filePath
and the actionName
TIP: To do further updates on the file tree card, hold the messageId
then you can use the updateChatAnswerWithMessageId function to update that specific card.
onFileActionClick?: (
tabId: string,
messageId?: string,
filePath: string,
actionName: string):void => {
console.log(`Sent from tab: ${tabId}`);
console.log(`For message: ${messageId}`);
console.log(`File name which the action clicked: ${filePath}`);
console.log(`The action id/name clicked: ${actionName}`);
This event will be fired when user clicks to a button inside the tab tab or a button under a menu item inside the tab bar.
TIP: To configure tab buttons according to a tab please see DATAMODEL Documentation. Or for global tab bar button settings please see Config Documentation.
onTabBarButtonClick?: (
tabId: string,
buttonId: string,
eventId?: string):void => {
console.log(`Sent from tab: ${tabId}`);
console.log(`Button ID: ${buttonId}`);