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Releases: aws/mynah-ui


05 Mar 18:36
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What's Changed

  • Publish test snapshots artifacts on publish workflow by @Jurredr in #256
  • Dogusata/add autofocus to textual form items by @dogusata in #257
  • Dogusata/context selector chevron visbility and target+hover+visual update by @dogusata in #258

Full Changelog: v4.23.0...v4.23.1


03 Mar 16:07
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In this version, we've added and updated several features mostly targeting on the @ context and / command selectors.


  • Prompt input field
    • Increased min-height to 3 lines if the screen height is equal to or more than 450px, otherwise keeps 1 line.
  • Context item and Quick action commands
    • Added nested list functionality, now a command or context can have children which will have an indication of right arrow when user focuses/hovers to that item
    • Improved filtering through nested items and highlight matching
    • Added actions option for the group, which is being placed on top of the group title
    • Selected context items are now being sent as an array of context item objects with the onChatPrompt event, in the ChatPrompt object.
    • Added a new event called onContextSelected which uses the return of the handler as a condition to trigger the default behavior or not. Added to make context/command items as an actionable item like a button.
    • Added icon (if available) to the selected context items
    • Added tooltip to the selected context items
    • Added autoscroll to element while navigating with up and down arrows in the list if the item is not in the visible scroll area.
  • Chat item and chat card
    • Added header option to chat item, works similar with footer, however to avoid re-rendering, it requires a undefined as a value at least once while updating the chat item.
  • File list/tree
    • Added collapsed option to collapse all folders
    • Added option to hide file count
    • Added option to make the file list flat instead of a tree (which hides folders except the root)
    • Added vertical scroll instead of truncation.
    • Added folder icon option. If null is given no folder icons will be showed.
  • Forms (both in ChatItem and custom form field)
  • Chat export
    • A new method is added to main class instance called seralizeChat which can be used to get an export of a tab as markdown or HTML with some stylings.


03 Feb 14:58
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This version includes a fix for the linkify structure for markdowns.


  • The latest linkify handler fix handling implementation introduced a bug which the citations are not visible as clickable numbered links anymore. This version fixes the problem by updating the validation pattern to accept [[TEXT]](LINK) format too.


Screenshot 2025-02-03 at 13 01 43

What's Changed

  • fix: Linkify skips double square brackets for text by @dogusata in #228

Full Changelog: v4.22.0...v4.22.1


31 Jan 12:57
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This version includes the description addition to the feedback form.


  • Added description field which can be set through the config. It accepts markdown format content including links. If there is a link in it, it will be passed to the consumer via onFormLinkClick constructor event handler property.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v4.21.6...v4.22.0


28 Jan 15:35
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In this version, linkify strategy is updated.


  • For security reasons, we disabled auto linkify for link texts coming in markdown other than [TEXT](URL) format. Only this format will be accepted to create a clickable anchor tag.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v4.21.5...4.21.6


17 Jan 12:36
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What's Changed

  • test: added e2e test for checking first/last line in prompt navigation by @Jurredr in #219
  • refactor: extracted prompt texts in new test into variables by @Jurredr in #220
  • Dogusata/fix cursor position reset after history item set by @dogusata in #222
  • 221 pressing tab on context selector duplicates the subsequent text if it exists by @dogusata in #224

Full Changelog: v4.21.4...v4.21.5


06 Jan 19:07
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This release introduces two bug fixes and a completely new syntax highlighter (under the hood), which supports more accurate tokenization leading to clearer and more beautiful highlighting.

What's Changed

  • Up/down arrow navigation now only triggers when cursor is at the start or end of multiline inputs by @Jurredr in #208 and by @dogusata in #214
  • Bug fixed: the context menu no longer shows when max input length is set to 0 and the user tries to type an @, By @Jurredr in #213
  • New syntax highlighter library for improved theming and tokenization, by @Jurredr in #211

Full Changelog: v4.21.3...v4.21.4


16 Dec 14:58
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This version adds a destroy function for completely resetting MynahUI state without needing to reinstantiate it.

What's Changed

  • feat: add public destroy command for resetting MynahUI state by @jpinkney-aws in #204

Full Changelog: v4.21.2...v4.22.3


10 Dec 15:48
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This version fixes two minor issues related to the recently introduced up/down arrows prompt navigation (like in the terminal).


  1. When user is currently writing a prompt without sending it, and navigate through previous prompts via up/down arrows, and then goes back to the top of the list (current last unsent prompt), the unsent prompt was deleted, with this update the current unsent prompt is still visible and accessible. (#198)
  2. In VSCode and JetBrains, we fix the way code attachments are shown (when navigating to previous prompts which have a code attachment) by removing ``` at the beginning and end of the code snippets and potentially avoiding any replacement of the first instance of ~~~~~~~~~~ in the code snippet (#200)

Full changelog: v4.21.1...v4.21.2


05 Dec 13:54
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This version fixes the font size issue on the footer (below prompt input field) and the line-height issue in general like the body content, tooltips, footer etc.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v4.21.0...v4.21.1