The AWS SAM specification is defined by a JSON schema.
At a high level, the final schema.json
is generated as such:
flowchart TD
subgraph repogoformation["awslabs/goformation"]
cfnschema(["CloudFormation schema"])
subgraph repocfndocs["aws/aws-cdk"]
cfndocs(["CloudFormation documentation"])
samdocs(["SAM documentation"])
samschema(["SAM schema"])
cfnschemadocs(["CloudFormation schema with documentation"])
samschemadocs(["SAM schema with documentation"])
final(["SAM and CloudFormation schema with documentation"])
cfnschema --> cfnschemadocs
cfndocs --> cfnschemadocs
samschema --> samschemadocs
samdocs --> samschemadocs
cfnschemadocs --> final
samschemadocs --> final
The schema is automatically updated at regular intervals.