This directory contains the CBMC proofs. Each proof is in its own directory.
This directory includes four Makefiles.
One Makefile describes the basic workflow for building and running proofs:
- Makefile.common:
- make: builds the goto binary, does the cbmc property checking and coverage checking, and builds the final report.
- make goto: builds the goto binary
- make result: does cbmc property checking
- make coverage: does cbmc coverage checking
- make report: builds the final report
Three included Makefiles describe project-specific settings and can override definitions in Makefile.common:
- Makefile-project-defines: definitions like compiler flags required to build the goto binaries, and definitions to override definitions in Makefile.common.
- Makefile-project-targets: other make targets needed for the project
- Makefile-project-testing: other definitions and targets needed for unit testing or continuous integration.